


Englisch Analyse Beispiel PDF 10. Klasse - Einfach und Verständlich


Englisch Analyse Beispiel PDF 10. Klasse - Einfach und Verständlich
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Mara Sofie



85 Follower


The article discusses the phenomenon of "text walking" and mobile phone etiquette, highlighting the hypocrisy in people's attitudes towards digital habits. It explores various responses to this issue, including potential legislation and public awareness campaigns.

Key points:

  • Many people engage in behaviors they find annoying in others
  • 62% of Britons admit to texting while walking
  • 48% confess to talking on phones in confined spaces
  • Text walking poses risks of accidents and public annoyance
  • Various initiatives worldwide aim to address this issue

Highlight: The article reveals a disconnect between people's attitudes and behaviors regarding mobile phone etiquette.

Vocabulary: "Text walking" refers to the act of walking while texting or using a smartphone, often leading to distraction and potential accidents.

Example: New Jersey is considering legislation to make "distracted walking" illegal, showcasing the seriousness of the issue.



Page 4: Public Perception and Self-Awareness

The final part of the article discusses the public perception of mobile phone etiquette and the lack of self-awareness among many users:

  1. The majority of people find it annoying when others text while walking.
  2. However, many are not sure if they engage in this behavior themselves.
  3. There's a significant gap between how people perceive their own behavior and how they judge others.

Quote: "The most people think it is not okay when they see other people doing it and are not even sure that they do it as well."

This section highlights the Englisch Analyse Beispiel of how people often fail to recognize their own participation in behaviors they criticize in others. It serves as a call for greater self-reflection and awareness regarding our digital habits and their impact on those around us.

Highlight: The discrepancy between people's perception of their own behavior and their judgment of others underscores the need for increased awareness and consideration in public spaces.

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some

Page 2: Survey Results and Specific Digital Habits

This page delves into the specific findings of a survey commissioned by the technology firm Pitney Bowes, revealing the extent of various digital habits among Britons:

  1. 62% of Britons admit to texting or typing while walking in public places.
  2. 48% confess to talking on phones in confined spaces like trains.
  3. 53% acknowledge writing emails or text messages largely in capital letters.

Example: The use of capital letters in digital communication is described as "the internet era's answer to sending letters in green ink," highlighting how digital habits have evolved to express emotions like anger or urgency.

The article then transitions to discussing the global impact of text walking, noting that it has become a major source of irritation worldwide since the advent of internet-enabled smartphones. This sets the stage for examining the various responses to this phenomenon in different parts of the world.

Vocabulary: "Ire" is used in the context of text walking becoming a "major source of ire around the world," emphasizing the widespread frustration caused by this behavior.

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some


Page 5: Commenting on the "Type while Walk" App

This page presents a student's comment on a hypothetical app called "Type while Walk," which aims to reduce accidents caused by text walking:

  1. The app uses the smartphone's camera to show the ground beneath the user's feet.
  2. It's designed to help people avoid accidents while texting and walking.

Vocabulary: Phubbing, short for "phone snubbing," refers to the habit of ignoring someone in favor of your mobile phone, which is related to the issues discussed in this text.

The student expresses skepticism about the app's effectiveness:

  1. While it might help users see the ground and avoid obstacles, it wouldn't solve all problems associated with distracted walking.
  2. The student argues that managing to concentrate on walking, texting, and looking at the camera simultaneously would be challenging for most people.

Highlight: The comment raises important questions about the practicality and effectiveness of technological solutions to behavioral problems.

This analysis serves as an excellent Englisch Analyse Beispiel PDF for students learning to critically evaluate proposed solutions to modern technological issues.

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some


Mobile Phone Etiquette and Text Walking: A Modern Dilemma

The article "How we're a nation of hypocrites when it comes to mobile phone etiquette" by John Bingham explores the widespread phenomenon of "text walking" and other digital habits that have become prevalent in the smartphone era. This piece delves into the contradictions between people's attitudes and behaviors regarding mobile phone use in public spaces.

Key points:

  • A majority of Britons (62%) admit to texting while walking
  • Nearly half (48%) confess to talking on phones in confined spaces
  • Text walking is a major source of irritation and potential danger worldwide
  • Various initiatives and legislation are being considered to address the issue
  • The article highlights the hypocrisy in people's attitudes towards digital etiquette

Highlight: The prevalence of text walking and other digital habits reveals a significant disconnect between people's stated annoyance with these behaviors and their own actions.

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some


Page 3: Risks and Responses to Text Walking

This section of the article focuses on the risks associated with text walking and the various initiatives implemented to address this issue:

  1. Studies have highlighted the risk of accidents due to people not looking where they're going while texting.
  2. Text walking causes general annoyance from blocked pavements.
  3. Several countries have introduced initiatives to curtail the practice.

