


Crooked Letter Crooked Letter







key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands
key facts
genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South)
-Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, lands

key facts genre. - Southern literature (writing about the American South) -Southern Gothic (gloomy moods, dilapidated buildings pleak, landscapes, unlucky & strange characters) -Crime novel (crimes, suspects, suspense, detective, red, herrings) -Coming-of-age story (protagonists grow from teenagers to adults). -Autobiography (protagonists & story have similarities with author) narrative perspective: third-person narrator with limited point of view →alternating between Larry and Silas: contributes to creation of suspense as truth is only. gradually revealed structure: unchronological, (mixture of past and present) title ? named after how children in the South are taught to spell. Hississippi American South known for conservative political attitudes, sweltering climate, rundown places, etc. Crooked" also means "dishonest"; many dishonest characters -Larry using Cindy to become more popular and impress his parents. -Silas not declaring Larry's innocence -Carl not admitting his fatherhood of Silas -Cindy using Larry to secretly meet Silas - Wallace lying, e.g. about his job The American South Race: hard to climb Social Ladder for colored people Silas is disadvantaged because of his origin Segregation Isolation of the poor (isolated from good jolos, schools, etc.) Silas' mother working a low-wage job Social capital middle class has better living conditions, easier to integrate into society Larry has opportunity to integrate into society Inequality: A few rich people The Rutherford family Family structure: Family support, is essential Larry does not have any support Chapter 1 - Larry page...

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11: - 41 years old, lives alone in his parents' house, takes care of the house - daily routine: watching TV, eating fast food, sitting on his front porch at nightfall - very inventive (e.g. moveable cages, lawn mower wheels at bottom of barn doors) page 12: - mows the field less often in autumn than in spring and summer to let the fall wildflowers grow - cares for his hens, improves their lot by constructing moveable cages so that they get fresh food from the field page 13: - if he didn't shave, he would grow a grey beard - has a lean face (whereas he was chubby as a child) - short choppy brown hair (he cuts it himself) - can't afford a first-class nursing home - a mechanic, "but only in theory", operates a two-bay shop on Highway 11 North - drives his father's 30-year-old red Ford pickup (an early 70s model), has a toolbox in it (in case there is a road call) - has a gun in his pickup which only serves to hold his umbrella - even before 9/11, Larry hadn't been allowed to own a gun - his work clothes: black steel-toed work shoes (like his father), green khaki pants and a matching cotton shirt with LARRY written on it page 14: - has bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast and Coke and watches the news on TV - reads novels, is member of a book club from which he regularly gets new books, his bedroom is piled with paperbacks (p.15) - routine at garage: garbage can out, open doors, flip CLOSED sign to OPEN, get a coke from the machine, sit behind his desk from where he can see the road, read a book - cares about his mother, hurries home after phone call from nursing home - the local police know his truck and watch him closely - he has very few visitors (apart from teenagers banging by) page 15: -Wallace Stringfellow is his only friend - occasional visits by Roy French - is "person of interest" to police - Larry understands that French has to search his house - shows empathy for missing girl's parents - never wears his seat-belts ("his folks had never worn theirs") - had his monster mask hidden in a shoe box in his closet, where Roy French never found it page 16: - after being shot, he thinks of Cindy Walker standing in the woods and of his parents - he feels forgiveness for the person who shot him because all monsters are misunderstood - it seems okay for Larry to die Chapter 2- Silas and Larry Silas page 18: - people called him 32 (his baseball number) or Constable (his occupation) - drives ancient Jeep, which had once been a mail car (p.19) and is over 30 years old (p.27), it was purchased at an auction and is very badly functioning - has three firearms and one Taser - wears badge around his neck page 19: - has applied for a new car (a Bronco) but doesn't get it - has to drive a lot on dirt roads - lived with his mother in a hunting cabin (owned by a white man) as squatters long ago - studied at Ole Miss, Oxford page 21: - has been back at Chabot for two years and has never had to fire his pistol there apart from practice page 22: - on his patrols he looks for trespassers on Rutherford land, he writes tickets, directs traffic, moves roadkill (dead animals) pages 24/25 - doesn't feel well after seeing remains of M&M's corpse - wants to avoid seeing EMTs rolling the corpse's pieces into a body bag - he and Voncille are Chabot's only full-time employees - he's a volunteer fire-fighter (like Roy French) - reads an old Stephen King book page 29: - pangs of conscience because he never called Larry back - he is worried about what might have happened to Larry when he's not at the garage pages 31/32: - knew Cindy Walker too - would like to check at Larry's, but then Voncille calls him to go to White Trash Avenue - he's glad that Voncille has called Shannon, the police reporter (reports about him solving the rattle-snake problem might boost his profile, help him get a higher salary after evaluation time, perhaps he might even become a sheriff in 10 years), but Shannon doesn't turn up page 34 - he wasn't much for kids (much to the chagrin of his former date Olivia, the driver of the postal jeep) page 37: his career: destroyed his arm pitching college baseball at Oxford, joined the navy, went to the police academy in Tupelo, spent 10 years "babysitting" students at Ole Miss (breaking up frat parties, manning the gate at football games, giving DUIS) - he had hoped this job as a constable in Chabot would be better, but seems disappointed Larry page 21: - seems knowlegeable about nature (tree dies after a flock of buzzards has stayed in it for some time) page 28 - Roy French calls him Norman Bates (an insane character and murderer from the film Psycho) - in his youth Larry just read book and didn't play ball - his house is full of horror books - "he ain't had a customer I don't know how long" (Roy French) page 29: - L. had called Silas on his (Silas') return to Chabot nearly tow years ago, S. didn't return the call - Larry tried again a couple of weeks later to welcome back Silas to Mississippi, but Silas ended that call quickly page 30: - since Silas left Chabot after high school, Larry has been ostracized - since Larry's father's death, Larry's "Ottomotive Repair" shop hasn't had any local customers - Larry is taller now, thinner than when he was a teenager - his lips are tight now (as a teenager, Larry's mouth used to hang open, giving the impression that he was slow - "[Larry] was smart. Knew the weirdest shit." page 31: - Larry sometimes waved from his garage, but nobody (local) waved back - short brown hair, his cap pulled too low over his ears - in high school, a girl who lived up the road from Larry (Cindy Walker) had gone to the drive-in movie with Larry and nobody had seen her again page 32: - Angie calls Larry "Scary Larry" chapter 3 flashback to Larry's and Silas first meeting Larry is in the car with his dad driving past Silas and his mother Since it's cold outside and they aren't wearing any coats Larry offers them a ride L>Larry has seen Silas before at school It seems like Carl already knows Alice > Larry is reading a book, Silas is secretly reading secretly too >It repeats the next three days → Larry tells his mother about them, so she wants to take Larry to school the next day Lyshe drives away after speaking cruelly to Silas' mother > They never get a ride from them again > Larry's dad feels like Larry betrayed him. Larry's not the attractive, strong son his father would have wished for Larry feels a connection to silas but sees him laughing stalking to other boys at school. feels like a betrayal Larry borrows a gun from his dad and walls towards Silas, he wonders whether it would be possible to make friends with Silas → Society ·> > Larry doesn't fit anywhere in school > some kids asks him to call a black girl" Monkey Lips" so he could belong to the boys "bad ending for him, the boys abandon him, leave alone the other hids exclude Larry & laugh at him 8 Silas asks to borrow the rifle, Larry teaches him how to use it chapter 4 present Angie reports on the phone to Silas about the condition they found Larry in >She asks Silas if he's going to come to the hospital, but he wants to take a look at the crime scene > > Silas denies that he and Larry were once friends Silas calls his boss (French) to tell him what happened. > French sends him to Larry's place >Silas drives past the home of the other missing girl (Cindy Walker) > At Larry's house he can see a lot of footprints in the mud, then enters the house > Larry's house is full of books: stories he had