


Effect of the narrator







Effect of the narrator
First Person Narrative Perspective
person narrative perspective is told in the first-person voice. It shows the

Effect of the narrator First Person Narrative Perspective First person narrative perspective is told in the first-person voice. It shows the story through the perspective of story's main character who tells the whole story. It uses the pronouns "I" and "me". That also means, that it limits the storytellers perspective to what the narrator knows. The first person narrative perspective is engaging but limits readers from knowing what is going on inside of different characters. Third Person Narrative Perspective The third person narrative perspective creates distance between the narrator and the characters. The narrator is not involved in the story. This perspective uses names and "he," "she" and "they." A third person narrator can be omniscient or limited. A limited third person narrator is limited in his knowledge of what characters think and feel, while an omniscient narrator know everything about the characters and story. A limited perspective can be used to build tension for the reader who wants to know more about the characters and the story. That can be challenging for an omniscient perspective because you have to maintain a good balance between revealing information and keeping them as a secret. Zusammenfassung: (Für Karteikarten u.s.w.) First Person Narrative Perspective -first-person voice. -perspective main character -pronouns: "I" and "me". -limits the storytellers perspective to narrators knowledge -engaging but you can't see different perspectives Third Person Narrative Perspective -distance between narrator and characters. -narrator isn't involved in...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

the story -names and "he," "she" and "they" -omniscient or limited -limited perspective to build tension -Can be challenging for an omniscient perspective