


Comment, Analysis, Summary, Mediation Anleitung







read the text and secure a good understanding
•structure your summary
80~ 120 words
1. introductory sentence
(titel, autho
read the text and secure a good understanding
•structure your summary
80~ 120 words
1. introductory sentence
(titel, autho
read the text and secure a good understanding
•structure your summary
80~ 120 words
1. introductory sentence
(titel, autho

SUMMARY read the text and secure a good understanding •structure your summary Lenght: 80~ 120 words 1. introductory sentence ● (titel, author, date of publication, publisher, topic) 2.main part meaning sections • sum up the text follow the order of the original text 3. conclusion sum up the main tains. • use your own words present the authors point of view present tense ● strict to the text Dont's no quotations. • no own opinion no statistics, figures examples. ANALYSIS read the text and secure a good understanding. structure your analysis 1. introductory sentence (titel, author, date of publication, publisher, topic) 2.main part • sum up the text shortly analyse (task) ● 3. conclusion repeat the most important facts structure • arguments main messages •quotations examples Language register rhetorical devices tone personal atmosphere introduction: presents the problem the comment will discuss should be intresting ● COMMENT main part: • line of arguments give reasons or evidence relevant examples, quotes, statistics conclusion restates the thesis •sums up the main facts extras typical phrases ex let me know in the comments • personal text type adressee style register. MEDIATION

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