


Definition: Melting Pot and salad bowl







Melting Pot: Normally a melting pot is a pot which is used for melting and mixing materials, for
example metal. This wo

Homework:Definitions Melting Pot: Normally a melting pot is a pot which is used for melting and mixing materials, for example metal. This word is used as a methapor. This means that the generation of immigrantes influenced on American culture by melting together. It is a place where culture and people of different backgrounds mix together. They come together and assimilate into one race. Salad bowl: In a salad are all ingredients together, but its possible to see the differences. People doesnt have to leave their traditions. They live together with different cultures in peace and this kind of intergretion is meant by salad bowl. This methapor is used to describe the american society. The people with different backgrounds form the basis of equality and there is a acceptance for each other.

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