


Donald Trump: Größe, Kinder, Ausbildung & mehr!


Donald Trump: Größe, Kinder, Ausbildung & mehr!
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61 Follower


Donald Trump: From businessman to controversial US President

  • Born in 1946, Donald Trump transitioned from CEO to 45th US President in 2017
  • Won 2016 election against Hillary Clinton despite receiving fewer popular votes
  • Campaigned on promises like building a border wall and repealing Obamacare
  • Presidency marked by divisive policies, broken alliances, and handling of crises



Donald Trump: From Business Tycoon to US President

Donald John Trump, born on July 14, 1946, has had a remarkable journey from being a business magnate to becoming the 45th President of the United States. At 73 years old, Trump is a father of five and has been married to Melania Trump since 2005, his third marriage. Before his foray into politics, Trump was at the helm of the Trump Organization for 46 years as its CEO.

Trump's political ascent culminated in 2017 when he assumed the presidency after a contentious election against Hillary Clinton. The election results were particularly intriguing, as they highlighted the unique nature of the American electoral system.

Highlight: Despite receiving fewer popular votes than his opponent, Trump secured the presidency through the Electoral College system.

The election statistics paint a fascinating picture:

  • Trump received 46.1% of the popular vote
  • Hillary Clinton garnered 48.2% of the popular vote

Definition: The Electoral College is a system established in 1787 where electors from each state vote for the president on behalf of their citizens, rather than relying solely on the popular vote.

This outcome underscores the complexity of the US electoral process and how a candidate can win the presidency without securing the majority of individual votes.

Trump's Campaign Promises and Political Agenda

During his campaign and throughout his presidency, Trump has championed several key policies and initiatives:

  1. Border Security: One of Trump's most famous promises was to build a wall along the US-Mexico border to curb illegal immigration. He even proposed that Mexico would pay for its construction.

  2. Healthcare Reform: Trump vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, which aimed to provide universal healthcare coverage.

  3. Energy Policy: Instead of addressing climate change concerns, Trump advocated for promoting domestic oil production.

  4. Gun Rights: Trump has been a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment, opposing stricter gun control laws.

Vocabulary: Domestic oil ("heimisches Öl" in German) refers to oil produced within a country's own borders.

These campaign promises and policy stances have been central to Trump's "America First" approach to governance.

Donald Trump
Ausformuliertes Referat
Bild von Trump hinlegen
,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most

Trump's Presidency: Achievements and Challenges

Donald Trump's tenure as President of the United States has been marked by both controversy and limited success in achieving his campaign promises. Experts suggest that his "America First" approach and tendency to strain relationships with allies have hindered his ability to implement his agenda effectively.

Quote: "I will make America great again" - One of Donald Trump's most famous campaign slogans that encapsulates his political vision.

Trump's presidency has faced significant challenges, including international tensions and domestic crises. One notable incident involved the assassination of an Iranian general, which nearly led to a major escalation in Middle East tensions.

Example: The ordered assassination of the Iranian general demonstrated Trump's willingness to take bold and controversial actions in foreign policy, often without consulting allies.

Trump's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented one of the most significant challenges of Trump's presidency. His response to the crisis has been widely criticized and has unfolded in several stages:

  1. Initial Denial: Trump initially downplayed the severity of the virus, referring to it as a "hoax."

  2. Shifting Blame: As the situation worsened, Trump made accusations against former President Obama and China.

  3. Crisis Management: The US has struggled to contain the spread of the virus, becoming the country with the highest number of cases and deaths globally.

As of the report date, the United States had:

  • 735,287 confirmed COVID-19 cases
  • 39,090 deaths due to the virus

These numbers highlight the severity of the pandemic's impact on the country and the challenges faced by the Trump administration in managing the crisis.

Definition: Quarantine - A state of isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease, which has become a common measure during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The handling of the coronavirus crisis has become a defining aspect of Trump's presidency, influencing public perception and potentially impacting his chances for re-election in the 2024 presidential race.

