


Facts about the Dream School in Nigeria.







Klausur Makoko Dream School
Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021
1 The text "The Makoko Dream School is a school on water for children in Urban
Klausur Makoko Dream School
Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021
1 The text "The Makoko Dream School is a school on water for children in Urban
Klausur Makoko Dream School
Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021
1 The text "The Makoko Dream School is a school on water for children in Urban
Klausur Makoko Dream School
Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021
1 The text "The Makoko Dream School is a school on water for children in Urban
Klausur Makoko Dream School
Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021
1 The text "The Makoko Dream School is a school on water for children in Urban
Klausur Makoko Dream School
Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021
1 The text "The Makoko Dream School is a school on water for children in Urban
Klausur Makoko Dream School
Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021
1 The text "The Makoko Dream School is a school on water for children in Urban

Klausur Makoko Dream School Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021 1 The text "The Makoko Dream School is a school on water for children in Urban slums" was written by Precious C. Daniel and published on 16.11.2017 in theirworld.org. This article, with seven paragraphs, is about the education problem in Makoko and the benefits of the Floating School in Makoko. Furthermore, this article describes the daily life in Makoko and how important it is to go to school in urban slums like Makoko in Lagos. The daily life of the children is very hard. Many families in Makoko have to live in wooden houses built on stilts on the water and are not rich. Also, nearly the whole slum in Makoko floats on the water and has no infrastructure. That means no comma that the children do not have the opportunity to go to school. To go to schools in the environment is difficult and would be dangerous, because the children just have experience with living on the water. That means for example, that the children do not know how to cross roads. So a swimming school is really perfect. But regrettably there is still another problem, namely to arrive at this floating school. Most families have only one canoe, which is needed for other things. Because...

