


Analyse von Barack Obama's Victory Speech







Barack Obamas Victory Speech
The victory speech held by the ongoing US-president Barack Obama; after he won the
presidential elections of 20

Barack Obamas Victory Speech The victory speech held by the ongoing US-president Barack Obama; after he won the presidential elections of 2012, took place on the 7th of November in Chicago. Infront of his supporters he spoke about his vision of the American people and the nation's future. The extract of his speech can be divided into three parts. They are different in their contend and therefore in the way of speaking. Talking about the folk at first, thanking for their votes, continues with the presentation of the American future and the American dream afterwards. Part one is about connecting to the audience. Moreover, it reaches out to the American people. Obama uses a lot of personal pronouns, to integrate the people, presenting himself as one of them, as in line 7:" we rise or fall together". He brings out the importance of every single American, for example in the beginning, by repeating the sentence: "It moves forward because of you. It moves forward because you..." (line 3) and giving the reason for that. Speaking about a spirit and a believe, Obama highlights the values he and all other Americans share. A parallelism of what they reached and will reach soon underlines this thesis. It also refers to the second part. Using an anaphora Obama...

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is talking about the American future. In four sentences, he clarifies what "we want" and what "we believe". In addition to that, every single sentence is constructed as parallelism. By that, he emphasizes his points, like the importance of education, constitutional legality and safety. Furthermore, he speaks about the best schools, best teachers, best troops and in general the greatness of America (line 14-29). Another anaphora in the end of the second part sums up all the points, mentioned before and creates a memorable phrase (line 27, 28). The third and last part deals with the American dream. He repeats the "believe", he mentioned several times before. Again, it is about what "we" can do. That hole paragraph is based on a few of structural devices, which complement and relieve each other. Thereby, it is very comfortable to follow his thoughts and to keep and remember them. Furthermore, he underlines the accessibility of the American dream for everybody. The enumeration qualifies all Americans, regardless of which race and origin they are (line 34-36). Taking everything into account, Obamas speech seems to be very well-thought-out and planned before. It shows a closeness to all Americans and has a convincing, but also proud and grateful style. Moreover, the fundamental idea of America itself, probably formed the foundation, the speech was built on. As mentioned in the beginning, looking forward for a great future, unifying, democratic values and the American dream are main points of Obamas speech, as they are values of America too.