


Englisch Themen Abi (American Dream,Globalization,dystopia,Nigeria,Shakespeare,UK)







Englisch Abitur
Utopia &
The UK
Shakespeare Globalization
Englisch Abitur
Utopia &
The UK
Shakespeare Globalization
Englisch Abitur
Utopia &
The UK
Shakespeare Globalization
Englisch Abitur
Utopia &
The UK
Shakespeare Globalization
Englisch Abitur
Utopia &
The UK
Shakespeare Globalization
Englisch Abitur
Utopia &
The UK
Shakespeare Globalization
Englisch Abitur
Utopia &
The UK
Shakespeare Globalization

Englisch Abitur Globalization American Dream Utopia & Dystopia Nigeria The UK Shakespeare Globalization DEFINITION OF GLOBALIZATION level -economic,technological,cultural -exchange of services,knowledge, cultural goods -mobility of people -steady flow of money and goods -global spread of ideas and values EFFECTS Growing competition: pressure to cut costs, simplifying firing Changes working conditions+ job opportunities: demand for greater flexibility, mobility + better qualifications ADVANTAGES -range of products -new jobs/new chances -high mobility of people and goods -hopes of spreading democracy -lower prices for the consumers -greater understanding -helps developing countries to progress faster ENGLISH AS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE Pro: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF GLOBALIZATION DISADVANTAGES -Benefits the wealthy more than the poor (gap between rich and poor) - Some jobs are lost and transferred to lower cost countries -communication facility between different cultures -need in each sector: education,business, tourism -international language of business -better opportunities for career BASIC GLOBAL TRENDS Economic globalization: Global players exist (produce where its cheapest but sell worldwide) ;capitol flows around the world more easily Technological globalization: Rapid technological change; information is spreading faster; communication across national borders more easy CHANGING WORLD OF WORK -not staying with one company/employer -more competitiveness -advanced work equipment -importance of not repetitive jobs -internet has revolutionized work(home office) -always available-> more stress Cultural globalization: Spread of largely commercial culture (Bollywood movies etc.); spread of fast food chains + ethnic restaurants all over the world STUDYING AND WORKING ABROAD Pro: -meet people from different background&learn about their culture -traveling and exploring new places -learn the local language better -develop experience -getting out of your comfort zone -exchanging ideas with team members...

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for a different perspective -poor working conditions -Bad for environment -Bigger competition -pollution Contra: -expensive -difficulties in learning new language -finding friends -different time zones -negative impact on the environment Contra: -extinction of smaller languages -loss of individual culture -challenge for non speakers WAGE -gender pay gap -low wages in developing countries -Machines replace human workers to save money -high difference in pay (gap between rich and poor) -minimum wage; lowest wage permitted by law -living wage; high enough to maintain a normal standard of living DEFINITION OF THE AMERICAN DREAM -term was first used by James Truslow Adams -> "The Epic of America" American Dream -often used to inspire Americans to improve themselves -Anybody can go from "rags to riches" -main idea: anyone can achieve anything if they work hard PERSONAL DREAMS freedom self-fulfillment happiness fresh start INTERPRETATIONS OF THE AMERICAN DREAM SOCIAL DREAMS ECONOMIC DREAMS prosperity success no poverty progress HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN DREAM 1620 Mayflower Compact 1776 Declaration of Independence 1776-1783 Revolutionary War 1791 Bill of Rights 1920 Women's right to vote 1950-1970 Martin L.King Civil Rights Movement equality classless society opportunities -> life without struggle, hunger, etc. - Equality, high living standart - Pursuit of happines -Success THE AMERICAN DREAM TODAY -critical and negative view -unrealistic for most people -huge gap between rich and poor -heritage has a huge impact RELIGIOUS DREAMS religious freedom Walter -wants to become rich, independent and sucessful -> invest money in a liqour store EXAMPLE A RAISIN IN THE SUN - shows the life of the Youngers -black family (African-American) living in Chicago in the 1950s -Different dreams the characters want to achieve -no universal definition of the American Dream POLITICAL DREAMS - Freedom/protection - Several success-stories still hold some promise and keep the American Dream alive democracy Mama -wants to buy a house ->feels she has the same right as any other (white) person Beneatha - wants to be a doctor and help people->Express her herritage (African roots) American Dream American Vightmare - from ags to riches - Land of opportunity - huge gaps between rich and poor - social gap/inequality - Lack of health care - discrimination/racism -> cost of living is high and people can't afford it - Unrealistic for unprivileged people - High crime rate Utopia vs Dystopia DEFINITION OF UTOPIA "Any real or imaginary society, place, state, etc, considered to be perfect or ideal" important aspects: -Peaceful government, equality for citizens, access to healthcare, education & employment, safe environment DEFINITION OF DYSTOPIA "A