


Englisch Abi: Othello Übersicht







Englisch Lernzettel: Othello
Othello: tragedy
In ,,Othello", the plot is set in
Venice in the late sixteenth
century. Othello, the
Englisch Lernzettel: Othello
Othello: tragedy
In ,,Othello", the plot is set in
Venice in the late sixteenth
century. Othello, the

Englisch Lernzettel: Othello Overview Othello: tragedy In ,,Othello", the plot is set in Venice in the late sixteenth century. Othello, the moor and general of Venice, marries the Venetian beauty Desdemona in secrecy, despite their differences in race and status. But their marriage is sabotaged by the villain of the story lago who convinces Othello that Desdemona is unfaithful. In the end, the general murders his wife. racism Othello: themes and motives Love/Hate Jealousy/revenge Language Depending on social status - Othello: changes through his conflict -lago: manipultes → Othello, moor - different: skin color/origin (subliminal) → impulsive behavior - insecurity=foundation for the intrigue - outsider of Venetians high society lago - Plots revenge against O. Deriving from: jealousy, anger privat conflict Overview - William Shakespeare - 1622 - War between Venice/Turkey → Love of D. And O. - first: seems to be unshakeable → poisoned by lago's intrigue - close to: trust, loyalty, doubt → revenge is a product of jealousy →leads to: hate - green eyed monster Othello - kills Desdemona → deriving from: anger, betrayal privat conflict Language - narrator: Mandisa clear, direct/poetic English, Afrikaans, Xhosa

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