read when he was young > He goes to the barn > brings back all the memories of his first visit > French tells him Larry is still alive; French arrives at Larry's house and examines the gun Làng s wallet had not been stolen French calls Larry a "frozen in the 1960s hind of character! >they find a brochure for DIRECTV (company that installe satellite dishes) > they also find a case of beer with one can missing (Larry doesn't drink akohol) > Bach at home Silas notices a blinking on his answering machine larry is ashing Silas to call him back chapter 5 flashback when Larry and Silas were friends, start of the summer vacation > Carl tells Larry he has to stay outside and cut the grass He thinks Larry should be more outside, doing physical activity 'While doing the work, he thinks about Alice &Silas and how his father must have bought them a car › Larry carries a rifle which is very similar to the .22 Silas has got earlier so his father won't notice the missing gun > Over summer the boys have become friends: Shooting, playing cowboys and Indians, they caught snakes, went fishing Silas 's mother doesn't want them to be friends Larry thinks it's because of his shin colour Larry has made a few attempts to get the rifle back, but Silas doesn't want that Silas's interestings are changig plays a lot of baseball → Larry is worried to lose him Larry wants to show Silas something, they go watch Cindy and her stepfather > Larry tells Silas that Cecil is crazy: f.ex. Cecil & Carl are together and drunk→→ thinks it's funny to throw fireworks at her. > Larry finds it funny, whereas Silas doesn't see the funny. side of the story. However, the boys continue walking. until they reach the walker place ↳ they lie down and start looking at the house, but Cindy can't be seen anywhere, it's just Cecil and Carl Smoking and drinking beer › After a while Cindy appears, Cecil starts to get physical with his step-daughter Silas dares to confront the men >Larry thanks Silas, but Silas accuses him of spying on people ›Carl has discovered that his rifle is missing, gets angry > Larry tries to soften Silas up with a present, but he still doesn't want to return the rifle ›Carl has followed Larry to Silas, urges the two of them to fight dirty Silaseasily wins the fight, Carl tells him that he just won himself a rifle 'Silas pushes Larry down harder, when Larry gasps "you n-n-n-nigger" he let's him go now Larry is sorry about what he said, but Silas is very angry n › Silas runs away → everything has changed between them how chapter 6 > Silas finds out Larry hasn't recovered yet L is relieved, as this means he doesn't have to go and see Larry yet. . ↳has used Larry's insult "as an excuse to avoid him > sits at The Hub in the morning after the attack on Larry. > Marta, the cool, is very motherly towards him. "shows sympathy for Larry > Silas goes to look around Oltomotive again bunlocks the office: books everywhere >He returns to Larry's house, notices some small pieces of broken glass also spots tire tracks with a nail in these tracks > feeds the chicken brings bach memories > enters the house, finds a shoe box of old photos > finds bills for a cell phone all of the calls received have come from one number > looks at the photos, recognizes a woman with Larry → seems to be his mother > flashbach to the fime Silas and his mother had to leave Chicago because of his mother's boyfriend › had to go to Jackson, Mississippi, cause Alke knew someone down here Alice doesn't want to tell him where they are going > they are both on a truck with charles Silas jumps out of the truck, runs away. into panic L₂ gets > His mother finds him, they hug; stuff has been stolen => journey was difficult > they go to a diner, Silas orders a big breakfast › Alice asks for a job application, tells šilas about her plans. › bach to present: Silas decides to take the photo with him chapter 7 flashback (1982) Larry is going to take Cindy Walker out on a date (his first date ever) > truth is: Cindy has asked him if he wants to go to the drive-in theater > Carl encourages him, gives him a twenty-dollar bill ? tells ken and David about the date; the boys don't believe him Larry talks to Cindy about the date, she doesn't seem very interested > situation between. Silas and Larry hasn't changed, Silas still ignores him. ? The boys invite him at lunch, they talk about Larry's date time has come to pick Cindy up ? As they drive away, Cindy reveals the real purpose of the evening →wants Larry to do her a favor and drive her to Fulsom to see her boyfriend Cindy tells nim she's pregnant, doesn't want to tell him who the father is > → • happy that he has a date + friends to tell about it > her plans. Larry