


Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter







introduction Larry O
a middleaged man living in Chabot, a small.
town in Mississippi
"suspected to be the murderer of a girl (Cindy Walker)
introduction Larry O
a middleaged man living in Chabot, a small.
town in Mississippi
"suspected to be the murderer of a girl (Cindy Walker)
introduction Larry O
a middleaged man living in Chabot, a small.
town in Mississippi
"suspected to be the murderer of a girl (Cindy Walker)
introduction Larry O
a middleaged man living in Chabot, a small.
town in Mississippi
"suspected to be the murderer of a girl (Cindy Walker)

introduction Larry O a middleaged man living in Chabot, a small. town in Mississippi "suspected to be the murderer of a girl (Cindy Walker) he lives isolated by society • one morning he gets home, someone with a zombie maste is waiting for him and shoots him in his chest CROOKED LETTER CROOKED LETTER (but Larry doesn't really care if he dies) Quote:p.16 "Die he said again. Okay with Larry CHAPTER ONE . . CHAPTER FIVE ther the two boys keep their friendship a secret I OR father Carl Ott finds out that Larry rented the rifte to Silas and orders Larry to get it back . Cindy asked Larry on a "date" "he had to drive. Cindy to her boyfriend (Silas - robody! (p. 125). CHAPTER SEVEN • his mother and father are very excited and supportive about the date 6 Carl forces Silas and Larry to fight for the gun (p.89 1.31 €) => in that fight Larry says something unforgetable / forgivable Quote (p.90. L.28) You," Larray burtled, " you n-n-n-igger." ** • Larry takes Silas to spy on Cindy Walker. white girl Silas defends Cindy against her step-fathers. abusive behaviour (+pulling towel away.): Silas is very brave, because → black boy dores to challange a white man → Larry Larry had to pick her up again at eleven but she never showed up introduction Silas Jones (32) "a middleaged man living in Chabot, a small town in...