very bad or unfair society in which there is a lot of suffering, especially an imaginary society in the future, after something terrible has happened" important aspects: -war, suppression, suffering, no social mobility, injustice, sickness, poverty EXAMPLES IN LITERATURE/MOVIES UTOPIA -the giver -Tomorrowland EXAMPLE "THE HUNGER GAMES™ PLOT: In a dystopian future, the totalitarian nation of Panem is divided into 12 districts and the Capitol. Each year two young representatives from each district are selected by lottery to participate in The Hunger Games. Part entertainment, part brutal retribution for a past rebellion, the televised games are broadcast throughout Panem. The 24 participants are forced to eliminate their competitors while the citizens of Panem are required to watch. When 16-year-old Katniss' young sister, Prim, is selected as District 12's female representative, Katniss volunteers to take her place. She and her male counterpart, Peeta, are pitted against bigger, stronger representatives, some of whom have trained for this their whole lives. The purposes of the Hunger Games are to provide entertainment for the Capitol and to remind the districts of the Capitol's power and lack of remorse, forgetfulness, and forgiveness for the failed rebellion of the current competitors enemies President Snow sadistic leader of Panem CHARACTERISTICS OF DYSTOPIA 1. Futuristic setting with amazing technological advancements enemies 2. Back story involving war, revolution or some variety of natural disaster 3. New system ususally sort of unjust totalitarian government system with poverty & control 4. Society structure usually characterised by class system, unfair distribution of wealth DYSTOPIA -the maze runner -hunger games 5. Hero from the society feels that there is something wrong and fights to change it 6. Figure of conflict that represents everything the dystopia promotes Peeta Mellark 16-year-old boy from district 12 best friends friends/lovers mentor Katniss Everdeen 16 year-old girl from district 12 Gale Hawthorne rebellious 18-year old boy from district 12 Haymitch Abernathy sarcastic, drunk, winner HG from district 12 mentor siblings Primrose Everdeen sweet 12-year-old girl from district 12 GENERAL INFORMATION ON NIGERIA -Country in West Africa -Capitol: Abuja -Population: 206 Million -Multinational State -> INHABITED BY MORE THAN 250 ETHNIC GROUPS 500 LANGUAGES -> -> LOTS OF DIFFERENT CULTURES -Three largest ethnic groups -> HAUSA-FULANI (NORTH) -> YORUBA (WEST) -> IGBO (EAST) -Official language is English -Largest Muslim and Christian population simultaneously ->Muslims mostly in the North, Christians mostly in the south -Largest economy in Africa -Variety in landscape ECONOMY -biggest oil production in Africa -environmental pollution -half of Nigerians work in the service sector -profit from oil export and film industry (Nollywood) -most important minerals : oil, gas, coat, tin languages more than 250 languages literature nigerian people/life Nigeria spread of slums each village 80% of Nigerian people chief villages live in Nollywood -film industry the official language English is Migoria National Assembly culture consists of Sanate and the house of representatives politics ↓ Music Arts own - earliest forms instruments Religion 15th century adopted a system of government each state has a high-court NIGERIAN LITERATURE -Written by Nigerians for Nigerians -addresses Nigerian issues -famous writer: adichie, achebe --written in English and other languages which ar based on the geographical part of Nigeria -northern written literature can be divided in 4 periods • FOURTEEN KINGDOMS PERIOD (10TH-19TH CENTURY) -> SOKOTO PERIOD (19TH-20TH CENTURY -> COLONIAL PERIOD (20TH CENTURY) -> POST INDEPENDENT PERIOD (20TH CENTURY-PRESENT) and songs - beginning of the 20th century traditional religions - in 1960 people were classified as Muslims or Christians CHALLENGES -40% of people in Nigeria live in poverty -slums -growing population causes problems -inequality men and woman -religious tension between Muslims and Christians -conflict ethnic groups 2/3lture industry from biggest Africa" economy 6th largest exporter of petroleum history country became independant on 1.October 1960 millions of dollars in oil revenue Islam and Christianity industry/economy religion important minerals: oil, coal, natural gas, columbile, tin Colonial times 1 Constitutional development 1 Independance and Civil war traditional beliefs ethnic groups: Havsa, Igbo and Yoruba more than 250 BRITISHNESS -British national identity -British identity consists of all the individual identity's of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales combined -British identity is about flexibility & fluidity BREXIT - „British exit" and is about United Kingdom's departure from the European Union -there was a public vote -> vote results: 52% wanted to leave (especially older people) -UK has now officially left the EU - Reactions were really divided (especially young people wanted to stay) Great Britain - The UK Effects of the brexit Ordering clothes online more expensive • Need a passport to visit the UK ● ● ● Higher prices in the supermarkets Moving to the UK is more complicated Feeling of the UK belonging to the EU/ unity fades Pro Brexit Contra Brexit • Being independent from the Collaboration with EU more EU+ its decisions • No payment to the EU- household • Can