


Distopia & Utopia - the Wall







The Wall 2. Englisch klausur
·an imaginary place where life is extremely difficult and a lot of unfair or immoral
things happen
a s
The Wall 2. Englisch klausur
·an imaginary place where life is extremely difficult and a lot of unfair or immoral
things happen
a s
The Wall 2. Englisch klausur
·an imaginary place where life is extremely difficult and a lot of unfair or immoral
things happen
a s
The Wall 2. Englisch klausur
·an imaginary place where life is extremely difficult and a lot of unfair or immoral
things happen
a s
The Wall 2. Englisch klausur
·an imaginary place where life is extremely difficult and a lot of unfair or immoral
things happen
a s
The Wall 2. Englisch klausur
·an imaginary place where life is extremely difficult and a lot of unfair or immoral
things happen
a s

The Wall 2. Englisch klausur Dystopia ·an imaginary place where life is extremely difficult and a lot of unfair or immoral things happen a society cleprived of human rights, oppressed and terrorized · those in control have created an authoritarian and totalitarian socio-political system. which ruins the everyday life of the citizens living under their control portray images of the future as realistic and threatening as possibilities · mirroring society's failures and today's divisive. issues (capitalism, consumerism, self-indulgence, the power of science and technology, globalization) • Often set in the future · negative depiction of dictatorial societies that severely restrict the individual's freedom • depiction of the (imagined) consequences of present political, technological or ecological developments plot often centres on the protagonist's fight for survival against the forces of oppression reflection of present developments. utopia · an imaginary perfect world where everyone is happy. • the socio-political order ensures human well-being, often combined with a democratic and classless Form of government. - no evil exists. • Just of self-indulgence and constant exitement desire for a better life and a society in which peace is guaranteed • set in the future la distant place ・imaginary perfect society where everybody is happy • world is characterised by equality, peace, freedom and harmony. technological, medical, political and progress is positive, the world and the enviroment prosper The Wall • set in near future, in...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

a nation surrounded entirely by water + chlimat change government built enormous wall to keep out the rising seas and the others (people from less privileged nations seeking escape) - world fighting over basic resources generation out of high school gets drafted to defend the wall (at least two years) the elite the world's most privileged who escape the draft the Defenders: people who defend wall from the others. the Breeders people who decide to try to have children getting privilage NCDSoftical name of the wall "National Coastal Defence Structure Joseph Kavanagh -recent graduate - not sure what he wants to be -fascinated by the lives of the "elites" - just begun his tour -throw his loyalty to his country in question, wonders about the morality of keeping out the Others clistopian Elements consequences of present ecological developments → → rising sea compared to today climat change "1 levels → chlimat change crop failure. unequal society & elite, Defenders mirroring society's failures and today's divisive issues → self-indulgence lelite), opression, totalitarian govermental cystem - chip narrator: endures his abstades, tries to survive younger generation suffers under the failures of their parents generation 1 change" = catastrophical time after the world became a different place military - · Others who get across the wall · get killed, sent back to sea, become help · totalitarism (in some countries, living under control) · big gap between rich and poor younger generation suffers under the failures of the older generation (Greta Thunbeg) ・in equality exam strukture 1. summary Einleitungssatz The given excerpt of the clystobian novel "The wall" written by John Lanchester in the year 2019, deals with.... ' · Objektiv, keine interpretation . · wichtigste Informationen. · Präsens /simple present Chronologisch 2 analysis • überleitungssatz: The author creates certain effects on the reader by his use of language and his way. of presenting the situation and the characters which will be analyzed in the following setting and atmosphere • Schauplatz, aber auch Bedingungen, unter denen clie Figuren handeln · spiegelt Gefühle der Charaktere wider • Funktionen: Stimmungen und Gefühle der Charaktere reflektieren oder veranschaulichen (z. B. ein dunkler, regnerischer Herbsttag deutet auf Traurigkeit oder Trostlosigkeit hin) • Figuren charakterisieren (z. B. durch die Zimmereinrichtung) • Gefühle in bestimmten Figuren auslösen • einen Kontrast herstellen und Unterschiede verdeutlichen (z.B. zwischen ärmlichen Verhältnissen und den Lebensbedingungen der reichen Bevölkerung) characters inner and outer perspectives • äußere Merkmale (Erscheinungsbild): Aussehen, Größe, Kleidung, Stimme, Haltung • soziale Merkmale (Lebensumstände): Stand, Herkunft, Beruf, familiäre Umstände, Beziehungen zu anderen Figuren, Beliebtheit • innere Merkmale (Wesen): Ansichten, Meinungen, Gemütszustand, Charaktereigenschaften • Die direkte Charakterisierung (direct/explicit characterisation) beinhaltet Informationen über eine Figur, die ausdrücklich im Text genannt werden. Dazu zählt zum Beispiel das Aussehen, Alter und das Verhalten. Darüber hinaus kann der Erzähler weitere Eigenschaften, wie die moralische Einstellung oder intellektuelle Aspekte einer Person direkt beschreiben. • Die indirekte Charakterisierung (indirect/implicit characterisation) erfordert vom Leser, dass er aus bestimmten Situationen, dem Verhalten und den Äußerungen einer Person, Charaktereigenschaften ableitet. Außerdem können andere Figuren einen Charakter definieren, indem sie zum Beispiel im Kontrast zu ihr stehen. narrator and point of view · first person narrator - Kavanagh tells the story in the now, retrospectively after he went off the wall (in the future but the readers' present) · only his perspective - doesn't know what others think I feel "his story" → Fillert through his perception /perspective insight into his thoughts + feelings - language } - repetitions colloquial us. Formal /objective /factual parenthesis (Gedanken einschübe) limited negative (chcice of words, connotations) → describing the wall, weather inserted 'poems' (chapter 2) stilistic devices conclusion • wichtigsten Ergebnisse zusammenfassen · aut Arbeits these beziehen -By the use of the first person limited narrator, the reader experiences the situation filtered through the protagonist. Thus, the reader can emphasize more with Kavanagh and can only focus on his feelings and impressions. Moreover, it leads to a deeper connection between the reader and the protagonist. The use of parenthesizes is creating a sense of suspense and empathy for the reader. In conclusion, one can say that the reader can feel the same Kavanagh feels through the use of the first- person narrator and can visualize under which terrible circumstances he lives in. Furthermore, certain emotions are especially underlined by the use of stylistic devices. 3. creative writing • interior monologue /rewriting from diff. perspective Specific language of character · thoughts 3. comment A comment expresses your personal opinion on a certain topic or issue. It is a common means used in print media in order to present one's opinion to the readership in a more or less critical way. → Take some notes first, and structure your thoughts systematically before starting to write 1) Write your introduction. • Make some introductory remarks in which you raise a question, refer to the topic/current problem etc. Further, in the introduction you should state your point of view. Or it should clarify your topic/concern. 2) Main part - resent your line of argument. • State, demonstrate and describe the positive and negative effects of a topic/situation. Support your view of the situation by giving examples. You can, for example, refer to or quote famous people or experts on this matter, or relate your view to other comparable issues. Emphasize the arguments by referring to further/future consequences. 3) Conclusion Conclude your comment by giving your personal view of the situation / problem. Strategically, it is smart to relate your final remarks to your introduction in order to finally "wrap up" the topic and make your point. • Sum up your arguments and round off your comment by restating your thesis, but do not give new information and do not use the same phrases that you used in the introduction 4. mediation • summary = text structure · e-mail - structure · which register (formal, informal) what type of text / letter, newspaper article) which informations needed · own words