


Crooked Letter Zusammenfassung







Lea Tawakkul
Chapter Perspective (from
Reading Log - Croocked Letter
which perspective is
the story told?)
The first chapter is told
Lea Tawakkul
Chapter Perspective (from
Reading Log - Croocked Letter
which perspective is
the story told?)
The first chapter is told
Lea Tawakkul
Chapter Perspective (from
Reading Log - Croocked Letter
which perspective is
the story told?)
The first chapter is told
Lea Tawakkul
Chapter Perspective (from
Reading Log - Croocked Letter
which perspective is
the story told?)
The first chapter is told
Lea Tawakkul
Chapter Perspective (from
Reading Log - Croocked Letter
which perspective is
the story told?)
The first chapter is told
Lea Tawakkul
Chapter Perspective (from
Reading Log - Croocked Letter
which perspective is
the story told?)
The first chapter is told

Lea Tawakkul Chapter Perspective (from 1 2 3 Reading Log - Croocked Letter which perspective is the story told?) The first chapter is told from Larry's point of view. The second chapter is told from Sila's point of view. English-S2 The third chapter is told from Larry's point of view. Characters & plot (who is part of the plot and what happens?) 01/19/2021 Plot-> Larry gets shot by a gun Larry is introduced closely watched by the police, due to the missing girl was suspected to have killed a girl named Cindy Walker a man wearing Larry's own zombie mask shot him in the chest he shot him, because he assumed that he was the murderer of the girl Recognized something about the man's eyes Peculiarly feels sympathy for the man Attacker tells him to die-> knows that he would be glad to do so He feels ill at ease, due to the corpse M&M-> Morton Morisette (drug dealer) His house was searched-> only found blood trails Charles Deacon is suspected as the murderer of M&M Timeline Plot-> Silas finds the dead body of a man called M&M Present Silas is introduced While driving, he sees a huge flock of birds-> leads him to find the dead body of M&M Calls chief Plot-> flashback to Larry's and Silas first meeting Larry's dad drives Larry to school, when they met a boy named Silas and his mum Alice, who needed a lift, due to the cold temperatures and...

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their thin clothes Larry was aware of the fact how unusual it was for black people to get out of a white man's truck Alice is surprised when he tells her about meeting a boy named Silas and his mum->her senses make her drive him to school dad speaks about black people in a very disparaging way Larry has the idea to teach Silas how to shoot with a gun, wondering if they can be friends Larry gives Silas his rifle-> now Silas can shoot some squirrels for his mother to cook Present Past 1979 Lea Tawakkul Chapter Perspective (from 4 5 6 which perspective is the story told?) The fourth chapter is told from Sila's point of view. The fifth chapter is told from Larry's point of view. The sixth chapter is told from Sila's point of view. English-S2 Characters & plot (who is part of the plot and what happens?) I Plot-> Larry's house after the attack Angie reports to Silas that she has found Larry in his own blood Silas calls French-> sends him to Larry's house Silas sees footprints in the mud Silas investigates Larry's house, in order to find clear evidence-> finds beer Silas has flashbacks of the past and re-lives moments from being in the house French believes Larry wanted to commit suicide -> Silas disagrees Larry calls Silas-> has something important to say Plot-> Silas and Larry's friendship comes to an end they were good friends and spent a lot of time although Alice has forbidden Silas to maintain this friendship Larry's dad finds out that his rifle is gone-> tells him he lent it to Silas his dad tells him to get the gun back the next day Silas refuses to give him the gun, due to the fact that it's the only one he has got Carl (Larry's dad) appears-> totally drunk and forces Silas to fight Carl threatens them to beat them up with his belt Silas is about to win until Larry called him a *n-word* -> Larry was totally shocked and runs towards the forest 01/19/2021 Larry realizes that he said something unforgivable -> changed their friendship Plot-> Silas discovers something at Larry's house finds a shoebox in the attic-> contains old photos, mostly Larry as a baby on one photo he sees a black women, who is carrying Larry-> recognizes his own mother keeps the photograph secretly flashback past life in Chicago Timeline Present Past 1979 Present- past Lea Tawakkul Chapter Perspective (from 7 8 9 which perspective is the story told?) The seventh chapter is told from Larry's point of view. The eighth chapter is told from Sila's