


Englisch Q1







・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt
・in this text, the author discusses
- his/her
... is intended to/meant to... Soll
..... what the text says/what is writt

mistakes: ・in this text, the author discusses time rest - his/her ... is intended to/meant to... Soll ..... what the text says/what is written in zusammenfassung = aufgeteilt divided... ...in the near future /... she moved... last year. • topical, current = aktuell • to be used to + Gerund (-ing) • What - which bezieht sich auf Subjekt example of.... = Beispiel ..their.. either s is even bigger = noch mehr typical of... = Zitate: ·• Vergleich: ... (cf. 1...) / (see....). symbol climax antithesis auch nicht (not...eithe) . The author pointed out that....". (.....) > (1.3) / (11.7-20) Auslassung: "... (...)..." Hinzufügen:" he [is] surprised ... exaggeration (hyperbole) irony enumeration parallelism repetition typisch für.. rhetorical devices : ·compariason / simile = metaphor • rhetorical question rhetorische Frage Anapher anaphora allitereration Alliteration • personification = Personifikation neologism ellypse quotation euphemism • Futut simple past (last year / yesterday /in...). = = : Vergleich Metapher : Symbol Steigerung Antithese Übertreibung 2 = englischklausur Ironie Aufzählung Parallelismus Wiederholung = Wortneuschöpfung = Ellipse = Zitate mildere / weniger negative Umschreibung Varying sentence structure: Simple sentences = s+u+o einfacher Satz compound sentences = two/more independent clauses complex sentences H₁N₁ satz = komplexe Sätze connectives .addition = moreover= furthermore = in addition = ·contrast on the contracy= on the other hand - -in contrast = · however = • nevertheless= emphasis indeed = . in fact = • resun rensect = Therefore: • thus= •consequently = • as a result a · time = meanwhile = •Subsequently = •there after = participal constructions: 1. time when, as, after, while, as soon as, before, until, since 2. reason = as, since, because 3, condition: if, even if, unless 4. concession/Contrast -levert (al) though, while 5. purpose/result = so (that), so/such... that 6. relative clauses useful wondes: to emphasize ·to evohe emotions = to...

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expand a point = ·to evaluate = •to convince • to illustrate ·to persuade ·to underline ·to explain - to address s.b. = = = to make sb. remember sth. = to become more forceful = ·to arouse sb's interest - to make sb. understand sth. = beliefs and values : Fundamental, inalienable, God-given rights: -D liberty: personal / religious freedom -D pursuit of happiness: ways of pursuing onet dreams -D success and wealth equality life :protected by law, government, military Patrionism importance of national symbols. •pride being an American Puritanism: Puritain belief that: hard work, thrift, discipline, self-improvement, responsability - success and prosperity being a member of God's chosen people • protecting personal rights open and dynamic society: · open to : -> newideas and inventions -> immigrants of any nationality election electoral system = Wahlsystem -US= electoral college system •Americans are voting for a group of officials - make up electoral college Lp these electors choose the (vice) president years, a few weeks after the election day - meets every ५ •newly elected president sworn into office on Jan. 20 Electoral college: vele (vice) president into office • number of electoral votes = number of states Congress Members 270 out of 538 = president -general election: : registered volers cast their votes filling out their ballots -national Convention •Republican / Democratic Partis hold their national conventions 4 days long • presidential canditate for each parti is announced primaries and caucuses • nominating process. on "Super Tuesday" president · US-born citizen at least 35-years old • resident of the USA for 14 years ·can serve for a maximum of two- four- trumps reign: • Paris climate agreement •Corona Crisis ・national emergency • unemployment rate (14,7%) ·very scandalous year terms The American dream 1.) the statue of liberty ->symbol of freedom for everyone => chances are offered 2.) Rosa Parks (1955) -> Montgomery Bus Boycott -> refused to offer her seat to a white person => beginning of the Civil Rights Movement with Martin-Luther King ->Obama: first Afro-American president of the US => combination of 3 coloured people changing history 3.) Declaration of Independance (1776) Which points are important for the American dream - social mobility - path to move up - life is better and richer (pursuit of happiness) -opportunities •images and dreams -the idea that everyone can make it. Obama as a symbol of American dream up word mobility opposite American nightmare Immigration: Colonists Settlers first Europeans in America ↳ escape from religious, political, economic oppression belief that America would offer a better life 1965: change in the immigration law = more non-Europeans entering the country 1970: 60% European Immigrants -> 2000: AS% • melting pot : immigrants gave up. their 1 of life/ language/ way = @ unified American nation · 1970: Salad bowl : cultures mixy, but remain different Independance -begins in 1492: Columbus discovery of America. 