


comment technology







0:40 ,the biggest problem we have to solve this century
stylistic device: use of personal pronoun we'
By using the personal pronoun we'
0:40 ,the biggest problem we have to solve this century
stylistic device: use of personal pronoun we'
By using the personal pronoun we'

b) 0:40 ,the biggest problem we have to solve this century stylistic device: use of personal pronoun we' " By using the personal pronoun we' Elon Musk makes clear that the issue of sustainable energy production concerns the whole humanity and not just a few people. He furthermore connects with the audience by saying we', because he presents himself as a part of a big group and not as an outstanding visionary. 5- COMMENT-B We live in a decade where technologies and science improves faster than ever. It only took about 80 years to go from the first computer, which was so big that it filled a whole room, to modern smartphones with computing power that is a hundred times as big as these first computers. There is also great progress in science, especially when it comes to genetic engineering. In my opinion it is crazy that things like cloning animals are already possible. nowadays. Although modern technologies and scientific progress seem to have a huge potential, there are loads of laws that regulate them. Considering what Kind of improvements these modern methods retail, many people state that there should be no limits and laws to regulate scientific research or the research of new technologies. It is a fact that new technologies would simplify people's lives. The best example is an...

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autonomous car: people could use the time much more efficient if they would not have to drive the cars themselves, for instance to read a book or check their business emails. Even more impressive is the fact that with modern scientific research it is possible to cure diseases that were incurable before. There are new ways to produce medicine, for example by using pharma crops, and with gene therapy the cure of cancer could might be possible in the near future. Because of strict laws. such progress, which could save thousands of lives, is prohibited. Even if scientists use methods that are allowed per law, it takes loads of time for new medicine or methods of treatment to get authorized. Without products could be launched faster and lots of lives could be saved. such long pe itting processes new While all of this sounds fantastic, there are negative aspects one should consider when thinking about abolishing the regulation of scientific and technological research. Since we were just talking about new scientific methods like gene therapy, we should also look at the compatibility with human rights. Especially genetic engineering concerning embryos often conflicts with the human's right to live. Nobody can deny that destructive embryo research. has a big potential to save lives, but one also has to pay attention to the embryo's life. If an embryo is a human being it has the right to live and should never be sacrificed to save other people's lives. To protect this right, regulatory laws are needed. Furthermore new technologies are accompanied by unpredictable late effects. To stay on the topic of genetic. engineering: Nobody knows what impact the altering of genes will have in the second or third generation and whether these Kids will might be born sick. A very popular technological research topic, which also has to deal with long- term consequences, is artificial intelligence. It might sound crazy but it is a fact that nobody knows how a self-thinking, self-improving artificial intelligence develops in the future and if it could be a danger for humans. These examples show that regulations are important not only to protect our, but also to protect the future generations. The final point is that without regulations and laws no one controls the quality of new inventions. There would be nobody who would stop the launch of products if they do security norms. This could lead to dangerous accidents, poisoning as a consequence of toxic ingredients or medicine with serious side effects. It is obvious that the producers themselves would ignore small defects, because they want to launch their products as quickly as possible to earn money. not meet To conclude there is no doubt about the fact that new scientific researches and technologies without laws and regulations are dangerous and therefore not acceptable. The way I see it the regulations should be less. strict to allow research progress and safe lives. Nevertheless the laws regulating modern science and technologies should never be abolished.