


English as a global language







Connection between power and languagel
military political power!
→ power of British Empire
19th century power'
as a
English in the f
Connection between power and languagel
military political power!
→ power of British Empire
19th century power'
as a
English in the f

English Connection between power and languagel military political power! → power of British Empire 19th century power' as a English in the future Scenario 1. global language + English became the language of banking, science, economy, technology cultural power' → music, radio, TV, the Internet most powerful nations today speak English power drives people. → learn the English language to improve life American Imperialism Scenario 21 American English BRUNNEN melting pot of English / amalgam of all sorts of English. English will reflect cultural identity. will dominate other global languages in the future. • power of other nations increases; for example Spanish, Mandarin Chinese or Arabic The global language is the language of the people who have the most power globally - David Crystal Globish (- giobal English) Simplified version of English / simple sentence structure created by Jean- Paul Nerrière vocabulary from a list of 1500 English words • used language in most business situations no cultural references / no jokes/ no idioms (figurative speech) Should Globish replace English as the global language? · it doesn't take long to learn. · easy to understand. `non -native speakers have the same opportunities as native speakers. •1500 words is sufficient to talk about most topics in a business context or everyday situations. you don't have to learn a new language if you already know English be rejected by native speakers of English everything can be expressed by using only 1500 words / not precise ・it destroys the...

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beauty / character of the English language. people who learn Globish don't learn anything. about the culture of a country / no intercultural learning possible. might • not Linguistic Imperialism · era of imperialism (ca. 1500-1945) European empires conquered other societies, turned them into colonies. and exploited them for economic benefit • imperial language became the official language of the conquered colony local languages were erased or silenced education in the imperial language, encouraged children to grow up speaking an imperial language and silenced their non- fluent parents. ∙ensured that only the wealthy could achieve political power in the colony • linguistic hirarchy (that reflected actual power) ext development of crede languages. formal language that comboines elements. from at least two other languages. Summary effects of language imperialism iction of language and cultures • development of new languages. · devide between generations. devided countries shift in societies. · movements against language. imperialism in post-colonial times