1600: European Colonists from England 1770 13 British Colonies - 4 July federal holiday Le practice their religion freely. Lp take advantage of the opportunities ·colonies: dependant on goods/support from Europe Lo became more politically independant Lp under the control of London •Revolutionary War (1775-1783) Lp draft the Declaration of Independance Lo by Thomas Jefferson on July 4 - guidline of constitution of 1787 1776 (legislative, executive, judical) Equality and freedom: •1791: The Bill of Rights religious freedom of speech, equal rights and opportunities separation of church and state 1865 slavery was a bolished 1960: Civil rights movement (equal rights) 1920 Women were allowed to vote (suffrage) Native Americans, gays, lesbians still fighting for freedom higher education is a question of money deep-seated pathionism - roots of anti- Americanism around world the american dream · country of opportunity →→ James Truslow Adams -> "Life should be better, richer and fuller for everyone' most popular example: rags to riches anyone can attain their own version of success in a society where upward mobility is possible for everyone > jobs and education are available to all succeed with hard work to achieve prosperity >ideals democrazy, rights, equality, liberty and opportunities s live a happy and successful life > melting pod = one union > salad bowl = different cultures/languages / ideals general information: 'meaning has changed since USA was founded →Similarities personal happiness live comfortably, own nice things history: >1800/1900 people came to build an existence / have political freedom > 1776: rights to :" life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" · 1890-1945: Spreading the American Dream 1930: idea began, people wanted more materialistic/financial comfort > 20 th century: shaped by economic boom then now > hard working Similar idea: good grades → good job > both parents work > happy family > get married / two kids/husband works > don't need a family to be happy children have a better life than their parents > new ways to become successful - set of beliefs and ideas → allow every American the freedom to prosper and advance socially, financially through hard work -fame and fortune/fulfilled life, no state interference -1776 rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (unailieble rights) -life should be better, richer, fuller for everyone" = dream of social order . Success / prosperity lequality/democrazy/justice/freedom/ self-realisation = dream / nightmare first expressed by James Truslow Adams in 1931 - set of complex beliefs, promises of religious / personal freedom, opportunities for prosperity and success - roots in Declaration of Independance of 1776 - reference to basic human rights" - "inalienable" and God-given -D. " all [ people] are created equal · melting pot : "melted together => give up their original culture and identity => "American culture" salad bowl national, ethnic, cultural patterns/habbits = loosely integrated -American dream = materalistic dream - can end badly -> values and principals of AD fail -D Soldiers were convinced, that they were fighting for American values Lp lost their lives - destroyed lives and familles the american nightmare ↓ thought they fought for freedom => wrong - equal opportunities only exist for people with the necessory financial resources • miserable health System Loonly possible for high-earning citizens -D How can equal opportunities exist, if medical care is not guarented for everyone =D Pightmare = poor health system = lack of prospects for many immigrants/poover people =P can't realise the AD => can fail no matter how hard youtry =D nothing is like the people imagined it to be ·analysing a speech Understanding the context of a speech 4 function of a speech: 1.) to etablish contact ->address the audience 2.) to place emphasis on -> emphasize important points 3.) to present ideas understandably or memorably (metaphot) 4.) to convey a certain image of the speaker (self presentation) -> make a good impression / a memorable impression 1) Introduction. Context: Is there a title? Titel >Who is speaking? Speaker >Where and when? ・Time / Place >To what audience? Audience > On what occaision² - Occasion > On what topic(s)? Topic >With what main aim ? · main aim Ex: The political speech ..." by... from.. to... at... is about treats / on the occasion of... First impression: topic, subject, tone, issue, purpose • organization of the text • train of thoughts, line of arguments Circumstances of the speech: political context ・time /place •audience • Occasion ・genre /typ 2.) Content: - summarize the main points --D1 sentence always a hidden message. • use of diverse structural / rhetorical devices Formal and stylistic devices: language 3.) analysis grammar: rhetoric: manner of speaking /ervice: • keywords/phrases • choice of words •different addresses. -D "..." 4- sentence structure grammatical tenses rhetorical question • use of contrast / oppositions key symbols (stereotypes) abstractions/generalisations · references to histo Concentration an essential points insertions Einfügungen Aufgabenstellung beinhaltet nur eine Sache z.b... analyse. the stylistic devices volume · tempo, stress ・・pauses Irhythm. s. Wishing P & Gebrauch um... wants to convince the audience speeks directly to the audience (möglichst viele verschiedene Sprachliche Mittel) analysing structure and rhetorical devices -> general aim and intention of the speaker Lp sprachliches Mittel nennen -> underlines / emphasizes... - makes the speech more emotional/personal -> creates a connection to God - shows off the problems - to address the audience -D Critizises... - Mche it easier for the audience to imagine -D creates hope -Dmahes references to - emotionally - loaded words -> zu Anlässen (occasions) Ziel: - Zuhörer zu überzeugen Aufbau: Introduction > argumentation > Conclusion immer ein Thema >> Aufmerksamkeit der Zuhörer gewinnen • Formulierung eines Redeziels einprägsamer Schlussatz - ⇓ Ziel: > Publikum überzeugen Einleitung: > Einführung ins Thema Schluss: Redeziel, emprägsamer Schlusssatz context: speaker > occasion >time and place >target audience - welche Problematik/Kernaussage - Wiederholungen/Schlüsselwörter => Titel gibt Hinweise •Behauptung zu beginn der Rede => durch Argumente / Beispiele gestützt ··Fakten/ Experteneinschätzung = seriös • Beeinflussen der Gefühle = unseriös • Wir-Gefühl = Gemeinschaft. ·lenkt Aufmerksamkeit von Misserfolgen ab => zeigt eigene Erfolge auf, #J • beschönigt bestimmte Aspekte •Kontakt zum Zuhörer herstellen => Personal pronomen - Gefühl von Zusammengehörighet political speech Appelle appeals bildhafte Sprache imagery • kommt die Botschaft eindeutig rüber = · Sprachliche Analyse: > Rhetorik >Vokabular >Sprachstil > Sprache (gehoben, förmlich, umgangssprache) Schluss wichtigsten Ergebnisse der bisherigen Analyse. zusammenfassen > Kontext herstellen - persönliches Fazit in 3-4 Sätzen (evaluation) The title and the date when the speech was given underline the occasion of the speech. It is the president's response to.... - What is the speakers intention? • Umgangssprache : colloquial language ・ gehobene Sprache = sublime language Zielgruppe • fühlt/ denkt wie der Zuhörer Einleitung > Speaker > date > place > audience > Occasion > theme Hauptteil: Inhaltsangabe (summary) > argumentative Analyse sprachliche Analyse S Bezug / Kontakt zum Publikum Schluss: Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse persönliche Stellungnahme S evaluation: ->impact on the listener - compare the speech · eigene Meinung begründet wiedergeben • Bezug zum Thema •· Einleitung:· Situation darstellen (in lava) HaupHeil: Pro-/ Kontraargumente Kontra - Pro •Schluss(teil): Standpunkt kurz zusammenfassen => abschließendes Urteil - Did the speech open with a story? -D A johe ? /(A startistic)?... - Was the - opening memorable Did he support his arguments: ? -D was the speech organized logically? -D concise ? -D was the speech easy to understand? . sentences short ? complex language technical jargon • How did the speaker make you feel? convinced? •Were you • Would you want to listen to the speaker again? evaluation in my opinion = meiner Meinung nach I think / believe that.. = Ich denke/ glaube, dass... in my point of view.. aus meiner Sicht I'm certain that = Ich bin mir sicher, dass... approve = Ich stimme zu I'm of the same opinion = Ich bin der gleichen Meining I disapprove = Ich bin dagegen.... I like to emphasize= ich möchte verdeutlichen I dislike = Ich lehne ab The reason is that der Grund ist, dass.... Another point/argument is that = ein weiteres Argument ist, dass. not only... but also nicht nur... Sonden