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Mississippi. working as a police constable to was a friend of Lacry when he was a boy - but has been avoiding him since he moved back to Chabot worried about Larry (when he finds out Larry isn't at work.) the two of them (Larry & Silas) are half bothers (Chapter 8) M,1,CROOKED LETTER, CROOKED LETTER,I, CROOKED LETTER, CROOKED LETTER, I, humpback, humpback 1. S P P Larrys family is destroyed by the incident knows) CHAPTER TWO is accused of being involved in her dissappearance mmmm чшееееее elleee . m . vielele Alles von allwissendem Erzähler beschrieben (z. B. Autor) CHAPTER THREE • flashback to Lany's and Silas childhood (first meeting) in school Larry is teased by the white kids and bullied by the black kids Larry wants to fit in attempts fail ("Monkey Lips (p. 51 (32) • Larry & Silas start to become friends (when they are alone) after school -Larry teaches Silas how to shoot CHAPTER FOUR Silas & French (also police officer) investigate Larry's house after the shooting Larry has been found badly injured, but he's still alive • Police don't know yet if Larry tried to commit suicide or if he was shot • Silas has a flashback with Larry in the barn. CHAPTER SIX Silas investigates in Larrys shop/house 6 finds a picture of his (Silas) mother Alice, who is holding Larry as a baby → Silas secretly keeps the photo flashback of how Silas and his Mom went. from Chicago to the south (Chabot) to ended up living in Larry's father's old hunting. cabinet Silas tells Angie (girlfriend) a lot about his past and almost reveals the Secret that he was Cindy's boyfriend. • he visits Larry in the hospital, but he is still unconclous CHAPTER EIGHT Silas discoveres an unexpected Connection between himself and and Larry . he comes across Wallace Stringfellow, who is ilegally driving a four-wheeler •Silas visits Larry's mother → - he finds out that Carl is his father. cooked CROOKED LEVER CROOKED LETTER main character/s husband father ostracized introverted unpopular LARRY OTT "SCARY LARRY" shy isolated veel leeee • was not the boy his father could be proud of • was bullied by the other kids from School apathetic • wants attention and acceptance by others. • was used by Cindy • feels empathy with monsters becau- se thats how others see him likeable • was accused of killing Cindy Walker and Tina Rutherford is under observation Wallace was his friend (first since Silas) has no other friends is interested in reading horrorbooks caring INA OTT Loving aggressive sensible simple life taking care of the family wants the best for Larry (love, protection) Loves the chicken has Alzheimer (living in a nursing home) unloving self-conscious CARL OTT uncaring mechanic raising his son by demanding. respect instead of showing love dislikes his son Lonely outsider enjoys to humiliate others • uncaring husband/dad • ends up as an alcoholic alcoholic mean wishes that Larry was more "manlike" (handy, handsome, more interested in other things than reading) ние half-brothers black dead ze ees ambitious self-confident el popular attractive • maid (from Otts) • allar (Cail OH) grown-up SILAS JONES "32" ееееее Loving ALICE JONES black Lonely Also known as "32" (number of his baseball shirt) -had to give up his dream grew up with his mother Alice Jones (in Carl Ott's old hunting cabin) •Now is local constable in Chabot has lied to everyone about the past. (Cindy Walker) very popular in School half brother of Larry realizes how badly he treated his mother & Larry aggressive capable loves her son very much. sacrifices a lot to make Silas happy I works hard to have a better life. I had an affair with Carl. un employed WALLACE Stringfellow constable Skinny single mom caring fascinated by Larry "copycat murder" in honor of his hero extroverted smart drug-/alcohol- addicted vulgar was accepted by Larry because of his loneliness • has several sick fantasies • offers Larry his friendship, something no-. body has done in years. Leeeeee mother فعفوك CHAPTER NINE Larry makes a new friend, his name is Wallace String fellow (after a very, very long time → first friend he has had since Silas) very important character Larry discovered that a boy has been breaking. into his barn, he scares him away with his zombie mask important symbol 10 years later the boy, Wallace, starts to visit him ↳ he has been fascinated by Larry for many years • Wallace has an unhealthy view of things he thinks that are cool →he likes imagining to rape girls and then kill them Wallace and Larry start fighting →he stops visiting him Larry misses Wallace Wallace has an unhealthy obsession with the missing / death. of the Rutherford girl CHAPTER ELEVEN • Larry finally woke up in the hospital 4 has to face accusations from the police (not Silas) he realises that Silas saved his life he reacts strange to the news of Tina Rutherford death, which makes him seem guilty • The police tries to make him confess that he was the murderer ееееее 0 0 0 CHAPTER TEN Silas finally admits the truth about s his relationship with (indy •He has found Tina Rutherfords dead body in the old cabin ·0 ·Larry is still in the hospital suspected of murdering Tina. Silas is convinced that Larry isn't the murderer . • he opens up to Angie about Cindy (relationship) Silas volounteers guard Larrys room at night Larry comes out of his coma CHAPTER THIRTEEN 0 •Larry realizes who killed Tina Rutherford -decides to tell French • in hospital Larry thinks a lot about his past • he remembers that Wallace came to his house one day after having done something bad he reveals that Wallace killed Tina and shot him Larry no longer is the suspect but still doesn't feel relieved. •Silas tries to apologize to Larry CHAPTER TWELVE Silas admits that he was the last one who saw Cindy before her disappecance. Larry doesn't want to talk to him Wallace probably sent the snake to Silas rushes to see Larry CHAPTER FOURTEEN •Silas tries to confront Wallace Stringfellow drives to his house • Wallace is nervous, when he sees Silas Jhon Wayne Gacy • he sets his dog on Silas, so Silas has to shoot it → Wallace shoots Silas SIXTEEN • Larry and Silas share a room in the Hospital Silas tells Larry that they are half-brothers - in a way Larry has always known • Silas drives to Fulsom, Somebody sprayed" SERIAL KILLER on Larrys shop! Otomotive mmmm 0 •Silas has always wanted a father, whereas Larry. had a miserable Connection to their father • Larry doesn't want to be with Silas in one room -tries everything to get out. 0 • The story of the attack and Wallace's death. is news CHAPTER EIGHTEEN 0 •Silas is trying to apologize to Larry for the way he treated him Silas gives one interview to the lokal police reporter. • The mayor gives more cases to Silas 0 Silas & Angie clean Larry's house and he returns the gun. 0 0 0 CHAPTER FIFTEEN • Larry tells French about his relationship with Wallace, now he believes in Larry's innocence. Larry gives French evidence of Wallace's guilt French investigates Sila's shooting Larry feels guilty in some way olaca ·bc. he the CHAPTER SEVENTEEN • Larry still refuses to talk to Silas Silas has a lot of visitors → bc he is popular • Larry wanted to tell Silas about Wallace, but after he found out about the truth with Cindy Walker he felt betrayed by him. Larry decides to leave /change the room. 0 CHAPTER NINETEEN Silas and Larry make first steps towards rebuilding the friendship 0 Larry enjoys Sila's visits but doesn't feel the need to talk to him To one night he gets up and walks out alone Silas sees Larry and drives him home • Larry tells Silas to bring his jeep in the next day so they can repair it.. THE END 0