


Conversation Analyses + Aufgaben







The text 'Conversation - a vanishing skill?' is
about the way we communicate nowadays.
Most people, mostly the younger gener
The text 'Conversation - a vanishing skill?' is
about the way we communicate nowadays.
Most people, mostly the younger gener

Conversation 1. The text 'Conversation - a vanishing skill?' is about the way we communicate nowadays. Most people, mostly the younger generations prefer texting over talking. The first paragraph is about a 13-year-old teenager and her mother who is annoyed that the 13-year-old rather texts her than speaks to her in person. Though later, the teen admits that she was just being lazy. The next few paragraphs are about a study that says, that many people prefer texting over talking. And that most successful communicators have the ability to both text and speak. These days, communicatiting is an art that becomes as valuable as writing. Though still, elders often expect to talk in-person and not via text. 1 Summarize the text "conversation - a vanishing skill". Please use the notes from class. For help you can check SF 20 (p. 144 again) 2a Explain the quotes taken from the text. Consider the auhtor's intention and the meaning of the quote: "Some would argue that it's no big deal. What difference should it make how we communicate, along as we do so?" (II. 13 f.) 2b "So the key, experts say, is to recognize your weak point and work on developing a wide range of communication skills". (II. 56 f.) For help you can check SF 6 p. 126 again. 3 "Teens have difficulties with face-to-face conversation". Comment on that statement (for help you can...

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check SF 12 p. 133/134 again. SF 13 (stages of writing) and LF 15 (linking your sentences) might be of help as well). The next paragraphs are about talking and communicating on campus. The stundents rather email their teacher than see them in-person or call them. Mary Ann Allision says, that its very much different talking and listening to someone in-person rather than talking to someone via text, because the body language one can only see in-person helps a lot understanding someone better. The students in Sternberg, at Fordham, were assigned a project to give up on one form of electronic communication to see what difference it makes, and they had to practise standing up in a room filled with a lot of people and introduce themselves. In the last paragraph, the text refers back to the beginning about the mother and her 13-year-old daughter who tends to rush writing and use abbreviations and less right grammer she would use in texts. Though, experts say, that people who are more flexible in writing have often an easier time adapting to new technology. 2a. "Some would argue that it's no big deal. What difference should it make how we communicate, along as we do so?" (II. 13 f.) The meaning behind the quote is, that the auother believes that neither communicating with both forms of communications or with either isn't bad, and that there is technically no difference between talking in-person and texting via a phone. Both is still communication and has the most important aspect within; sharing and trading information with another person. 2b. "So the key, experts say, is to recognize your weak point and work on developing a wide range of communication skills". (II. 56 f.) The intention behind this quote is, that everyone should figure out their weak points within communicating and work on them to get better at communicating. 3. "Teens have difficulties with face-to-to face conversation." agree to that statement, because I too feel like my generation has difficulties in face-to-face communications such as looking into the persons eyes they are talking to. My first argument is, that these days a lot of teens have social anxiety and tend to isolate themselves and thus talk little to never to other people, making them have trouble with their communication skills. My second argument is, that the younger generation is more focused on their phones, tablets, gaming consoles, laptops, etc. and tend to rather text than talk because its easier from their perspective. My final argument is, that teens often avoid talking to their parental figures, because they might seem annoying or disturbing and thus rather talks' via text or social media becuase one can not see their friends constantly. To sum up, most teens have trouble talking face-to-face, because they have problems with themselves or other people, wether its social anxiety or even being technically addicted to their devices, or just relationship problems with their legal guardian/parental figure.