


comment (Aufbau, linking words)







which will discussed in this comment.
It is often claimed that ...
It is commonplace that ... /It is a well-k
which will discussed in this comment.
It is often claimed that ...
It is commonplace that ... /It is a well-k

Comment Intoduction: Structure which will discussed in this comment. It is often claimed that ... It is commonplace that ... /It is a well-know fact that... Thesis 1-topic sentence Main part pport/gle 2 Thesis 2-topic sentence → name the topic and the question that you are going to comment on → try to get the readers attention by Starting in an interesting way use quotes; a catchy opening phrase; or a question → indicate your own opinion on the topic ↳ the instroduction should clearly states the topic that you're commenting on and likewise your position. support/xample 2 ppt/ple 3 Thesis 3-topic sentence support/example 1 support/example 2 pport/example 3 -Phrases The question... is a controversial issue in modern society *Many people regard ... as absolutely unnecessary *This comment will discuss /consider / argue ... •The problem/issue to be discussed in this comment is... *The text/article/story/author raises the question of /instroduces the problem of..., Phrases *Firstly,... seconaly,... finally... *First of all / To begin with I would like to... In addition/Moreover /Besides/Furthermore/one top of that,... *This brings us to the question wether... •But above all, one must not forget that... Taking into account what has been said so far, I... *Having considered the different arguments,).../considering the fact that... on the one Hand..., on the other hand..., ... must also be considered/mentioned. "It must also be taken into consideration that ... → present the most convincing /relevant arguments to...

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support your view → use strong arguments, give facts and details, arque logically (e.g. if +hen) and of examples →> Structure: Aspect - Explanation - Example → use three arguments → start with a topic sentence to instroduce your argument and give examples (3) → use connectives ! Comment -Phrases Identifying and referring to arguments from given text: The main problem/issue/question that is touched upon in this article is ... The author states/arques/claims/main+ains/supports the idea/puts forward the argumen+/denies the fact/ contradicts the opinion that ... - Phrases Presenting my own opinion: "It is my belief /opinion.../in my opinion.../personally.../ To my mind... It seems to me that ... *As far as I can see/am concerned.../As I see it... I(completely) agree (absolutely disagree with ... •As opposed to... (strongly) believe that... Conclusion →sum up the essence of your arguments → answer the question from the introduction and suggest a compromise, a solution or give an outlook into the future →no offer any new points into your conclusion! -Phrases All in all, I therefore reject the view that ... In conclusion, To conclude,... *To sum up, I am seriously opposed to the statement... In brief, I cannot accept the given statement that ... Criteria You have structured your comment using an introduction, a main part and a conclusion. In the introduction you have mentioned the issue and raised a question. You have stated your own position in the introduction and at the end. You have referred to the text as far as necessary to deal with the task. You have presented three main arguments and supported them with examples. You have connected your ideas and sentences logically (linking words!). You have used paragraphs (one paragraph for every new argument). You have checked your vocabulary/grammar/spelling with the help of a dictionary = you have made few mistakes