goes to the movies himself, her boyfriend will drop her off at 11 so Larry can pick her up and drive home. > Larry goes to the theater, recognizes ken&David, takes a blanket and puts it over his hand, holding it up to make it look like somebody's head (→illusion of the girl). > Larry drives to the meeting point but there's no sign of her; gets into panic > Cecil attacks Larry violently; calls the police Larry is suspected of having killed her > Cindy's disappearance destroys the Ott family, Larry and his family are not really living anymore, just existing > Larry joins the army; his mother is starting to suffer from dementia; Cari dies because he's been driven drunk (died of his injuries) after three years Larry is honorably discharged and sent home, Larry takes his mother to live at a nursing home chapter 8 present > Silas goes to the diner → feels close to his mother > Angie arrives, they start talking about Larry, Silas is convinced that Larry didn't shoot himself (Angle thinks the opposite) ? Silas tells her about his friendship, tells him he was weird; had wanted attention from other lids > Halloween story: Larry's mash gets admired. > Larry feels like he's been accepted ↳ nothing has actually changed ""Silas goes to the hospital to ched up on Larry " asus whether he got any visitors and asks if they could tell him when L. gets any > drives to lary's mother she doesn't recognize silas > Silas realizes the truth about his background ↳ Silas is Larry's half-brother/Carl his dad ? comes across a young man riding a four-wheeler, quite fest, Silas pulls him over ↳It's Wallace, S. wenders whether Wallage is a member of the kkk later: finds a grave chapter 9 >Larry is now 31; lives alone in the house (flashback) notices that somebody has been going into the barn while he's not at home • one day he hides in the barn, when he hears someone walling towards the barn he puts on his zombie mask to scare the blond boy without shoes; boy runs away as fast as he can › Ten years after the incident the boy returns in a van Van has DIRECTV painted; the guy introduces himself as Wallace Stringfellow, he tries to sell Larry a satellite dish, but Larry says he doesn't need one he offers Wallace a drink, wallace doesn't seem to know Larry's name 'discover that they went to the same high school; the two men have some things in common then Wallace admits that he knows Larry is supposed to have hilled a girl bach in high school "Wallace promises to come back on Monday; Larry realizes Wallace is the boy he frightened On Monday evening Larry sits on his porch, waiting, Wallace doesn't turn up Wallace comes back two months later; arrives on his four-wheeler and beer cans Larry tells him about teenagers who sometimes drive to Larry's house to intimidate him Wallace thinks he needs a gun or a dog to protect himself Wallace is a heavy drinker, whereas Larry doesn't drink at all The next time W. arrives he wants to know about Larry's sexlife. W. offers him to go to women who will have sex with him Wallace's first sighting of Larry was at church (., Scary Larry"), W. followed him Wallace offers Larry a joint he got from MSM > On christmas eve he gets a box with an old.22 pistol (from wallace). >W.asus Larry about Cindy Walker; doesn't mind if he'd killed her his attitude women sometimes deserve to be raped, even willed,... Larry wants to sleep, tells Wallace to leave; Wallace seems upset/aggressive > Wallace doesn't come back, Larry clearly misses him and hopes he will come back. > in his prayers he starts to include Wallace chapter 10 > back to present > Silas doesn't tell anyone that he used to live in the cabin >It has been confirmed that the Rutherford girl's body is in the cabin, lying on her Stomach naked, the body has started to decay > Silas asks to take over the night shift outside the hospital room, pretending he wants the extra money; real reason is that he wants to know all the details about the case › every night he sits outside Larry's room reading the books Larry used to read · Larry is now the only suspect in the Rutherford case The newspapers speculate that Larry may be responsible for other unsolved cases of missing girls > Silas is not sure whether he wants Angie to know the truth about him · Larry is starting to recover; silas ashe whether Larry's had any visitors → didn't have any > Silas is now trying to protect his "old friend", doesn't want him to confess anything >A man of Wallace's description has been to the hospital on the first day. 