point of view. The ninth chapter is told from Larry's point of view. English-S2 Characters & plot (who is part of the plot and what happens?) Plot-> The night of Cindy's disappearance Larry's first date with Cindy-> she asked him out Picking Cindy up, her stepfather gets physical and threatens him I I she was not eager to meet him-> wanted to meet her secret boyfriend tells him that she is pregnant-> only one who can help is her boyfriend Larry should pick her up at 11.15pm-> starts worrying, due to the fact that she has not appeared Plot-> Silas discovers an unexpected connection between himself and Larry - Silas meets Angie at the diner where his mother had worked for 20 years tells her, that he has to work on the case of Larry's shooting-> Angie is sure that he has shot himself Silas goes to the hospital to visit Larry-> has not woken up yet Goes to check on Larry's mum, due to the fact that nobody has told her about Larry-> feels it is his duty to tell her yet afraid of Cecil (Candy's stepfather) tells Cecil that he dropped her off-> Cecil knocks him Is saved by the mum of Cindy Sheriff arrives-> Larry is suspected as the murderer although her body has never been found cannot go to school-> dad starts drinking alcohol heavily and his mother cannot go to church after 3 years he joins the army 01/19/2021 Ina does not recognize him, due to her illness Silas finds out that Larry is his half-brother Silas goes to his childhood cabin Wallace reveals that he has seen Larry before in church Plot-> Larry makes a new friend, Wallace Stringfellow Past - Larry noticed someone was stealing Hides in the barn and puts his zombie mask on in order to scare the boy-> boy jumps and runs away - Ten years later, the boy comes back-> tries to sell Larry a satellite dish Recognizes him as the boy who he has frightened off in the barn ten years ago Larry keeps smiling when Wallace makes a joke-> very rare Timeline He often comes around-> once or twice a week Wallace is aroused by the idea of raping woman -> Larry felt uncomfortable and goes to bed - Sends him home-> out of sudden he gets aggressive and threatens him to go to the police and tell them that Larry confessed killing Cindy Wallace does not return for months-> Larry has bought a case of beer in case he shows up Past 1982 Present- past Lea Tawakkul Chapter Perspective (from 10 11 12 which perspective is the story told?) The tenth chapter is told from Sila's point of view. The eleventh chapter is told from Larry's point of view. The twelfth chapter is told from Sila's point of view. English-S2 Characters & plot (who is part of the plot and what happens?) Plot-> Silas admits the truth about his relationship with Cindy - A week has passed since Silas found Tina Rutherford's dead body Larry is still lying in a coma under police guard Larry is a suspect on the Rutherford case Angie finds out that Silas dated Cindy-> remembers how she became his girlfriend - Justified his actions by being young and not fully aware of the grave consequences for Larry Knows that he can admit his guilt 1 Relationship with Angie has become strained since he told the truth He lacks the courage to do the right thing A call from Jon-> telling him Larry has woken up 01/19/2021 Plot-> Larry faces accusations from the police wakes up in hospital and is perplexed dreams about him and Silas and also about the evening in the haunted house doctor checks if he can remember something-> first thought is the missing girl owes his life to Silas-> he called the ambulance surprised about things that Silas has done, in order to help him Has a violent reaction hearing about what happened to Tina Rutherford His refusal to sell the land where the cabin is, comes across as suspicious French makes up a theory with Larry killing Tina and trying to commit suicide French brings him to the point to think about the constructed story Larry makes a confession and defends himself already persuaded him to confess Silas confesses that he was the secret boyfriend Cindy had mentioned - Larry is very interested to know, if the baby is a boy or girl-> tells him that she was not pregnant after all Finds out that Cindy must have been killed by Cecil There is no more talk about Cindy's case -> Cecil is dead - French advises him not to confess anything-> should have come out with the truth back in 1982 when Cindy disappeared For French, Larry's innocence does not prove his innocence in the Rutherford case Plot-> Silas admits his part in Cindy's disappearance Present Silas hurries up to Larry's room, afraid that French has Timeline - Larry cannot forgive Silas for the things he did in the past-> hard for Silas-> gets drunk to forget the events of