Donald Trump
Ausformuliertes Referat
Bild von Trump hinlegen
,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most


Global Impact of COVID-19 and Comparative Statistics

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on countries worldwide, with varying degrees of severity. As of the report date, here are the statistics for some of the most affected countries:

  1. United States:

    • Infected: 735,287
    • Deaths: 39,090
    • Recovered: 66,819
  2. Spain:

    • Infected: 194,416
    • Deaths: 20,639
    • Recovered: 74,797
  3. Italy:

    • Infected: 175,925
    • Deaths: 23,227
    • Recovered: 44,927
  4. Germany:

    • Infected: 143,724
    • Deaths: 4,538
    • Recovered: 88,000
  5. United Kingdom:

    • Infected: 115,317
    • Deaths: 15,498
    • Recovered: 414
  6. China:

    • Infected: 83,804
    • Deaths: 4,636
    • Recovered: 77,647
  7. Worldwide:

    • Total Infected: 2,341,066
    • Total Deaths: 161,324
    • Total Recovered: 599,979

Highlight: The United States has the highest number of confirmed cases and deaths among all countries, highlighting the severity of the outbreak in the country.

These statistics provide a snapshot of the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and allow for a comparison of how different countries, including the United States under Trump's leadership, have managed the crisis.

Example: While countries like Germany have managed to keep their death toll relatively low despite a high number of infections, others like Italy and Spain have experienced significantly higher mortality rates.

The varying outcomes across different countries reflect the effectiveness of different approaches to managing the pandemic, including early response measures, healthcare system capacity, and public compliance with preventive measures.

Donald Trump
Ausformuliertes Referat
Bild von Trump hinlegen
,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most


Donald Trump's Background and Rise to Presidency

Donald Trump, born on July 14, 1946, is a prominent American figure who transitioned from business to politics. At 73 years old, Trump is the father of five children and has been married to Melania Trump since 2005, his third wife. Before entering politics, Trump was the CEO of the Trump Organization for 46 years.

In 2017, Trump became the 45th President of the United States, defeating Hillary Clinton in a contentious election. Despite receiving fewer popular votes (46.1% compared to Clinton's 48.2%), Trump secured the presidency due to the Electoral College system.

Highlight: The US electoral system, established in 1787, allows for a candidate to win the presidency without securing the majority of popular votes.

Example: In the 2016 election, Trump won the presidency despite receiving 2.1% fewer votes than Hillary Clinton, highlighting the unique nature of the American electoral process.

Trump's Campaign Promises and Presidency

During his campaign, Trump made several bold promises that resonated with his base:

  1. Building a wall on the US-Mexico border to curb illegal immigration
  2. Repealing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
  3. Promoting domestic oil production instead of addressing climate change
  4. Maintaining loose gun control laws

Vocabulary: Domestic oil - "heimisches Öl" in German, referring to oil produced within the country's borders.

Trump's presidency has been marked by controversy and limited success in achieving his campaign promises. Experts suggest that his "America First" approach and tendency to break alliances have hindered his ability to implement his agenda effectively.

Quote: "I will make America great again" - One of Donald Trump's most famous campaign slogans.

Trump's Response to Crises

Trump's presidency has faced significant challenges, including international tensions and the COVID-19 pandemic. His response to the coronavirus crisis has been particularly controversial:

  1. Initially downplayed the severity of the virus
  2. Made accusations against Obama and China when the situation worsened
  3. Struggled to contain the spread, with the US becoming the country with the highest number of cases and deaths

As of the report date, the US had 735,287 confirmed cases and 39,090 deaths due to COVID-19, highlighting the severity of the pandemic's impact on the country.

Definition: Quarantine - A state of isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease.

The summary provides an overview of Donald Trump's background, his path to the presidency, key campaign promises, and challenges faced during his term, including the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

Donald Trump
Ausformuliertes Referat
Bild von Trump hinlegen
,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most


Donald Trump
Ausformuliertes Referat
Bild von Trump hinlegen
,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most


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Knowunity ist die #1 unter den Bildungs-Apps in fünf europäischen Ländern

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Philipp, iOS User

Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

Lena, iOS Userin

Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.