auch a further problem is = ein weiteres Problem ist.... bocabulary • to re-enter - zurückkehr en • to restore =auffüllen ·to get infected = infeziert werden : vaccine •Impfstoff •Mail in ballots • frandulent : • to take legal action= = ・the economy • turnout • to inherit election to vote electorate electoral register electors inaugural address to Contest election Supporter eligible to defeat embassy bassador citizen to cast a vole federal progress Summit to support so. Campaign candidate to run majority Opinion poll minority national convention to nominate party member party leader politics politician policy presidential Candidate spech suffrage regulations = perjury. Surplus debts to invade government porty in government = vererben 2 Wahl wählen Wählerschaft Wöhlerverzeichnis Wahlmänner Amtseinführungsrede = on einer Wahl teilnehmen : = Wahlbeteiligung 2 = Anhänger berechtigt besiegen -Botschaft = Botschafter 2 Bürger = eine Stimme abgeben P föderalistisch Fortschritt (gipfel (treffen) jmd. unterstützen = Kampagne = Kandidat/in = kanditieren = Mehrheit = = = : = = Parteimitglied = Parteivorsitzender 2 Meinungsunfrage Minderheit Pationalverscribing nominier en = Rede = Politik Polither Regierung Regierungsparle: Stimmrecht = Vorschriften Meineid invasion of a country = living standard to occupy politisches Ziel Präsidentschafts- handidat Gewinn = Schulden to stress to break the ice to make sb feel addressed personally to present oneself as to reinforce betonen = das Eis brechen = damit sich jmd. persönlich angesprochen fühlt = sich präsentieren als verstärhen = etw. verständlich erhläten = sich verbinden mit = ene pos. Stimmung / Reaktion erwirhen to evohe a positive mood/ reacion = to explain 5th understandably to connect with sb. to offer an easy-to-under. = ein leicht verständl. Bild anbieten stand image to reach out to sb. to highlight one's own personal Values or beliefs = to create a memorable phrase = einen unvergesslichen Eindruch erzeugen = unterstreichen = hervorheben to underline to highlight decree beacon light to sear jemanden erreichen eigene persönliche Werke / Oberzeugungen hervorrufen quest Creed = Verordnung = Leuchtfeuer withering Segregation = Rassentrennung trials and tribulations = Kummer und Leid Suche Glaubens bekenntni vicious bösartig nullification = Annullierung. 2 austrocknen verwelkend = jangling = schrill discord = Uneinigheit prodigious wunderbar challenge = gentile Pichtjude to deliver a speech = eine Rede hallen on the occasion of = zu dem Anlass (von) to embellish - verschönem figurative languge bildische Sprache = Mobilität Mobility deeply rooted = tief verwurzelt. rags to riches = Lumpen zu Reichen upward mobility = Aufstiegsmobilität prosperity • Wohlstand / Erfolg homeownership Wohneigentum pursuit of happiness income to accomplish a mission = das Streben nach Glück = Einkommen = Herausforderung combat = civil war = Bürgerkrieg to declare war on sb. = jmd. dem Krieg erklären the (Greal) Depression = to fall in poverty. = to abolish sth. = abschaffen abolition of sth. = Abschaffung to become independent fram sb. / sth. independance civil rights movement = discrimination Diskriminierung = to • escape persecution = Verfolgung entgehen to explore = erschließen exploration = Erschließung etw. gründen Gründungsväter to found sth. = Grenze to gain independance = Unabhängigkeit erlangen interventionism isolationism Founding Fathers the Frontier non-violence pilgrim plantation € to be prejudiced protest movement = = prejudice = Uorurteil racial purchase Puritan to carry out a •segregation = to rebel = to run (a colony) to set up trading post Gewaltlosigkeit Pilger 5 rebellion = ▼ = 1= Rassentt ennung Protest bewegung Anhauf • policy: civil servant subject Bürger = politices / constitution administration Regierung arrangieren nation's) affairs. come to an agreement sich einigen amendment Zusatz to amend a bill = eine Gesetzesuadage änden appointment Ernennung domestic policy to draw up a bill = to ensure Handelsstützpunkt Angelegenheit = eine Politik ausüben Beamter to confirm sth. = bestätigen Constitution = Verfassung decision-making - Entscheidungsfindung. Innenpolitike Gesetz entwerfen zusichern foreign policy = Außenpolitik To form a government= eine Regierung bilden = eine Regierung aufstellen to govern = regieren Head of State Staatsoberhaupt to set up a government to interfere with sth. party politician political achierment rights individuality Manifest Destiny Melting Pot national anthem authority cultural patterns/habits = Kulturelle Ideen/Verhaltensweisen to be equal to sb/sth. = equality God's chosen people = Gottes auserwähltes Volke