


Driving Miss Daisy







Character Profiles
> Daisy Werthan:
•a Jewish widow
-native to Allanta, Georgia
• born 11 years after the end of Civil War, 72 years at
Character Profiles
> Daisy Werthan:
•a Jewish widow
-native to Allanta, Georgia
• born 11 years after the end of Civil War, 72 years at
Character Profiles
> Daisy Werthan:
•a Jewish widow
-native to Allanta, Georgia
• born 11 years after the end of Civil War, 72 years at
Character Profiles
> Daisy Werthan:
•a Jewish widow
-native to Allanta, Georgia
• born 11 years after the end of Civil War, 72 years at
Character Profiles
> Daisy Werthan:
•a Jewish widow
-native to Allanta, Georgia
• born 11 years after the end of Civil War, 72 years at
Character Profiles
> Daisy Werthan:
•a Jewish widow
-native to Allanta, Georgia
• born 11 years after the end of Civil War, 72 years at

C Character Profiles > Daisy Werthan: •a Jewish widow -native to Allanta, Georgia • born 11 years after the end of Civil War, 72 years at the beginning of the play and 97 years at the end • she experience some of the most significant social changes in American history: h => Leo Frank was lynched in 1913 => woman suffrage movement => World Wars I and II => Temple bambing of 1958. in pribor → Martin Luther King Jr's ascension to fame → Civil Rights Movement • her father was a self-made man who founded his own business and she and her husband enjoyed financial success ·career as a teacher • Boolie Werthan: - Son of Miss Daisy ·born and raised in Atlanta 40 years in the first scene of the play and 65 years old at the end he took over the family business, increasing its success he clearly cares for Daisy he is dutiful to his mother and her prickly personality. he is married to Florine ↳ never has any children of his own ● Florine Werthan: • Boolie's wife 1.Daisy's daughter-in-law 4 Daisy doesn't care for her and doesn't keep that opinion to herselt very well > Hoke Colburnage, from of N • an African-American man native to Georgia - he is 60 years old at the beginning and 85 years. at the end of the play 1. Before meeting Daisy, he had neither traveled nor learned to read →...

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family - he has a daughter and granddaughter is very important to him, widow • 12 years younger than Daisy · experiencing for almost his whole life segregation, discrimination, injustice and racism. (2) Relationship/ Florine married Boo lie's Secretary Miss McClatchey D. basses B around falkative •careful •skilled person Boolie Son bossy independent •Self-confident •full of energy relers to her rights Daisy professional clationsional mother ESMO QUE houskeeper 3. careful helpful irony missunderstandings Hoke •Calm .friendly tolerant empathetic/emotional open and talkative -Speaks his mind thoughtful Idella (3) Language in the play, ill - Hoke's use of Black English allows him to come alive for readers and audience alike Black English is simply a dialect of English. just as standard English is - African Americans are often aware of the similarity between black speech and that of poor Southern whites - African-American English began as early as the 17. century, when the Atlantic slave trade bought African slaves into southern colonies for -Differences by the Phonetic spelling by the beginnings of the words: ('bout about) very positive relationship (dey - they) (doan' - don't) Ilemme - let me). (4) Development of D. and H. friendship End of the play + they get more closer •H talks about his daughter •H tells D an emotional memory (murder friends father) •H. drives to her by icestorm ∙D gives him a book for Christmas .D invites him to an event but he rejects because she asks him too late •D thinks that he has stolen a I can of salmon from her •D thinks that H. doesn't under- stand her (5) Race in the play -Prejudice is demonstrated against both; African- Americans and Jews uz ban -Hoke tells Boolie that he has a hard time finding a job when they are colored - She is convinced that Hoke is stealing from her a can of Salmon, she becomes more agressive in her accusations generalises black people - Hoke is not allowed to go to the toilet → Segregation. -Daisy herself makes an experience with social and racie hartred when she has to regoonize that her Synagogue is attacked -black servants as objects => Race and prejudice are important themes in the play (6) Writing a summary > introductory Sentence: The given extract of the episodic play "Driving Miss Daisy" by Alfred Uhry in 1987 is set in Atlanta. Topic of the play is the relationship between the old Jewish Lady and her chauffeur Hoke Coleburn. Their relationship develop over the years from mutual distrust to respect and finally friendship Topic of the scene at hand is... > Preceding scene (s): briefly describe what happens in the preceding scene that. is relevant for the topic of this scene t > Given scene: describe what happens in the scene / what the dialogue is about →divide the scene into units of meaning Following scene: > briefly describe what happens in the following scenes that is relevant for the topic of this scene ((7) Writing a characterisation! > Thesis statement: In the given extract of the play "Driving Miss Daisy", the character (x) is presented as a person. This becomes obvious through (x) (x) also briefly describe the character (name, general information, the rote the character plays in the story Main booly -include details about the character (character traits, ambitions, aims, problems, inner conflicts) - write in paragraphs (each paragraph should present a new aspects. - simple present. > Conclusion: briefly sum up your findings and refer back to your thesis statement (8) Other information Uhry's play Driving Miss Daisy was inspired by the relationship between his grandmother Lena Fox and her longtime chauffeur Will Coleman. -1987 by Alfred Uhry 00 abomnian bit qualq am