


Konditionalsätze und If-Clauses: Beispiele, Übungen & Erklärungen


Konditionalsätze und If-Clauses: Beispiele, Übungen & Erklärungen

Conditional sentences, also known as if-clauses, are essential grammatical structures in English. They express hypothetical situations and their consequences. There are three main types of conditional sentences, each with distinct uses and structures.

  • Type I conditionals express real and probable situations in the present or future.
  • Type II conditionals describe unlikely or imaginary situations in the present or future.
  • Type III conditionals refer to impossible situations in the past.

Definition: Conditional sentences are statements where one part (the if-clause) expresses a condition, and the other part (the main clause) describes the result if that condition is met.



Understanding Conditional Sentences (If-Clauses)

Conditional sentences, also known as if-clauses, are fundamental grammatical structures in English that express hypothetical situations and their consequences. This page provides a comprehensive overview of the three main types of conditional sentences and their formation.

Definition: Conditional sentences are statements where an event or situation in the main clause only occurs if the condition in the if-clause (subordinate clause) is fulfilled.

The page outlines the three basic types of conditional sentences:

  1. Type I: Expresses fulfillable and probable conditions
  2. Type II: Describes theoretically fulfillable but unlikely conditions
  3. Type III: Refers to unfulfillable conditions (too late to change)

Highlight: The order of clauses in conditional sentences is flexible. You can start with either the if-clause or the main clause.

The formation of conditional sentences follows a general structure: Condition (if-clause) + Main clause

Example: If I study (condition), I will pass the test (main clause).

When the if-clause comes first, it is separated from the main clause by a comma.

The page provides a detailed breakdown of each conditional type:

Type I:

  • If-clause: Simple Present
  • Main clause: Will-future or modal verb + infinitive

Example: If I study, I will pass the test.

Type II:

  • If-clause: Simple Past
  • Main clause: Would + infinitive

Example: If I studied, I would pass the test.

Type III:

  • If-clause: Past Perfect
  • Main clause: Would have + past participle

Example: If I had studied, I would have passed the test.


  • Simple Present: The basic form of a verb used to express habitual actions or general truths.
  • Simple Past: The form of a verb used to describe completed actions in the past.
  • Past Perfect: A verb tense used to describe an action that was completed before another past action.

The page concludes with examples of each conditional type, showing both possible clause orders (if-clause first and main clause first), providing a clear visual representation of how these sentences are constructed in practice.

Conditional sentences
• Ereignal Fake in Hauptsaie findet nur skott, wen Bedingung im if-S

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Konditionalsätze und If-Clauses: Beispiele, Übungen & Erklärungen

Conditional sentences, also known as if-clauses, are essential grammatical structures in English. They express hypothetical situations and their consequences. There are three main types of conditional sentences, each with distinct uses and structures.

  • Type I conditionals express real and probable situations in the present or future.
  • Type II conditionals describe unlikely or imaginary situations in the present or future.
  • Type III conditionals refer to impossible situations in the past.

Definition: Conditional sentences are statements where one part (the if-clause) expresses a condition, and the other part (the main clause) describes the result if that condition is met.








Understanding Conditional Sentences (If-Clauses)

Conditional sentences, also known as if-clauses, are fundamental grammatical structures in English that express hypothetical situations and their consequences. This page provides a comprehensive overview of the three main types of conditional sentences and their formation.

Definition: Conditional sentences are statements where an event or situation in the main clause only occurs if the condition in the if-clause (subordinate clause) is fulfilled.

The page outlines the three basic types of conditional sentences:

  1. Type I: Expresses fulfillable and probable conditions
  2. Type II: Describes theoretically fulfillable but unlikely conditions
  3. Type III: Refers to unfulfillable conditions (too late to change)

Highlight: The order of clauses in conditional sentences is flexible. You can start with either the if-clause or the main clause.

The formation of conditional sentences follows a general structure: Condition (if-clause) + Main clause

Example: If I study (condition), I will pass the test (main clause).

When the if-clause comes first, it is separated from the main clause by a comma.

The page provides a detailed breakdown of each conditional type:

Type I:

  • If-clause: Simple Present
  • Main clause: Will-future or modal verb + infinitive

Example: If I study, I will pass the test.

Type II:

  • If-clause: Simple Past
  • Main clause: Would + infinitive

Example: If I studied, I would pass the test.

Type III:

  • If-clause: Past Perfect
  • Main clause: Would have + past participle

Example: If I had studied, I would have passed the test.


  • Simple Present: The basic form of a verb used to express habitual actions or general truths.
  • Simple Past: The form of a verb used to describe completed actions in the past.
  • Past Perfect: A verb tense used to describe an action that was completed before another past action.

The page concludes with examples of each conditional type, showing both possible clause orders (if-clause first and main clause first), providing a clear visual representation of how these sentences are constructed in practice.

Conditional sentences
• Ereignal Fake in Hauptsaie findet nur skott, wen Bedingung im if-S

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