trade on its own terms • Control about borders (Migration can be controlled better, less refugees) difficult Less stability + safety • Harder to travel or migrate in European countries • Imported goods more expensive • Trade barriers • Isolation THE MONARCHY -Monarchy oldest form of government in the UK (King/ Queen = head of state) -British monarchy = constitutional monarchy -King/queen head of state BUT with an elected Parliament -Queen has just a symbolic and not a political role (presents the state) ● unites the UK Tradition Supports the country and gives them safety • Stability ● = Pro monarchy They are role models (famous + loved) • Bring money to the UK (royalty tourist attraction) governing the country Prime Minister appoints Cabinet the political system Contra monarchy • Outdated (no elections, undemocratic) • Financed by taxes • Cost more money than they bring • Unfair for the Royal family (can't choose to be in it are just born into it) make final decisions about proposed laws appoints Monarch signs bills before becoming law Parliament (debates and votes on bills) House of Commons House of Lords - about 650 MPs - the Lords Spiritual -the Lords Temporal - the Law Lords one for each constituency vote All British people over 18 IMMIGRATION -Has always been a part of british history -Highest amount of immigrants in 1945 -over 9 million people have moved to Great Britain in the last two centuries -after WW2: massive shortage of workers -immigration from Commonwealth countries -economy, literature, music and food are influenced by immigrants and multiculturalism -opportunities: integration, cultural diversity, learn from each other,tolerance, work done for Britain -problems: failed integration, tension among ethnicities, racism, fear of terrorism, segregation Shakespeare SHAKESPEARE'S LIFE • born on 23rd April 1564 • was an english poet,playwright and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the english language attended grammar school from age 7 to 15 • married Anne Hathaway at age 18 in the following years he became father of three kids • the years 1585-1592 are described as lost years (nobody knows what he did in those years • went to London in 1592 • there he published his first printed works in 1593 and 1594 • became a founding member of the "Lord Chamberlain' s men" • was the company's regular dramatist and wrote about 2 plays a year (e.g. Macbeth and King Lear) for 20 years • died in Stratford in 1616 at the age of 52 SHAKESPEARE'S TIME THE ELIZABETHAN AGE • (1558-1603),named after Queen Elizabeth I • polities and economics Golden age • England emerged as a world power international trade ->rise of capitalism • constant clash between Catholics and Protestants • the great chain of being conditions:clear distinction between royalty,nobility and poverty marriage: out of financial causes and social status,.not out of love social differences: a poor normal man wasn't allowed to marry a nobel woman(even the contact wasn't wanted) woman's role: to serve as wife and mothers, to marry as her family directed her and to raise the children THE ELIZABETHAN THEATRE Elizabethan London were venues of mass entertainment → only entertainment source for the citizens (due to technical underdevelopment) Theatres: • were situated outside the city • there was no lightning or special effects all performances were presented during the day were attended by people from all social ranks woman's roles were played by men, no actresses very thoughtful choice of words Timeless ✓ Themes love, hate,rejection,jealousy, envy,greed,ambition, revenge SHAKESPEARES WORK highly influenced by greek drama • tragedies are often about revenge and ambition . the protagonist always has a tragie flaw that leads to his/her downfall super-natural elements • internal and external conflicts • many deaths(suicide or murder) SHAKESPEARE'S WORK • wrote about 38 plays and over 150 short and long poems -Tragedies: Shakespeare is most famous for his tragedies • Wrote 10 tragedies in total • often focus on a nobleman and his downfall by a specific flaw -Sonnets: ● • 154 sonnets • all sonnets have 14 lines -Comedies: • Iz comedies • plays with a lot of irony and wordplays -History plays: •ten plays • cover english history from the 12th century to the 16th century SHAKESPEARE'S MOST FAMOUS PLAYS Tragedies: Hamlet,Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, Macbeth Sonnets: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?, Let me not to the marriage of true minds Comedies: The merchant of Venice, the merry wives of windsor, History plays:King John,Henry V. SHAKESPEARE'S IMPACT ON THE PAST AND PRESENT ENGLISH LANGUAGE •Shakespeare used early modern language, also known as Elizabethan English his version of English was spoken and written until 1690 • invented about 3.000 new words, words that he used are e.g" doth? ("does"), "hath" ("have"), and "wherefore" (" for what reason" • many phrases he used are still used today e.g. "a heart of gold" and "break the ice" THEATRE expanded the expectations about what could be accomplished through plot and language • showed that women are equal to men or sometimes even stronger and cleverer than them LITERATURE G his works caused a revolution in writing style,literary technique and genres • romantie tragedies became popular because of his plays was quoted by great writers like Charles Dickens and Maya Angelou