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"It was simpler when we could just be friends, and that didn't
depend on whether someone had accepted your friend request."

Comment "It was simpler when we could just be friends, and that didn't depend on whether someone had accepted your friend request." Nowadays everyone strives to have a lot of followers or subscribers on their social media accounts, but how far does that go? Does it even affect a friendship? Would it be a dealbreaker for you if your friend does not follow your account? Back in the days, when social media and smartphones did not even exist, nobody would worry about a question like that (Whether or not my friends follow my account). Some might say that it does not matter and that a friendship is not based on a follow and others would consider it a betrayal. In my opinion, a true friendship can not be destroyed by such a thing as a follow on a social media account. A friendship goes far beyond that. It is about the other's personality, about support, and about how well you work together. If something like a follow or a like defines your friendship then I do not know if you would truly consider them your friend. Some people might get offended when they realize that you do not follow them or did not like their most recent post. Of course, it is awkward when your friend...

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does not follow your account, where you want people to be part of your everyday life. I mean, you would assume that it goes without saying that your friend wants to be part of your everyday life and thus would follow you on your social media account. But what if they are just not that into social media and all that or they simply do not like what you post? It does not mean that they do not like me or do not want to be my friend anymore. For me, friendship is more based on the things you do in real life and not anything in virtual life, thus the real life actions like support or laughing together weigh more than a follow or a like. But what I would agree on is that it definitely was easier back then, when social media did not exist and the question of whether or not your friend follows you did not even exist. Yes, staying in contact with the help of social media is easier, but because of that, you might even consider somebody a friend, with whom you would never stay in contact if there was not such a thing as social media. Thus you would have a smaller circle of friends, who are your close friends and thus would not care about something like a follow. Considering these facts I would agree with the statement that it was easier back in the day without worrying about a follow of your friend. Not only because you only had contact with the people you really care about and would truly consider a friend, but also because the question about a follow or a like did not even exist. On the contrary, I would also say that a true friend does not care about whether or not you follow them on their social media account, because something like that does not define a friendship. It is not about a follow. It is about caring, respecting, concerning, and admiring the other person.