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of the dirty water around the houses where the children live, it is not possible to swim to school or to the land. This is a result of the bad water conditions. So the lack of education is furthermore a big issue. A water-taxi is too expensive, so a good solution is the new free Makoko Dream School Bus. So many more children can visit the school. Klausur Makoko Dream School 2 The author C. Daniel uses many stylistic devices in the text to inform the reader. For her it is important that the reader understands the issues in slums like Makoko. Her aim is that the reader can retrace the problems in Makoko and feel with the children. She writes the whole text in the third-person-perspective, so that the reader gets a lot of information in a small text. 1 She tries to describe the school and what happened in this slum Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021 ("The Makoko Dream School is a school on water, one of the few schools where the children learn basic English language" II. 32-35). She tries to reach the reader in the first sentence and make sure that the reader thinks more about the situation. The aim is that the reader searches a solution on his own/by himself. This is the reason why the author starts with the rhetorical question: "How do you help to educate children who have only known life on water?" (II. 1/2). Then the author introduces the reader to the education standards in Makoko. In the following (in many sentences) the reader gets a lot of information about the education. Daniel enumerates the positive effects of education like: "peace and prosperity" (II. 6/7) or describes English as a basic tool (cf l. 7). But in the next lines/paragraph? Daniel emphasizes the normal life in Africa and how other people think about the slums. The reader can reflect on how bad the life there is and that many others say that the slums are "someones's else example of what? problem" (1.14). Then the main part starts and Daniel gives Makoko as an example, with the background What kind of ambassador?? information of an ambassador there. Also through the ambassador, the text seems more realistic and Daniel is very believable. It is easy to feel with the author and to put yourself into the bad situation in the slums. She also uses formal language without short forms. 2 It is true that we normally do not understand how ohne Artikel life is in other continents because Klausur Makoko Dream School Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021 we only think about our own country and not bigger. s.u.: entweder the author oder Daniel In the next paragraph the author/Daniel explains step by step, how the children live. She emphasizes the bad situation, that the "day-to-day activities take place on the water's surface" (II.18/19). The reader gets a good insight into their life and a bigger overview about our support. the daily life. In the next long sentence (II. 32-37) Daniel enumerates the subjects of "The Makoko Dream School" (I. 32) ("... children learn basic English Language, Arithmatics and Communication [...] and a foreign language" (II. 32-37). All these details make the text more interesting and maybe the reader gets the intention to donate money or support projects for the new school. This is also important in the next paragraph because Daniel addresses the reader directly with the personal pronoun "you" (1.41). She enumerates the bad circumstances like the dirty water (1.43) or the fact, that not every person has a canoe there. To make the reader feel with the population in Makoko the author talks to him directly, so that the reader should be put into the role of an inhabitant in Makoko. In the end Daniel mentions a lot of good innovations for the future and which innovations have helped in Makoko (cf II. 49-54). In kein Artikel conclusion, Daniel wants to introduce the reader to the situation in Makoko. Furthermore, she wants to convince the reader that the situation there must change with 3. In her article the author Daniel emphasizes how important education is. In the lines six and seven she says: "Education is a tool to promote lasting peace and prosperity". This statement is wise and future-oriented. Education is a way with a lot of benefits. All in all, I Klausur Makoko Dream School can identify myself with this statement, but in some countries it is regrettably often a problem. Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021 In many countries there are many reasons, why children do not go to school. In poor countries the children do not have enough time for kein Artikel school, because the children can not earn money in this time. Many families need their children for work in the house or for child labour. On the one hand education is better for the future, so that the children can change the bad conditions. In a school the children have social contact and learn with each other. Furthermore, the children of educated parents are mostly educated, too. But on the other hand, a good infrastructure is important for a school to exist. Mostly there are not enough teachers or the education is too expensive. This problem underlines the fact, that children cannot earn money in this time for the family, but rather the children have to pay or have issues with the way to school. But this is also a good point because the children have a normal daily routine with the school instead of working for a little money. In the future it is more realistic, that people with a better education get more money in their jobs and rather look forward instead of from day to day. Another benefit of schools is, that the children have other people and can talk with teachers. One of the good consequences can be, that the girls do not have to marry older boys at the age of 12/13 years. But it is very important, that the teachers have qualifications because the teachers waste a lot of time, if the qualifications are bad. Also, one of the problems of a school is that the children do not have enough practical lessons or too many lessons without a reason in their future. The type of lessons in this way is very important. ? Klausur Makoko Dream School In the conclusion we can say that a country with a high level of education is much better for all. The infrastructure is better, and the child labour is not so high. All in all, the children have more benefits for their future and the money raises up for the next generations. ?? These: Yes, the school education opens a lot of benefits in the future Pro Bildung bringt mehr soziale Kontakte Höhere Allgemeinbildung und bessere Bewusstsein für die Zukunft Schule verhindert Kinderarbeit Kinder müssen in jungem Alter heiraten, um nicht alleine dar zu stehen, durch Schule wird dies verhindert Wenn die Eltern nicht gebildet sind, sind es deren Kinder meist auch nicht. Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021 An informel community level is bad Stärkt die Infrastruktur Tagesroutine wird geschaffen Länder mit einem hohen Bildungsstand geht es Durchschnittlich um einiges besser Essen gibt es in der Schule, im Gegensatz zu dem Leben in den Hütten con Bildung kostet häufig Der Weg zur Schule ist nicht gesichert Kinder verdienen kein Geld in dieser Zeit Eltern denken oft nicht an die Zukunft und wollen nicht, dass die Kinder während der Schulzeit kein Geld verdienen können Lehrer fehlen, gerade an Orten wie Makoko oder nicht qualifiziert genug und verschwenden nur Zeit Ein Schulgebäude muss unterhalten werden Mädchen werden ungleich zu den jungs behandelt Kinder machen zu wenige praktische Lebenserfahrungen Sitzen bei einer Schulpflicht in der Schule fest und können sich nicht selbst entwickeln Wichtig das richtige zu Lernen und nicht einfach nur irgendwas Kinder werden abgeben, wenn sie für die Familie keinen direkten Gewinn bringen Conclusion: Education has a lot of benefits and children have better opportunities for their future, but it is important that you have quality teachers and use the time in school for important lessons and not for unhelpful stuff. Klausur Makoko Dream School Mediation: Hey Jonathan, Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021 Hier fehlt am Anfang eine auf die Aufgabe bezogene Einleitung. Ein paar nette Worte an den Nigerianischen Brieffreund und dessen Anfrage. I found an article in the internet which describes the school system in Germany very well. It is an article from kein Artikel "focus" and was published on 26.11.2017. Here in Germany it is normal for all children to go to school. For us it is a law that every child of the age of five or six goes to a school. But nonetheless there are more than 1000 children without an education in school, this is also the topic of this article. These children also learn the stuff of the school like Maths, German or English, but only with their parents. But this is against the law and can have a lot of consequences. For example the parents have to pay a lot of money or have to go to prison by extreme cases. But there are many experts with other opinions. These experts discuss the law of school attendance. There are many advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand the experts say that the school is good for the social contact with other students. But on the other side people say kein Komma that the compulsory school attendance is bad. The reason is, that the children can not use their time for other things. In the conclusion it is difficult to change things in the school system. The professor Franz Reimer is a professor in Gießen for these things. He says that it can be very dangerous if children do not go to school. Furthermore, many statistics point out the same. The newspaper "Welt" published a study about this topic. In the city of Homburg lives a family with nine children but nobody goes to school since 1993. Instead of the children going Klausur Makoko Dream School to school the mother educated all children at home. But the fines weglassen are not an obstacle. In the end the family would prefer to leave the country instead of sending the children to school. Aljosha Kamp 13.Klasse 26.01.2021 I hope that you got a good overview the school system in my country. See you 1 leuchtet irgendwie nicht ein - Es ist normal, dass ein Artikel in der 3. person geschrieben ist. 2 1. She uses short forms. 2. Deutung? Erläuterung?