


Discussion- Social media and identity







Englisch 10b-
-Klassenarbeit Nr. 1
1 How I met my twin sister
LM Listen to Zoe talking about how she met someone
who looked exa
Englisch 10b-
-Klassenarbeit Nr. 1
1 How I met my twin sister
LM Listen to Zoe talking about how she met someone
who looked exa
Englisch 10b-
-Klassenarbeit Nr. 1
1 How I met my twin sister
LM Listen to Zoe talking about how she met someone
who looked exa
Englisch 10b-
-Klassenarbeit Nr. 1
1 How I met my twin sister
LM Listen to Zoe talking about how she met someone
who looked exa

Englisch 10b- -Klassenarbeit Nr. 1 1 How I met my twin sister Name: Sophie LM Listen to Zoe talking about how she met someone who looked exactly like her. Then complete the sentences using one to five words or numbers. You will hear the text twice. 1 On the internet Zoe found an organization which offered to find a person that her looks excactly like you. 2 In order to use the online service, Zoe had to upload a photo and fill in some basic information. ✓ 3 At first Zoe was unhappy because the people suggested by the website didn't looked like her. 4 When looking at the photo Zoe had received, her father did not notice that she wasn't his daughter to fly 5 Zoe's father had the idea over to Helsinki 20.09.2019 Mannerisms 10/10 6 After a while, Zoe realized that they not only looked the same but also had the same ✓ facial expressions Imanners. 7 Anneli is older than Zoe, but they have the same interests ✓ 8 Zoe is not good at sports and is planning to become a doctor ✓ 9 After returning home, Zoe and Annelie still in touch 10 For Zoe, meeting Anneli has been one of the weirdest and coolest experiences. J Englisch 10b-1 2 Social media and you Klassenarbeit Nr. 1 - Outline your opinion. - Illustrate reasons for your opinion using the facts from the...

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box. Reflect on your own use of social media and reach a conclusion. Write an opinion piece of at least 250 words.. Your favourite magazine is having a writing competition. They are currently doing a special series on social media and the competition is part of it. You decide to enter. You choose Do a) or b). a) Discuss the following statement: "Social media are just a huge waste of time." b) Discuss the following statement: "You never see other people's true identities on social media." Outline your opinion. Illustrate reasons for your opinion using the facts from the box. Reflect on your own use of social media and reach a conclusion. Write an opinion piece of at least 250 words. Final Mark: 35 Name: 1 40 Points 2 Sophie 20.09.2019 25 130 FACTS: USA • 24% of teenagers go online almost constantly • a typical teenage social media user has around 145 'friends', but 30% of teens do not know how many 'friends' they have • 70% of users check their profile daily or even more often • 57% of teens have met a new friend online • most teens spend more time with their friends online than in person ANT From: The Pew Research Center's Internet Project, 2018 FACTS: USA 90% of teens have access to a cell phone • 26% of teens post fake information to protect their identity • 59% deleted' something they posted • 45% untag2 photos of themselves if they don't like what they show GREERMES From: The Pew Research Center's Internet Project, 2018 15, 10 2015 ¹ to delete [di'lit] löschen to untag [an'tæg] Markierung rückgängig machen bl Klassenarbeit on the internet" Catfishing > pro or con? A lot of youngh kids and teens have their or cell the internet with u using problem with this but when comes to identity on the internet there certanly is. I personally feel like should watch out on the internet because not every good intro you to be. synd/w 07 person is what they are saying dont theme About 26% of the teenagers fake some informations sp about them to protect their identity or for as sp illegal use. The problem with that is, that nobody it can trust persons they meet. the internet because there is a chance that those people it. aren't telling the truth about who they actre!! There are lot of kids or teens. that delete some informations they, posted just because they may be didnt liked what they posted, sad some mean of rude things. even protect their real even a A to phone and are own it. There is it Nr.1 identity. The percentage of that is at about 59% which is alot. You also could that say this is okay because they maybe just don't want to share some informations about themselfes which is fine but this, especially in the 21st century, is also lot of to catfish purpose way for an lot People illegal use for example. There are a of older men teens that are faking what about wonen? در you make it personal. their identity to steal money s to get , of some other illegal things sinapropreate pictures or videos, which is highly illegal and if it comes out they could get fine or to jail go la my opinion some statemente like:" you Try to keep never see other peoples true identities on oval your senkice media" is true and isn't at the same time but most of the time especially youngh people are forking their identity which can lead, not only for kids and teens but also for grown ups, illegal We shouldn't fake our identity s, to use. on the internet for whatever reason so that we and people around us cant get hurt (by something) you restated your queriaman. yo and callest four action_ Words ~ 3 24 Sprache: 15/18 Inhalt: 10/18