


Comment racial segregation in South Africa during Apartheid







Englisch - comment
Segregation was a policy
enforce apartheid. Comment
on the effects of segregati
Englisch - comment
Segregation was a policy
enforce apartheid. Comment
on the effects of segregati
Englisch - comment
Segregation was a policy
enforce apartheid. Comment
on the effects of segregati
Englisch - comment
Segregation was a policy
enforce apartheid. Comment
on the effects of segregati
Englisch - comment
Segregation was a policy
enforce apartheid. Comment
on the effects of segregati
Englisch - comment
Segregation was a policy
enforce apartheid. Comment
on the effects of segregati

16 Klausurersatzleistung Englisch - comment Name Amira Fodha Segregation was a policy enforce apartheid. Comment on the effects of segregation on Black Africans during apartheid In the following Comment I will be wri writing about the segregation policy to enforce apartheid. The term "segregation" more than just separation lour case. It peated in the late 1940s and lasted in to IS until the early 1990s and It was a huge problem South Africas history. Th The black comme The government institutionalizad a system of racial segregation munity was cut out of most places and they were not allowed to do activities like the white South African population, not only this but also huge discrimination too. The white South African's felt superior Ho the black community. The topic "apartheid" and "segregation" which is kind of the same thing (meaning), was a really tragic and dark time. South Africa's history Th 1 personally disagree with the promotion of racial discrimin- lation and every single other aspect of the apartheid system and everything they have done to the black people who did nothing I will present some to them arguments that support my position on this topic. During the times of apartheid the black community had basically no rights and a way harder lif harder life. The black! non-white people had to face racism and discrimination Levery single day and had to work even harder than the while people in South Africa at that time. All that because they felt superior to their dark skin 22 Icolor. O O All of this was enforced. by the law. Another important factor is that they were used to work as cheap labor, the things they were restricted...

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by the law. did It was hard to find work and when they did it was hard to get there. Black people were paid really poorly. Their houses often did not have any electricity or water. There was a way for black people to work where the White South Africans live. They only could have done this by carrying a certain passport with this passport needed to be given to police officer when asked (a fine or arrest could occour if the person does not want to show the passport to the police Officer) @ Another aspect is the education for black people. The so called " Bantu Education Act of 1953" to was made by the government to cover up the lies about the education they give black children/students. Black children did not get the same treatment as the White Children did. They were delt with differently. Their education was taken out of control by the department of education into the department of native aftours. The state aided instiu institutions allowed to ban meetings, classes and even to the religious services if any black people attended them. This caused damage black people because they should have gotten real education. Something that really disturbs me is that they taught black children false history/information. They told them that the black people stole land from the white and they basically turned their mistakes into theirs to Keep races apart from each other. The Afrikaans teachers could not do anything about this situation. ce p The suppression of communism Act of 1950 gave the minister of justice the powler to put a through la banning order. People who had this banning order were not allowed to attend certain gatherings at specific times or at all. Selected places were also not allowed to be visited for example like harbors for ourports etc. The loss of rights for public education was Thuge. The people could not publish anything they wrote or being quoted by the newspaper or magazines. The banning order lasted for two to five years depending (per person). a All in all was apartheid racist cover up for manipulation because it was a system of Tracial discrimination. and separation. South Africans were separated by. their race and were forced to live apart from each and develop separately from one another and on top of all that there was still so much hatred, racism, discrimination towards black people. More consequences were Poverty, violence, trauma and psychological disorders All these were head effects. on the black community during the apartheid system.