


Englisch LK Klausur American Dream







Teil A
Klausur Nr. 1 (Q1 - 1. Halbjahr 2021/22)
Englisch, Leistungskurs
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Teil A
Klausur Nr. 1 (Q1 - 1. Halbjahr 2021/22)
Englisch, Leistungskurs
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Teil A
Klausur Nr. 1 (Q1 - 1. Halbjahr 2021/22)
Englisch, Leistungskurs
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Teil A
Klausur Nr. 1 (Q1 - 1. Halbjahr 2021/22)
Englisch, Leistungskurs
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Teil A
Klausur Nr. 1 (Q1 - 1. Halbjahr 2021/22)
Englisch, Leistungskurs
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Klausur Nr. 1 (Q1 - 1. Halbjahr 2021/22)
Englisch, Leistungskurs
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Klausur Nr. 1 (Q1 - 1. Halbjahr 2021/22)
Englisch, Leistungskurs
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Teil A
Klausur Nr. 1 (Q1 - 1. Halbjahr 2021/22)
Englisch, Leistungskurs
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Teil A
Klausur Nr. 1 (Q1 - 1. Halbjahr 2021/22)
Englisch, Leistungskurs
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Teil A
Klausur Nr. 1 (Q1 - 1. Halbjahr 2021/22)
Englisch, Leistungskurs
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Teil A
Klausur Nr. 1 (Q1 - 1. Halbjahr 2021/22)
Englisch, Leistungskurs
Leseverstehen / Schreiben

Teil A Aufgabenstellung: Klausur Nr. 1 (Q1 - 1. Halbjahr 2021/22) Englisch, Leistungskurs SCHWERPUNKT DER KLAUSUR: Leseverstehen / Schreiben integriert 1. Outline the reasons which persuaded the people in the text to come to America. (Comprehension) (16 Punkte) 2. Examine the different views of the American Dream as they are presented here. Focus particularly on the argumentative structure and the choice of words that supports the author's position. (Analysis) (24 Punkte) 3. Comment on Kay's presentation of the American Dream in a critical way. Can it be seen as a "mythical concept" or is it still a "reality"? (Evaluation) (20 Punkte) Materialgrundlage: TEXT: Katta Kay: "What is Today's American Dream?", BBC News, New York, 28 March 2011. Zugelassene Hilfsmittel: Ein- und zweisprachige Wörterbücher Ⓒ Good luck! Inhalt wichtige Mittel für Analyse (Argumente) unbekannte wörter 10 Isabel Belarsky's tiny Brooklyn apartment fills with the sound of her father's voice. Sidor Belarsky 5 sings an Aria in Russian and 90-year-old Isabel, her lips painted an elegant red, sways gently to the song coming from her stereo. Isabel speaks with pride about her father's talent and his success as an opera singer: Albert Einstein was such a fan she says that he invited Sidor to accompany him on his speaking engagements and would ask him to sing to the audience. How the Belarskys came to be in America is an extraordinary tale...

