


We were liars Characters







We were liars characters
Cadence Sinclair Eastman
-narrator and protagonist
-the oldest of the Sinclair grandchildren
-blonde hair and an at
We were liars characters
Cadence Sinclair Eastman
-narrator and protagonist
-the oldest of the Sinclair grandchildren
-blonde hair and an at

We were liars characters Cadence Sinclair Eastman -narrator and protagonist -the oldest of the Sinclair grandchildren -blonde hair and an athletic form -After her accident, she thought that the Liars would ignore her, but she doesn't know that the Liars are dead. -6 cousins and 2 aunts Johnny Sinclair Dennis -Only a few weeks younger than Cadence -He isn't tall -blonde, athletic -He always does sport -humorous Gatwick Matthew Patil -His uncle is the boyfriend of Johnny's mom and very close friends with Johnny -member of the Liars -He starts coming to the island in summer 8 -He and Cady are in love -He has Indian heritage -olive skin and dark hair and eyes Mirren Sinclair Sheffield -blonde, blue eyed, and athletic -dreamer and optimist -She is sometimes jealous -she wants a functional, loving family -the youngest of the Liars -She is more of a follower in the Liars and usually goes along with the ideas that the others have Harris Sinclair -grandfather -manipulative -uses his wealth as a tool with which he can control his family Tipper Sinclair -She dies just before summer fifteen -After her death, the sisters argue -loves her children and grandchildren Penny Sinclair Eastman -Cadence's mother -abandoned by her husband -She was close to Tipper Carrie Sinclair Dennis -Johnny's and Will's mother -She has suffered the most under her father's control because she isn't able to marry Ed without Harris's consent -stepmother to Ed's nephew Gat Bess Sinclair Sheffield -mother to Mirren,...

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Liberty, Bonnie, and Taft -She relies on Harris's money because she is a stay-at-home mom and she doesn't have a income