Donald Trump: Größe, Kinder, Ausbildung & mehr!

user profile picture




61 Follower


Donald Trump: From businessman to controversial US President

  • Born in 1946, Donald Trump transitioned from CEO to 45th US President in 2017
  • Won 2016 election against Hillary Clinton despite receiving fewer popular votes
  • Campaigned on promises like building a border wall and repealing Obamacare
  • Presidency marked by divisive policies, broken alliances, and handling of crises








Donald Trump: From Business Tycoon to US President

Donald John Trump, born on July 14, 1946, has had a remarkable journey from being a business magnate to becoming the 45th President of the United States. At 73 years old, Trump is a father of five and has been married to Melania Trump since 2005, his third marriage. Before his foray into politics, Trump was at the helm of the Trump Organization for 46 years as its CEO.

Trump's political ascent culminated in 2017 when he assumed the presidency after a contentious election against Hillary Clinton. The election results were particularly intriguing, as they highlighted the unique nature of the American electoral system.

Highlight: Despite receiving fewer popular votes than his opponent, Trump secured the presidency through the Electoral College system.

The election statistics paint a fascinating picture:

  • Trump received 46.1% of the popular vote
  • Hillary Clinton garnered 48.2% of the popular vote

Definition: The Electoral College is a system established in 1787 where electors from each state vote for the president on behalf of their citizens, rather than relying solely on the popular vote.

This outcome underscores the complexity of the US electoral process and how a candidate can win the presidency without securing the majority of individual votes.

Trump's Campaign Promises and Political Agenda

During his campaign and throughout his presidency, Trump has championed several key policies and initiatives:

  1. Border Security: One of Trump's most famous promises was to build a wall along the US-Mexico border to curb illegal immigration. He even proposed that Mexico would pay for its construction.

  2. Healthcare Reform: Trump vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, which aimed to provide universal healthcare coverage.

  3. Energy Policy: Instead of addressing climate change concerns, Trump advocated for promoting domestic oil production.

  4. Gun Rights: Trump has been a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment, opposing stricter gun control laws.

Vocabulary: Domestic oil ("heimisches Öl" in German) refers to oil produced within a country's own borders.

These campaign promises and policy stances have been central to Trump's "America First" approach to governance.

Donald Trump
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Bild von Trump hinlegen
,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most

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Trump's Presidency: Achievements and Challenges

Donald Trump's tenure as President of the United States has been marked by both controversy and limited success in achieving his campaign promises. Experts suggest that his "America First" approach and tendency to strain relationships with allies have hindered his ability to implement his agenda effectively.

Quote: "I will make America great again" - One of Donald Trump's most famous campaign slogans that encapsulates his political vision.

Trump's presidency has faced significant challenges, including international tensions and domestic crises. One notable incident involved the assassination of an Iranian general, which nearly led to a major escalation in Middle East tensions.

Example: The ordered assassination of the Iranian general demonstrated Trump's willingness to take bold and controversial actions in foreign policy, often without consulting allies.

Trump's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented one of the most significant challenges of Trump's presidency. His response to the crisis has been widely criticized and has unfolded in several stages:

  1. Initial Denial: Trump initially downplayed the severity of the virus, referring to it as a "hoax."

  2. Shifting Blame: As the situation worsened, Trump made accusations against former President Obama and China.

  3. Crisis Management: The US has struggled to contain the spread of the virus, becoming the country with the highest number of cases and deaths globally.

As of the report date, the United States had:

  • 735,287 confirmed COVID-19 cases
  • 39,090 deaths due to the virus

These numbers highlight the severity of the pandemic's impact on the country and the challenges faced by the Trump administration in managing the crisis.

Definition: Quarantine - A state of isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease, which has become a common measure during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The handling of the coronavirus crisis has become a defining aspect of Trump's presidency, influencing public perception and potentially impacting his chances for re-election in the 2024 presidential race.