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that Isabel loves to tell. 15 What is Today's American Dream? 25 35 They may not have called it the American Dream but for centuries people have gone to America in search of freer, happier and richer lives. But is today's American Dream a mythical concept or can it still be seen as a reality? Like generations of immigrants before them, the Belarskys came to America in search of freedom-> to them the American Dream meant liberty But Isabel says it promised even more. "The Dream is to work, to have a home, to get ahead, you can start as a janitor and become the owner of the building." -> Argument für AD damals The American Dream is not written into the constitution but it is so ingrained in the national 20. psyche that it might as well be. Many point to the second sentence in the Declaration of Independence- the "certain unalienable rights" that include "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" - as the "official" version of the phrase. But it was actually relatively recently in 1931- that the term was popularised, when historian James Truslow Adams wrote in The Epic of America that the Dream means "a better, richer, and happier life for all our citizens of every rank" -> The concept of the American Dream has not stayed static. For European immigrants, like Isabel, fleeing persecution in the first half of the last century, the Dream was about a life without persecution. But somewhere in the middle of the last century the dream changed. As America's post war economy boomed the new arrivals wanted more than freedom - they wanted a share of the prosperity as well. In the 1950s, TV commercials featured twinkly housewives proudly showing off kitchens filled 30 with gleaming appliances. The quest for liberation became a quest for Coca Cola. TV shows played their part in pushing the new economic Dream, starring perfect families in houses with picket fences and two cars in the driveway As the century wore on, the materialistic slant of the dream overtook the political side. Dallas and Dynasty suggested this was a country where it was possible to become not just rich, but filthy rich. But without the inspiring glue of freedom the dream became vulnerable to more prosaic things - like economic downturns. We met 18-year-old Cheyanne Smith at the "Make The Road New York" community centre in Bushwick, Brooklyn. She arrived in New York from the Caribbean seven years ago. Having watched endless American TV shows as a child she thought she knew what to expect when her family moved 40 to Brooklyn. Instead, the deprivation of one of New York's poorest neighbourhoods shocked her "I thought this is not America because this is not what I see on television," she says. Bespiel "It was the Mormons!" she says, laughing. "They couldn't be more different from us Jews!" It was the offer of a six-month job by a Mormon college president, who had seen Sidor singing in Leningrad, that enabled the Belarskys to escape from Stalin's Russia in 1930 "Our dream was being in America, Isabel says. "They loved it. My mother could never think of Russia, it was her enemy and my father, he made such a wonderful career here." Argoment für AD damals 19 to be ingrained in be a decisive part of; 21 unalienable impossible to take away; 29 twinkly cheerful; 31 picket fence Palisadenzaun; 32 slant opinion, point of view; 35 glue (here) decisive factor, force 45 Like Cheyanne, 18-year-old Franscisco Curiel is also ambitiou He came from Mexico City three years ago to go to college here but he's worried that Brooklyn's schools aren't going to give him a good enough education. "The system is broken, we can't get the superior education that they supposedly want to give us." he says Through the centuries America's immigrants have endured terrible hardship and sacrifice so that they and their children can get ahead Perhaps it's not surprising to hear the members of the Bushwick youth group lament the multiple, low paid jobs that their parents must do simply to get the rent paid 50 and put food on the table What is startling is that these bright, ambitious youngsters just don't believe that talent and hard work are enough to ensure they will ever have a shot at that mythical American Dream 48 Bushwick working-class neighbourhood in Brooklyn (722 words) Katty Kay, BBC News, New York, 28 March 2011 englisch-beaugur (1) The newspaper article "What is Today's American Dream?" written by Katta Kay which was published on the BBC News in New York at on the 28th March 2011, deals with the American Dream back then and the Ameri- can Dream of today. 2 30.09.21 First of all, the article begins with talking about the Isabel Belarsky. Isabel was a is an ott 00-years-old woman who talks about Ther past, when she and her family immigr- ated to from Russia to America to get freedom. Therefore she says that her father made as an opera singer a wonderful campeer. Afterwards the text is says that the Declaration of Independence was the reason where the Amer meaning of the American Dream started to change. The people wanted just more than freedom. They wanted to be fiets filthy rich and more. Furthermore the article they the article. talks about the 18-years-old Cheyanne Smith and Francisco Curiel. They say. that the American Dream was not the Ameri- can pream as they excepted. Chey anne Smith says that Hey New York's neighboor- hood is poor and not she does not look. Like the TV shows of America. Francis Fran- scisco says in the end of the article Hower, # luh gute lutro. not in the text IT RI + Struk that he worries that Brooklyne's schools are not gingoing to give him good grades * because the school system looks "broke" R. for him. ендейдеn-kelausur 2) the newspaper article "What is Today's Ame- rican