Example: A bill being debated in New Jersey proposes making "distracted walking" illegal, demonstrating the seriousness with which some jurisdictions are treating this issue.

The article mentions that some responses to text walking have been more lighthearted, such as the creation of "text walking lanes" in Antwerp and Utah. However, it's noted that these were primarily publicity stunts or April Fool's jokes rather than serious policy measures.

Vocabulary: "Curtail" is used in the context of initiatives introduced to reduce or limit the practice of text walking.

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some


Page 1: Introduction to Text Walking and Mobile Phone Etiquette

The article begins by introducing the concept of modern faux pas related to smartphone use, particularly focusing on the phenomenon of "text walking". This behavior, where people walk while staring at their phone screens, has become a common sight in public spaces and a source of irritation for many.

Definition: Text walking refers to the act of walking while simultaneously texting or using a smartphone, often leading to distraction and potential accidents.

The author, John Bingham, points out that despite the widespread annoyance with these behaviors, many people are guilty of the same actions they criticize in others. This hypocrisy forms the central theme of the article, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of mobile phone etiquette in contemporary society.

Highlight: The article emphasizes the contradiction between people's expressed irritation with digital bad habits and their own participation in these behaviors.

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some


Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some


Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some


Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some


Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some


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Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

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Knowunity ist die #1 unter den Bildungs-Apps in fünf europäischen Ländern

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Philipp, iOS User

Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

Lena, iOS Userin

Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.


Englisch Analyse Beispiel PDF 10. Klasse - Einfach und Verständlich
user profile picture

Mara Sofie



85 Follower


Englisch Analyse Beispiel PDF 10. Klasse - Einfach und Verständlich

The article discusses the phenomenon of "text walking" and mobile phone etiquette, highlighting the hypocrisy in people's attitudes towards digital habits. It explores various responses to this issue, including potential legislation and public awareness campaigns.

Key points:

  • Many people engage in behaviors they find annoying in others
  • 62% of Britons admit to texting while walking
  • 48% confess to talking on phones in confined spaces
  • Text walking poses risks of accidents and public annoyance
  • Various initiatives worldwide aim to address this issue

Highlight: The article reveals a disconnect between people's attitudes and behaviors regarding mobile phone etiquette.

Vocabulary: "Text walking" refers to the act of walking while texting or using a smartphone, often leading to distraction and potential accidents.

Example: New Jersey is considering legislation to make "distracted walking" illegal, showcasing the seriousness of the issue.



Page 4: Public Perception and Self-Awareness

The final part of the article discusses the public perception of mobile phone etiquette and the lack of self-awareness among many users:

  1. The majority of people find it annoying when others text while walking.
  2. However, many are not sure if they engage in this behavior themselves.
  3. There's a significant gap between how people perceive their own behavior and how they judge others.

Quote: "The most people think it is not okay when they see other people doing it and are not even sure that they do it as well."

This section highlights the Englisch Analyse Beispiel of how people often fail to recognize their own participation in behaviors they criticize in others. It serves as a call for greater self-reflection and awareness regarding our digital habits and their impact on those around us.

Highlight: The discrepancy between people's perception of their own behavior and their judgment of others underscores the need for increased awareness and consideration in public spaces.

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some

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Page 2: Survey Results and Specific Digital Habits

This page delves into the specific findings of a survey commissioned by the technology firm Pitney Bowes, revealing the extent of various digital habits among Britons:

  1. 62% of Britons admit to texting or typing while walking in public places.
  2. 48% confess to talking on phones in confined spaces like trains.
  3. 53% acknowledge writing emails or text messages largely in capital letters.

Example: The use of capital letters in digital communication is described as "the internet era's answer to sending letters in green ink," highlighting how digital habits have evolved to express emotions like anger or urgency.

The article then transitions to discussing the global impact of text walking, noting that it has become a major source of irritation worldwide since the advent of internet-enabled smartphones. This sets the stage for examining the various responses to this phenomenon in different parts of the world.

Vocabulary: "Ire" is used in the context of text walking becoming a "major source of ire around the world," emphasizing the widespread frustration caused by this behavior.

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some

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Page 5: Commenting on the "Type while Walk" App

This page presents a student's comment on a hypothetical app called "Type while Walk," which aims to reduce accidents caused by text walking:

  1. The app uses the smartphone's camera to show the ground beneath the user's feet.
  2. It's designed to help people avoid accidents while texting and walking.

Vocabulary: Phubbing, short for "phone snubbing," refers to the habit of ignoring someone in favor of your mobile phone, which is related to the issues discussed in this text.