'Larry's house is now a crime scene and Silas doesn't have access anymore (to feed the chickens for example). > Larry's mysterious visitor returns > Silas visits Mrs. Ott (she's having a good day) "The nursing home staff are neglecting Mrs. Ott →Silas has to force someone to help her *Silas hopes to find out the truth about his mother, but Mrs. Ott is too confused.... she remembers: Alice was their maid, got pregnant, had to leave her job, doesn't remember after that, remembers Silas in a few moments, but is still to confused Silas is late for dinner with Angie; Silas tells her that he dated Cindy walker back in Highschool : no one could know about them because of their races, had to date secretly > • Cindy tells him her father wants to have sex with her and accusses her of wanting it >Silas's mother tries to make him break things off with Cindy 'Silas didn't know that Cindy had persuaded Larry to bring her to him Silas and cindy had a fight: she wanted them to run away, Silas didn't want to > Silas dropped her off at the meeting point; they were early, she jumped out of the car and ran down the road Alice had arranged for Silas to change schools to avoid the topic of Cindy's disappearance after "Larry's date" > Silas justifies his actions at the time; it is only now that he can admit his guilt > his relationship with Angle has become strained since he told her the truth. >If Larry dies, it will make things easier for Silas > Silas would like to change the past, to do the right thing >Larry wakes up chapter 11 > Larry wahes up in hospital, confused > heard a glimpse of Silas and heard him saying that he shouldn't confess The doctor tells him he's very lucky to be alive (bullet just missed his heart), Silas saved his life Larry tries to move his arms, realizes that he's strapped to his bed > murderer of 2 girls bach under the living > A man interviews Larry, asus questions about. Tina Rutherford and whether he shot himself ↳ Larry doesn't remember > French tells him what happened to the girl; Larry is shocked when he hears about it > Larry gets unconcious, wakes up again, French & the sheriff are bach they tell him that Silas has been doing a lot of things to help him Larry tells him he used to be friends with Silas; French is sceptical about this > French believes that now they have found the cabin, they finally have reason to convict Larry →> tries to convince Larry that he willed Tina Rutherford ↳ Larry imagines "how good it would feel to confess to please these mon chapter 12 12 police man guilty? > Silas hurries up to Larry's room, afraid that French already persuaded him to confess > Larry is happy to see him, Silas tells him not to confess - only if he's done sth. > Silas confirms that he and Larry were friends. he also admits that he had dropped cindy off that night Larry is astonished, so is French (he can hardly believe what he's hearing) > Larry ashs questions, Gilas tells him that cindy has never been pregnant Larry thinks that Cecil is the real willer > Silas & French leave the hospital, go into French's small office, Silas tells French everything exept that they're half-brothers French tells him he should've come out with the truth earlier, now it's too late For French, Larry's innocence in the walker case does not prove his innocence in the Rutherford case; Silas knows he's innocent. > Silas returns to the hospital, it's hard for Silas to talk to Larry now that he knows the truth Larry cannot forgive Silas for the things he did > Silas goes to the Chabot Bus bar to get drunk to forget the events of the day > Irina corres over to join him, turns out she's got important information ↳ her roommate told her about a weird guy she used to go out with him the guy had a lot of guns, a lot of live snakes, which he apparently collected > It seems likely that this guy was the one who mailed the snake to them Irina then reveals the name: Wallace stringfellow >Silas remembers the man he pulled over → pillowcase bremember how Larry told him that was a good way to transport snakes. > goes with Irina, she expects him to sleep with him, he's very drunk ↳ he resists the temptation to sleep with Irina chapter 13 Larry thinks about the past, he has been a victim for years. ↳about the date, how boys destroyed his mail box > plot twist - who is the real murderer? was the last day he and his parents were happy > On the local news, he sees that he is still suspected of Tina Rutherford's murder • Larry wants to talk to French but he's not in town ↳doesn't want to talk to Silas because he lost his trust in him > Flashback: woke up in the middle of the night, finds Wallace on the porch ↳ Wallace said: I done something" Larry questions whether any of the friendships in his life have been genuine thinks about Wallace a lot. Larry has got to the point where he is no longer prepared to defend people who only wish to harm him >The evidence of Wallace's guilt becomes clear to Larry, doesn't want to protect him anymore; wants to tell French everything he knows: Larry istired of being a victim. chapter 14 policeman almost willed in a a fight! > Silas feels terrible after hisevening of drinking. goes to Chabot Town Hall, then to The Hub realizes he has never taken responsibility for his past actions At the hospital he sees three news vans in the parking lot. The media will make Larry's life more miseralde than ever > Silas is determined to prove Larry's innocence goes to Larry's place, finds tire tracks + footprints. > calls Wallace to ask him whether he had put the rattlesnake in the mail box > drives up the hill past the catfish farm, notices a house, dirty and falling into disrepair, with a mean looking dog. > Silas wants to enter Wallaces house, Wallace tries to stop him > notices the Zombie mask on the shelf "Wallace releases his dog, the dog attacks Silas, Silas shoots the dog, shoots Wallace in the leg, but he gets away "Silasis lying on the ground, manages to get into the house, stumbles and falls over a table knocking over one of the aquariums → rattlesnake escapes chapter 15 >Larry finds out that Silas has been attached by a dog and shot at a suspect's house murderer dead ? Larry tells French what he knows, French says he will come as soon as he can French brings the mask and asus Larry to identify the mashat his tells him wallace is dead, doesn't tell him what happened > French asks about their friendship; Larry says he thought he was his friend; sees that he befriended w. because there was nobody else. ? Larry realizes that he had been a wind of father figure forw. > French fasters Larry's wrist straps before he leaves > Larry thinks, wallace had admired him and wanted to copy what he thought. Larry had done to Cindy ? Larry feels he ispartly to blame for the murder chapter 16 > Silas wakes up next to Larry, feels a connection to Larry as his brother Larry is shipping through the TV channel, watching a report about the attack on Silas > the anchor says that wallace killed himself before the police could arrest him, that the police. had found Tina Rutherford's wallet in his house - • confession about the case > Silas tries to start a conversation, but Larry doesn't seem prepared to listen to Silas; ignores him > Silas tells him that they are half brothers, they talk about it, whether Larry knew about it, Larry says he had known ever since the first morning his father had stopped to give Silas & Alice a vide > Larry asks a nurse if he can be moved to another room, doesn't want to be with Larry. chapter 17 French comes by > Larry > Silas apologizes to Angie, she forgives him > Angie introduces herself to Larry, there are curtains between them since Larry wanted to be moved shows sympathy for Larry, offers him away to start going to church again talks about the case. deddes to stay in this room. chapter 18 >Angie drives Silas to the town hall, he's still in a lot of pain earlier he'd given an interview to the local police reporter, Silas wanted to tell her and not. the big media like CNN > Silas is going to be rewarded rather than punished, Silas doesn't want it until "the paper comes out" > Silas gets Angie to drive him to Larry, he tries to bring his friendship with Larry back to life, after an hour he leaves, goes to see Larry's mother again the next day silas goes to Larry's house, starts to clean it so Larry can have a fresh start when he gets out of hospital > gives back the rifle chapter 19 > Silas has visited Larry for the last four days, but Larry has not spoken to him; he doesn't feel he owes it. to Silas to talk to him Larry is finally allowed to leave his hospital room and walk around the hospital corridors >Larry finds it hard to believe this nightmare is over > Larry leaves the hospital without telling anyone, wants to walk to his shop > due to his gunshot wound, Larry finds it hard to walk; his chest starts to hurt, but he keeps going > Jon, the volunteer at the hospital, is calling Silas to tell him that Larry has just walked out of the hospital > Silas sets off in his Jeep to look for Larry. L>Spots him on the street, Larry allows him to drive him home; Larry starts to speak and ask about Silas's Jeep; Larry notices that the carburetor needs to be repaired > When Larry walks toward his house, he stops and tells Silas he can bring the Jeep over tomorrow ? Larry's house is like new, and full of surp prepared by Silas and Angie Larry discovers the rifle; walls through his house; goes to bed, his last thought is that he will have to call Silas in the morning and tell him to buy a carbouretor kit so that he can repair the Jeep