Dream?" written by Ratta kay which Einleitung was published on the BBC News in New york on the 28th march 2011, deals with the American Dream back then and the American Dream of today. today's "statement The key aspect is that the American dream is a mythical concept. thesis The author, Katta Kay expresses that the main American Dream back then was about freedom, part Liberty and human rights. #she says that. the American Dream of today lost the mea- ning. Argument in the first paragraph Katta Kay introduces. her main ideaame and uses the family. Belarsky as an example. Her main idea is that the American dream was about liberty. and chance having a chance to even live (Us. 15- 19). Argument II In the second paragraph on aspect 2 the author Dream (4.20-21 uses an interesting argument by saying that. the Declaration of independence gave them more meaning and freedom of the American. she is telling about the Argument in the third paragraph #h she refers to American Dream of today and try to critizise it. opposing to prove wrong. First she says that the American Dream of today changed because people. APENA 30.09.21 S.O. + H 3 that but got more egoism (and want a life like Kylie Jenner) (LL.27-28). wanted to point this out In the fifth paragraph Katta kay sumps up her main idea that the todays American Dream all ihrer is a mythical concept and highlights her own. position while using the 18-years-old che- yanne Smith and Franscisco Curiel as an example (Us 37-46). Argumente All the aut! the author wants to list. the effect with that kein Argument By that the author wants to list the effect. that we reader should change the life of today. today's to make the American Dream real. written Moreover the article is Vin a serious tone. + The author wants to points out. This can be recognized in line 4M where Cheyanne says expected. that it is not Americal as they aspected. And as we can also see in lines 45 and 46 that Francisco says that the system is broken, what can also recognized a serious as tone. What is even more noticeable is that Katta people Ray uses many different choice of words for example: "filthy rich". By that she wants to point. out that the buman of today want to be more than rich, more than million of dollars that they want the "whole world" (1.34) In addition, she says, Albert Einstein" in her. text to get arouse aftsorts the reader arouse interest in the reader (17). 2 englisch klangur [12 nach zur Analyse] All in all, the author wants to aware the reader that we should change our behaviour in the a society and where ever there is a shadow in this world, we should try to fix it intola light. That is also the conne- ction between the effect and the line. of arguments of the author Katta kay.. A I 3) Nowadays the American Dream of to- G₁ day have a different meaning as the American Dream of back then. The society of today is and the technology. of today extremely developed and that's why the humains of today af have another understanding of the American Dream. According to this I am going to comment + on the question "Can it be seen as a 'mythical concept" or is it still a "reality"?". и First of all one can say is that there is not an a really direct answer to it. w Every person has their own individualism and therefore has a different understanding of it. Perhaps the society of today is more meaner as the society back in time. But in my opinion. Wit is the American Dream still a reality. w and I am going to argument why: A PO To start strenghten my statement, I would like to say that the technology and the economy. Sb developed much. If we have already freedom + why should be still want freedom ? Then all (prosperity) what we want is having more we or some- wealth luxuries money 2 •why not? thing else what we can not have. Moreover, the people back in time have had in furres to suffer against slavery, economy crisis and a war. I know that we still have war and economy- crises in other countries but where ever there is a light there will be a shadow. Rap Another argument is that the life of an America is still better than the having a life in Bangladesh, one istic so we should stop having high exceptation of living in America. unrealistic if As a final argument I can say that if you still have A good grades in school will have a good job, therefore it does not matter you you do not like the school system. I do not like the school system in Germany either because we do not learn much for our future. for example to clean, cook or something else but still I can find a good job with good grades and a good attitude. It does not have to be the best and best paid job. You have chance to go to a university with good grades in America in some countries you do- a 6 2) not can even go to college and are forced to work. In some countries you can go to school buth still a terrible life condition, in America you can "fix" your life bad life conditions with school and Le Not every country has the same eftses economy. crises, therefore they define the American Dream different. G In conclusion I can say that in my opinion the American Dream is still reality and that everyone understand it different and where ever the wish of having peace is everywhere is mean and extegerated because this ? wish just produce war to protect our live and G. R the persons we love. that G, G Gesamtpunkte: Summe inhaltliche Leistung Summe Darstellungsleistung/sprachliche Leistung Summe insgesamt (Inhalt und Darstellung/Sprache und Hörverstehen) → aus der Punktsumme resultierende Note (siehe Bewertungsschlüssel): Bewertungsschlüssel: 15 150 -143 NOTE: 14 142 -135 13 12 134 127 -128 -120 sehr 11 119 -113 10 9 112 104- -105 98 s gut (mind) 6 8 7 5 4 3 2 97-90 89 -83 82 -75 74 -68 67 -58 57 -49 48 -4 Datum: 20/10.14 Paraph