The student expresses skepticism about the app's effectiveness:

  1. While it might help users see the ground and avoid obstacles, it wouldn't solve all problems associated with distracted walking.
  2. The student argues that managing to concentrate on walking, texting, and looking at the camera simultaneously would be challenging for most people.

Highlight: The comment raises important questions about the practicality and effectiveness of technological solutions to behavioral problems.

This analysis serves as an excellent Englisch Analyse Beispiel PDF for students learning to critically evaluate proposed solutions to modern technological issues.

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some

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Werde Teil der Community

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Mit der Anmeldung akzeptierst du die Nutzungsbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie

Mobile Phone Etiquette and Text Walking: A Modern Dilemma

The article "How we're a nation of hypocrites when it comes to mobile phone etiquette" by John Bingham explores the widespread phenomenon of "text walking" and other digital habits that have become prevalent in the smartphone era. This piece delves into the contradictions between people's attitudes and behaviors regarding mobile phone use in public spaces.

Key points:

  • A majority of Britons (62%) admit to texting while walking
  • Nearly half (48%) confess to talking on phones in confined spaces
  • Text walking is a major source of irritation and potential danger worldwide
  • Various initiatives and legislation are being considered to address the issue
  • The article highlights the hypocrisy in people's attitudes towards digital etiquette

Highlight: The prevalence of text walking and other digital habits reveals a significant disconnect between people's stated annoyance with these behaviors and their own actions.

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some

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Werde Teil der Community

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Mit der Anmeldung akzeptierst du die Nutzungsbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie

Page 3: Risks and Responses to Text Walking

This section of the article focuses on the risks associated with text walking and the various initiatives implemented to address this issue:

  1. Studies have highlighted the risk of accidents due to people not looking where they're going while texting.
  2. Text walking causes general annoyance from blocked pavements.
  3. Several countries have introduced initiatives to curtail the practice.

Example: A bill being debated in New Jersey proposes making "distracted walking" illegal, demonstrating the seriousness with which some jurisdictions are treating this issue.

The article mentions that some responses to text walking have been more lighthearted, such as the creation of "text walking lanes" in Antwerp and Utah. However, it's noted that these were primarily publicity stunts or April Fool's jokes rather than serious policy measures.

Vocabulary: "Curtail" is used in the context of initiatives introduced to reduce or limit the practice of text walking.

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some

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Werde Teil der Community

Verbessere deine Noten

Mit der Anmeldung akzeptierst du die Nutzungsbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie

Page 1: Introduction to Text Walking and Mobile Phone Etiquette

The article begins by introducing the concept of modern faux pas related to smartphone use, particularly focusing on the phenomenon of "text walking". This behavior, where people walk while staring at their phone screens, has become a common sight in public spaces and a source of irritation for many.

Definition: Text walking refers to the act of walking while simultaneously texting or using a smartphone, often leading to distraction and potential accidents.

The author, John Bingham, points out that despite the widespread annoyance with these behaviors, many people are guilty of the same actions they criticize in others. This hypocrisy forms the central theme of the article, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of mobile phone etiquette in contemporary society.

Highlight: The article emphasizes the contradiction between people's expressed irritation with digital bad habits and their own participation in these behaviors.

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some

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Werde Teil der Community

Verbessere deine Noten

Mit der Anmeldung akzeptierst du die Nutzungsbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some

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Werde Teil der Community

Verbessere deine Noten

Mit der Anmeldung akzeptierst du die Nutzungsbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some

Melde dich an, um den Inhalt freizuschalten. Es ist kostenlos!

Zugriff auf alle Dokumente

Werde Teil der Community

Verbessere deine Noten

Mit der Anmeldung akzeptierst du die Nutzungsbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some

Melde dich an, um den Inhalt freizuschalten. Es ist kostenlos!

Zugriff auf alle Dokumente

Werde Teil der Community

Verbessere deine Noten

Mit der Anmeldung akzeptierst du die Nutzungsbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie

Mara Behnsch
Subordinate clause.
4 not a complete sentence
texting while walking is a big
issue with a high risk of acci-
dents and some

Melde dich an, um den Inhalt freizuschalten. Es ist kostenlos!

Zugriff auf alle Dokumente

Werde Teil der Community

Verbessere deine Noten

Mit der Anmeldung akzeptierst du die Nutzungsbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie

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Ich liebe diese App so sehr, ich benutze sie auch täglich. Ich empfehle Knowunity jedem!! Ich bin damit von einer 4 auf eine 1 gekommen :D

Philipp, iOS User

Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

Lena, iOS Userin

Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.