to identify with alb/sth. = identification = inalienable/nailienable = E (cultur) interaction = C national pride to offer an opportunity to sb. = patrionism prosperity wealth Pursuit of Happiness religious tolerance = a = politisch = Errungenschaft Autorität = self-improvement (unlimited possibilities to assimilate /assimilation = Multi-ethnic naturalization = to subsidize to tax to be wealthy = = = = = Streben nach Glüch border control = descendant = Pachhomme to emigrale ethnic sich einmischen Partei Politiker = auswanderh Capacity for sth. = to be low-income = ownership society = real estate = Nationalhymne Einbürgerung to be processed through sth. = to take an oath of allegiance - den Treueeid schwören bankrupty= Pleite capitalism = to drop = financial recession= home owner = Subventionieren > etwas bestwen occupant = Besetzer occupation of = pre-military training. to recruit sb. = social benefits = social ranking = welfare (stak)= Wohlfahrtsstaat Rüchzug withdrawal = electoral speech Wahlkampfrede = political speakers 2. Thomas Jefferson: (1743-1826) - drafted and signed the bill of rights •harmony • unite ・improvement good government · equal • freedom of religion / freedom of the press/ freedom of person under the protection Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865). •abolished slavery was murdered • during the civil war between the south and the north • we cannot separate Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945). · 1945 second world war youngest president of America 1.) freedom of speech/expression everywhere 2.) freedom of every person to worship God in his own way 3.) freedom from fear (healthy peacetime life) 4.) freedom from want (economic understanding). John F. Kennedy (1917-1963). was shot New Frontier - be pionieers : we cannot fail their trust, we cannot fail to try Bill Clinton (* 1946.) husband of Hilary Clinton : all are created equal. become the world's mightiest industrial power. • blessing of liberty Bill economic 2) englischklausur participal constructions .^. time when as after. while = während as soon as = sobalol before until .Since. mistakes.. in this text the autor discusses. -is intended to/meanto = Soll. •what the text says. /. Zusammenfassung is in : divided in ..- aufgeteilt :in the near future= Futur she moved last year = simple past aktuell topical current to be used to + •Wrect which bezieht sich auf Subjekt Gerund (-ing). exemple of... = Belspiel. their either auch nicht (not, either) 2... reason:. Issecause = weil. 3. condition is even bigger - noch mehr. ..: typical of. =typisch füt addition moreaver = außerdem. furthermore = außerdem in addition = und dazu contrast on the contracy = emphasis: varying sentence structure: Simple sentences = S+V+0 Feinfacher Satz 4. concession: though = obwohl compound sentences = two/more independant clauses complex sentences = H- +P-Sa+z= komplexe Sätze während while = although - obwohl .connectives: indeed = tatsächlich in fact = eigentlich on the other hand = auf der anderen Seite in contrast - im Gegensatz however = jedoch nevertheless = dennoch. example for example = zum Beispiel for instance = zum Beispiel in particular - insbesondere a result/effect: therefore = deshalb = 50 thus consequently folglich as a result = als Ergebnis = wann = als, wie = nach 6. relative clauses time: meanwhile = inzwischen. subsequently = anschließend thereafter = danach = vor = bis seit wenn if even if = selbst wenn unless = es sei denn 5. purpose so that = damit Such that so dass useful words to emphasize hervorheben to evidke emotions = Emotionen hervorrufen to expand a point einen Punkt erweitern to evaluate - bewerten to convince = überzeugend to illustrate. veranschaulichen to persuade. überzeugen to underline unterstreichen to explain. erklaren to ad sb. jmd. adressieren to make sb remember th, jrid. an etwas erinnern lassen to become more forceful- uraftvoller werden to arouse sbls interest die Interesse von jmd wecher to make sb. understand sth. jemanden etwas verstehen lassen Zale Vergleich (cf.). )/ (see (....) The author pointed out that i >Auslassung G Hinzufügen: "he [is] surprised..." اس 20 ML in t W: G economic history. beliefs and values Fundamental, inalienable, God-given rights freedom -2 liberty: personal / religious. → pursuit of happiness ways. of pursuing.on - Success and wealth. election day Office on equality life:protected by law, government, military. simportance of national symbols. pride being an American. > hard work, discipline, self-improvement, responsability, thrift -.prosperity being a member of God's chosen people protecting personal rights hew ideas, and inventions immigrants of any nationality election. electoral system = Wahlsystem =Pelectoral college system voting for a group of officials -> make up electoral college → electors chose. (vice) president .