Donald Trump
Ausformuliertes Referat
Bild von Trump hinlegen
,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most

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Global Impact of COVID-19 and Comparative Statistics

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on countries worldwide, with varying degrees of severity. As of the report date, here are the statistics for some of the most affected countries:

  1. United States:

    • Infected: 735,287
    • Deaths: 39,090
    • Recovered: 66,819
  2. Spain:

    • Infected: 194,416
    • Deaths: 20,639
    • Recovered: 74,797
  3. Italy:

    • Infected: 175,925
    • Deaths: 23,227
    • Recovered: 44,927
  4. Germany:

    • Infected: 143,724
    • Deaths: 4,538
    • Recovered: 88,000
  5. United Kingdom:

    • Infected: 115,317
    • Deaths: 15,498
    • Recovered: 414
  6. China:

    • Infected: 83,804
    • Deaths: 4,636
    • Recovered: 77,647
  7. Worldwide:

    • Total Infected: 2,341,066
    • Total Deaths: 161,324
    • Total Recovered: 599,979

Highlight: The United States has the highest number of confirmed cases and deaths among all countries, highlighting the severity of the outbreak in the country.

These statistics provide a snapshot of the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and allow for a comparison of how different countries, including the United States under Trump's leadership, have managed the crisis.

Example: While countries like Germany have managed to keep their death toll relatively low despite a high number of infections, others like Italy and Spain have experienced significantly higher mortality rates.

The varying outcomes across different countries reflect the effectiveness of different approaches to managing the pandemic, including early response measures, healthcare system capacity, and public compliance with preventive measures.

Donald Trump
Ausformuliertes Referat
Bild von Trump hinlegen
,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most

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Donald Trump's Background and Rise to Presidency

Donald Trump, born on July 14, 1946, is a prominent American figure who transitioned from business to politics. At 73 years old, Trump is the father of five children and has been married to Melania Trump since 2005, his third wife. Before entering politics, Trump was the CEO of the Trump Organization for 46 years.

In 2017, Trump became the 45th President of the United States, defeating Hillary Clinton in a contentious election. Despite receiving fewer popular votes (46.1% compared to Clinton's 48.2%), Trump secured the presidency due to the Electoral College system.

Highlight: The US electoral system, established in 1787, allows for a candidate to win the presidency without securing the majority of popular votes.

Example: In the 2016 election, Trump won the presidency despite receiving 2.1% fewer votes than Hillary Clinton, highlighting the unique nature of the American electoral process.

Trump's Campaign Promises and Presidency

During his campaign, Trump made several bold promises that resonated with his base:

  1. Building a wall on the US-Mexico border to curb illegal immigration
  2. Repealing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
  3. Promoting domestic oil production instead of addressing climate change
  4. Maintaining loose gun control laws

Vocabulary: Domestic oil - "heimisches Öl" in German, referring to oil produced within the country's borders.

Trump's presidency has been marked by controversy and limited success in achieving his campaign promises. Experts suggest that his "America First" approach and tendency to break alliances have hindered his ability to implement his agenda effectively.

Quote: "I will make America great again" - One of Donald Trump's most famous campaign slogans.

Trump's Response to Crises

Trump's presidency has faced significant challenges, including international tensions and the COVID-19 pandemic. His response to the coronavirus crisis has been particularly controversial:

  1. Initially downplayed the severity of the virus
  2. Made accusations against Obama and China when the situation worsened
  3. Struggled to contain the spread, with the US becoming the country with the highest number of cases and deaths

As of the report date, the US had 735,287 confirmed cases and 39,090 deaths due to COVID-19, highlighting the severity of the pandemic's impact on the country.

Definition: Quarantine - A state of isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease.

The summary provides an overview of Donald Trump's background, his path to the presidency, key campaign promises, and challenges faced during his term, including the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

Donald Trump
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Bild von Trump hinlegen
,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most

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Donald Trump
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Bild von Trump hinlegen
,,I will make America great again" that's one of Donald Trumps most

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Knowunity ist die #1 unter den Bildungs-Apps in fünf europäischen Ländern

Knowunity wurde bei Apple als "Featured Story" ausgezeichnet und hat die App-Store-Charts in der Kategorie Bildung in Deutschland, Italien, Polen, der Schweiz und dem Vereinigten Königreich regelmäßig angeführt. Werde noch heute Mitglied bei Knowunity und hilf Millionen von Schüler:innen auf der ganzen Welt.

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Philipp, iOS User

Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

Lena, iOS Userin

Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.