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In der Einleitung geht es darum, das Interesse zu wecken! Mit diesen
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Recently there was a discuss
In der Einleitung geht es darum, das Interesse zu wecken! Mit diesen
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Recently there was a discuss
In der Einleitung geht es darum, das Interesse zu wecken! Mit diesen
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Recently there was a discuss
In der Einleitung geht es darum, das Interesse zu wecken! Mit diesen
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Recently there was a discuss

Comment In der Einleitung geht es darum, das Interesse zu wecken! Mit diesen Formulierungen kannst Du starten: Recently there was a discussion about .... Nowadays ● ● The discussion about. Many people think .... In the following I'd like to discuss the pro and cons of... the various arguments supporting / denying / about / ... Überleitung zum Hauptteil: Is that right? O O O Hauptteil Im Hauptteil wird argumentiert & begründet! Beispielsweise kannst Du mit diesen Formulierungen beginnen. Standpunkt darstellen .0 O O O O O O o O O O O .O O O there are people O O Another powerful / important argument is that . It should be mentioned / seen / taken into consideration that ... As a matter of fact, ... Gegenargumentation darstellen O My personal view is that In my opinion From my point of view Moreover I think It may be argued that Another argument for/against is Another point for / against is The pro/ contra argument is On the one hand. To begin with Next.... Finally. The central/main argument Furthermore Additionally one can say Also it should be considered, that ... To the contrary : On the one hand there are because Nevertheless it should be thought about Begründung einleiten An example for this argument is is a good example for that (argument) ... Schluss Am Schluss schreibt man eine Zusammenfassung. Diese kann so beginnen: In conclusion you can say that ... What it comes down to is that .... That means ... Looking at both sides I would say Considering these facts.... I think ● ● ● ● ● ● In summary, one can say With respect to the arguments above,...

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I am the opinion that To sum it up In a nutshell, As a result / consequence... In summary ..... Aufgabe: According to the author: 'It is possible that teens cannot agree on whether social media are good or bad for them, because, at different moments, they can be both.' Comment. Comment: Nowadays social networks are used by people all over the world. They use them to stay in contact with their friends or family, get information about what's happening in other parts of the world or just to bore something away. But there are also some negative facts, for example are social media also used for bullying. In the following I'm going to comment whether teenagers can agree or can't agree if social media are good for them, also including the article,, Forty-five percent of teens are online ,almost constantly' - and they don't know if it's good for them" written by Abby Ohlheiser published in the Washington Post on 31 may, 2018. First off all, social media are the best option for humans to express new possibilities for their future. They can find new attractions and places in the world, which they would never have heard of. Second, social networks are often used to find out the answer to questions, when not knowing the answer. Most of the people just take out their mobile phones, type it in and then they can read the answer. Third, social media are used to stay in contact with your friends, even if they move or travel. On the other side there are also negative points, for example that there aren't just websites with goog thoughts, like websites where violence or sexual content is shown. Furthermore it has to be mentioned that there are people, mostly men, who get on these websites and don't do legitimate things. On top of that, there are teenagers, who use social network platforms to bully their classmates. For this they use networks where you can write anonymously. Weighing the pros and cons, I come to the decision, that social media isn't a big problem for teenagers, if there are rules, which have to be followed and controlled by humans and / or machines. On top I think that social media should even be more popular, so that parents also know about it, so that they can teach their children about the problems. Einleitung / Introduction ● ● ● ● ● Eigene Meinung / personal opinion 1. (don't).find.... / think... / feel ... / suppose believe ... ● ● ● ● ● An additional argument I would like to present is • I would argue, that ● ● ● ● ● Zustimmung - Agreement Yes, but.... ● ● Discussion I would like to discuss ... Let's begin with the fact that ... We could start with ... ● I would like to talk about ... First of all, I would like to say/state that First, .... second, .... third .... To begin with, ● Personally I think ... In my opinion ... In my view ... As far as I know ... As far as I'm concerned As far as I can see ... (Well, ) If you ask me To be honest, ..... The main reason, however, is that The most convincing argument (to me) is You are right on .... That's quite right I must admit that I completely / totally / fully /quite agree. I am of the same opinion as I'm convinced that. It seems to me that I would say that ... That could be right. As a matter of fact, That's right. And I can understand ... That's why ... It is absolutely right to say, that .... I do not think anyone would disagree on that. Can/May I add something? I would like to come back to ... I agree with the fact that..... Widerspruch - Disagreement I'm not convinced by ... / that I don't agree at all. I completely disagree on that. I doubt that ... I differ from/with you entirely. ● ● ● ● ● ● I cannot fully agree with you, because Fragen / Questions ● What do you think / say (about...)? What's your opinion on this? What do you mean by that? Can you please explain your statement about. Zusammenfassung / conclusion To come to a conclusion, ● Sorry to interrupt you, but I can't understand ● I'm afraid I can't accept. Never! That's wrong. ● That can't be right, because I see what you mean, but ... I don't believe... I don't think so. So we agree on .... So all in all I believe that... Weighing the pros and cons, I come to the conclusion that Based on what we have heard, I conclude that ... I would like to summarise that ... Taking into account the discussion before, one can say ...