=. 2-8. november Jan 20th ones dream electoral college = 270/538 general election = filling out ballots Democratic Republican Partis hold. their national conventions (4 days). president =>born in the US bimes. 35 years or over. >resident of USA for 14 years. >2:4-year terms longest. 7 1955 = Rosa Parks: Montgomery Bus Boycott. 4776 = Declaration of Independance. 1965 E change in immigration law 1970 = 60% European immigrants. 1970.= salad. bout. 1482 = Columbus cliscovery of America. 1600 = European colonists, from. England. 17.70= 13 British colonies. 1775-1783 = Revolutionary War! (17.76) 4th July = federal Holiday 17 31 - Bill of Rights, religious freedom, 1865 = slavery, was abolished. 1920 = Women were allowed to vote. 1960 = Civil Rights Movement. 1931 = "Life should be better, richer, fuller f.everyone! 1800/1900 = build an existence in the USA. 1776 = rights to "life,, liberty and the pursuit of. happiness">Declaration of Independance 1890-1945 = spreading the American Dream- 19.30 = more materialistic/financial comfort 20th century economic boom. inmigration ·colonists, settlers first Europeans in America • Leescape from religious, political, economic oppression. .- belief that America would offer a better life. → change. in. immigration law → more -non Europeans. •melting pot.: immigrants gave up their way of life/. language = unified nation. independance begins in 1492 - British colonies: -> practice their religion freely. -> advantage of opportunities. • Revolutionary War... - draft the Declaration of Independance Lby Thomas Jefferson (July 4th 1776) - guidline of constitution of 1787 (legislative, executive, judical). 4th July: federal holiday equality and freedom • Bill of Rights = religious freedom of speech, equal rights, opportunities ERITRI higher education is a question of money. -> roots of anti-Americanism. around world. ANIA In -P. slavery was abolished -D. Civil rights movement (equal rights) - Women were allowed to vote. Native Americans, gays, lesbians still fighting for freedom KENI Nairob Cro 5.20 mis in t Wis ecome the american dream. 4) the stature of liberty. →symbol for freedom for everyone => chances are offered 2) Rosa Parks: -> Hantgamery Bus Boycott -> refused to offer her seat to a white person beginning of Curl Rights Havement with ->Obama first Afro-American president of the USA 3.) Declaration of Independance (1776) Which points are important for the AD: > Social Mobility. > path to move up • life is better and richer popportunities > images and dreams the idea that everyone can make it sobama as a symbol of the American Dream upward mobility roots Declaration of lode pendance reference to basic human rights ->. "inalienable " and God-given • "all [people] are created equal the American nightmare. dream of social order Success /prosperity /equality / democrazy/ justice /freedom/ self-realisation dream Inightmare. American dream = materalistic dream - can end badly →values and principals of AD fail - soldiers were convinced that they were fighting for the AD->. lost their lives and families - destroyed lives and families Country of opportunities → James Truislow Adanis Life should be better, richer and fuller for every- Gne -> most popular example rags to riches -> anyone can attain their own version of success in a society where you and make is possible for everyone thought they fought for freedom → equal opportunities only exist for people. with the necessary toancial ressourcer miserable health system. to only possible for high-earning citizens -P. How can equal opportunities exist, if medical care is not guaranted for. everyone poor health system = PM > Jobs and education are available for everyone Succeed with hard work to achieve prosperity. ideas = democracy, rights, equality, liberty, Opportunities -> live a happy and successful life melting pad - one uni on > salad bowl different cultures / languages lideals -D. meaning has changed since the USA was founded own nice things. rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness hard work children have a better life than their parents. set of beliefs and ideas -> allow every American the freedom to prosper and advance. socially financially through hard work •fame and fortune. I fulfilled life, no state. interference life should be better, richer, fuller → Lach of prospects. for immigrants /pooner. people. can't realise the AD » can fail no matter how hard you try →nothing is the the people imagined 3.00 mi in t W: ecomorit • always a hidden message use of diverse devices. Ziel > Publikum überzeugen Enleitung: Einführung ins. Thema. Schluss Redeziel, einprägsamer Schluss .