the day Present- past Present Lea Tawakkul Chapter Perspective (from 13 14 15 16 which perspective is the story told?) The thirteenth chapter is told from Larry's point of view. The fourteenth chapter is told from Sila's point of view. The fifteenth chapter is told from Larry's point of view. The sixteenth chapter is told from Sila's point of view. English-S2 Characters & plot (who is part of the plot and what happens?) Plot-> Larry's realization for the murderer of Tina Rutherford Was alone in the hospital, watching TV Flashbacks about all the times his mailbox has been destroyed by teenagers Wallace seemed to be taking refuge on Larry's porch Wallace=liked to think of himself as someone who did not have to obey the law The evidence of Wallace's guilt becomes clear to Larry Larry tells French everything he knows about Wallace Tells him that he had come to his house, telling him that he has done something He is tired of being the victim Plot-> Silas goes to Wallace's house to confront him Decided to drive to Wallace to pay him a visit Has to fight of the dog that Wallace released on him Shoots Wallace in the leg-> escapes in the forest Silas left lying on the ground, injured and trying to stay conscious-> managed to drag himself to the house to look for a phone - Still bleeding heavily, he stumbles and knocks over one aquarium-> it breaks, rattlesnake escapes Starts to feel very cold-> cannot stand Plot-> Larry's relationship with Wallace - French is not available-> investigating another crime that has been committed 01/19/2021 Larry realizes that Wallace was the one who attacked Silas Injuries on Silas arm may be permanent Larry tells French that Wallace is responsible for Tina Rutherford's death Sees French in person and tells him what he knows Wonders if he is partly to blame, due to the fact that Wallace admired him and wanted to copy what he thought Wonders what might have been different, if he had spoken to Silas a couple of days ago instead of ignoring him-> perhaps Wallace would be alive + Silas would not have been injured Another patient is wheeled into the room-> Silas Plot-> Silas opportunity to reveal that they are half- brothers Larry and Silas are sharing a hospital room Silas wakes up on his back in bed next to Larry's -> Larry did not notice that Silas is awake Silas imagination=waking up together could have been the reality, due to the fact that they are half- brothers Wallace killed himself before the police could arrest him Larry does not seemed to be prepared to listen It is not easy for Silas to tell Larry about their father Larry guessed the truth Timeline Present- past Present Present Present Lea Tawakkul Chapter Perspective (from which perspective is the story told?) 17 18 19 The seventeenth chapter is told from Larry's point of view. The eighteenth chapter is told from Sila's point of view. The nineteenth chapter is told from Sila's and Larry's point of view. English-S2 Characters & plot (who is part of the plot and what happens?) L Plot-> Larry is refusing to talk to Silas Silas has a lot of visitors while he is in hospital Silas asks French to release Larry from the restraints before he does anything else-> he does so with an apology French talks to them both Wallace probably shot M&M and Larry Silas and Larry have become local celebrities-> French asks them to be mindful and not make it too personal Silas tells Larry that he will visit him soon ' Plot-> Silas tries to make amends for the way he has treated Larry Silas is still in a lot of pain and feels very tired-> happy to have left the hospital Has given an interview to Shannon Not comfortable with going to visit Larry-> feels that he should do so 01/19/2021 - Tries to bring his friendship with Larry back to life - Silas is punishing himself, due to the fact that nobody punishes him - Silas wants Larry to have a fresh start when he is out of the hospital He wants to give back his rifle - Plot-> Silas and Larry make their steps towards rekindling their friendship Larry feels he owes it to Silas to talk to him Larry is finally allowed to leave his room and to walk around freely Larry leaves the hospital-> allows Silas to drive him home He tells Silas that he can bring his Jeep tomorrow-> will take a look at it Is completely astonished-> sees his house that is polished and cleaned Angie and Silas have put food in the refrigerator, had a satellite television installed Silas has been able to move the chickens around onto fresh grass Larry discovers the riffle in the gun cabinet Larry's last thought before going to bed= calling Silas in the morning and tell him to buy a carburetor kit-> in order to repair the Jeep Timeline Present Present Present