


Hosting exchange students







Hosting exchange students
The speech named "Hosting exchange students" delivered by Hillary Clinton in September
2012 is about the importanc

Hosting exchange students The speech named "Hosting exchange students" delivered by Hillary Clinton in September 2012 is about the importance and benefits of student exchanges. She speaks to American citizens all over the world to convince them to participate in an exchange program as a student or as a host family who welcomes an exchange student. Hillary Clinton's speech (on paper) is divided into six parts, in which she uses many positive arguments as to why it is essential for an adolescent or "young people" (I. 1) to take part in such a program. In order to make her arguments effective and keep the interest of their listeners ongoing, Mrs. Clinton employs various stylistic devices in her speech. She starts by generalizing the idea of student exchange saying how frequently this is being done all across the globe, whilst adding an alliteration: "Each year, thousands of [...] young people from all around the world travel to the [...]" (II. 1-2). The alliterations in the second paragraph (II. 6-8) are being used for the keywords to stand out which are: "homes and hearts" (I. 4); "people-to-people" (II. 5-6); "last a lifetime" (1. 6). Several other alliterations in the following paragraphs are also often used to draw the reader's attention to a particular sentence and make it stand...

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out "his or her host" (1.9), "they talk to" (l. 13), “many more" (I. 17), "When we" (I. 19), "boundaries and borders" (1. 20). Throughout her speech, she repeats the keyword(s) "exchange (student)" (II. 4, 7, 11, 16) for the audience to keep this specific word in their mind, as it is important to fully understand what the speech is all about. Furthermore, Mrs. Clinton's words of choice are advanced, which are shown in the following enumeration "goodwill, generosity and mutual understanding" (1. 7). Moreover the use of positive adjectives combined with advanced words such as "positive impressions" (1. 11), "great enthusiasm" (I. 13) play a huge factor. This positively affects the reader/listener and leaves them with an optimal feeling. She also only gives for-arguments to leave an even stronger impression on the audience. She concludes her speech by using "we" (II. 19-20) in between parallel phrases to declare solidarity and to emphasize people being unity and look past the misconceptions and "stereotypes" (I. 19) that divide us. Lastly, Clinton sincerely thanks her audience for listening to her to show her kindness (I. 21). Summing up,Hillary Clinton's speech, which is supported by various stylistic devices and a communicative strategy to arouse the listeners /readers attention, interest and make them determined to participate in a student exchange with the help of her clear structure and supportive arguments.