-> welche Problematik/. Kernaussage ->Titel gibt Inweise analysing a speech • Fakten series / Beeinflussung = unseriös • Wir. - Gefühl, Gemeinschaft (Personal pronomen). lenkt von Misserfolgen ab - beschönigt ~> What is the speakers intention? Umgangssprache colloquial language gehobene Sprache = sublime language .^.) introduction: .Contexts Is there a title ? > Who is speaking?. where and when? To what audience? > On what occasion? >On what topic(s)? >with what main aim? 3.) Analysis: Formal and Stelistic devices: 1.4 functions of a speech: 1.) to etablish contact ~> address the audience 2.) to place emphasis on ->emphasize important points. 3) present ideas understandably / memorably 4.) make a good impression/memorable, impression. Title Speaker Time/Place Audience Occasion TOPIC Marn aim. Example: The political Speech".. by... from... to. is about / treats on the occasion of... 2) context: .-. Summarize the main points (1 sentence) language. key words / Phrases choice of words ·clifferent adresses sentence structure grammar: ・grammatical tenser rhetoric. .. rhetorical question • use of contrax (oppositions ·key, symbols (stereotypes) • abstractions / generalisations •references to history appelle = appeals bildhalle Sprache imagery Einleitung > Speaher concentration on essential points • insertions = Einfügung > time and place ·Schluss J. Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse -& Kontext herstellen > persönliche Stellungnahme audiene > occasion >main aim •> theme. Haupheil > Inhaltsangabe (summary) Analyse argumentative Speachliche Analyse stelistic devices. compariasonbimile metaphor. rhetorical question. anaphora alliteration. = Alliteration personification symbol. climax Vergleich Metapher #rhetorische Frage = Anapher antithesis exageration. ... Symbol •Steigerung. .• Antithese. & Übertreibung. =Tronie Personifikation irony enumeration Aufzählung parallelism Parallelismus. repetition. · neologism ellypse. .quotation euphemism. Wiederholung Wortneuschöpfung → Ellipse. Zitat Euphemismus O 9 ● Pletruing: / Gebrauch un. -Pwants to convince the audience analysing structure and rhetorical devices; general aim and intention of the speaker. Sprachliches Millel kennen. undetines / emphasizes.. makes the speech more emotional / personal creates a connection to vod shows off the problems /critiziser makes it easier for the Euchence to imagine creates hape mahes reerence to emotionally - loaded words mist in th his economic .-Dimpact on the listener -> compare the speech evaluation. > eigene Meinung begrundet wiedergeben. Einleitung > situation kurz darstellen Hauptte Po- Kontraargumente Schluss JI • Standpunkt hurz zusammenfassen eigenes Urteil - Did he. -> Was the opening memorable ? support his arouments? -P. Was the speech organised logically? -D. Concise?. -> was the speech easy to understand? + Complex / colloquial Tamuage .-) How did the speaker Ymake you feel? Were you convinced? .-! Would you want to listen to the speech again? ~ bocabulany. in my opinion. thinh / believe that. • Ich denke / glaube, de meiner Meinung nach. dass. in my point of view. aus meiner. I'm certain that. Ich bin mir sicher, dass I approve Ich Stimme zu I'm of the same opinion Ich bin der gleichen Meinung. disapprove 1. like to emphasize Ich bin dagegen Ich möchte verdeutlichen lehne The reason is that der Grund is, dass... ein weiteres Argument ist, dass... not only.. but also nicht nur... sondern auch. a further problem is =. ein weiteres Problem ist... Andher point argument is that ATHI KENIA Mairobi ANIA Aw 7 thi: -Decomarnic 1743-1826 Thomas Jefferson: murdered ..andrea 1946 political speakers 1809-1865 Abraham Lincon → abolished slavery. 1882 - 1945 Frandin D. Roosevelt was Shot Bill Clinton 1917-1963: John F. Kennedy drafted and signed the Bill of Rights > harmony, unite, improvement, good equal, freedom of religion /freedom of person. under the protection goverment ·5 during the civil war between the north and the south -? cannot separate youngest president of America 1.1945 second world war • free dom of speech/expression everywhere freedom of every person to worship God in his own way freedom from fear (healthy peace time life) freedom from want. (economic, understanding). -> husband of Hilary Clinton > all are created. equal > become the worlds mightiest industrial power > blessing of liberty. -> New Frontier >be pionieers swe cannot fail their trust, we cannot fail to try AGY Khan UDA