


Fahrenheit 451 Antworten







Karlotta Jesse
Part Three: "Burning Bright"
1. How does Beatty hint at his suspicions?
→ After turning up in front of Montag's hous
Karlotta Jesse
Part Three: "Burning Bright"
1. How does Beatty hint at his suspicions?
→ After turning up in front of Montag's hous
Karlotta Jesse
Part Three: "Burning Bright"
1. How does Beatty hint at his suspicions?
→ After turning up in front of Montag's hous
Karlotta Jesse
Part Three: "Burning Bright"
1. How does Beatty hint at his suspicions?
→ After turning up in front of Montag's hous
Karlotta Jesse
Part Three: "Burning Bright"
1. How does Beatty hint at his suspicions?
→ After turning up in front of Montag's hous

Karlotta Jesse 23.01.21 Part Three: "Burning Bright" 1. How does Beatty hint at his suspicions? → After turning up in front of Montag's house, Beatty explains that he had already hinted at his suspicions in multiple ways, for instance questioning Montag at the firestation or having the Mechanical Hound inspect his house. 2. Who must have brought the books back from the garden? → It can be assumed that Mildred brought the books back inside the house after Montag hid them in the garden, since she was the only one who could have seen her husband. 3. Who turned in an alarm against Montag? Mildred was the one who turned in the final alarm against Montag. However, her friends Mrs. Bowles and Mrs. Phelps had also turned in an alarm earlier. 4. How does Montag feel as he burns his own house? Why do you think he feels this way? → As Montag burns his house, he does not feel sorrowful or sentimental. In fact, he seems angry and even enthusiastic. This becomes evident when he refers to Mildred's "family" as the "great idiot monsters". I believe that burning the house is a way for Montag to break up with the past and aim at processing all the negative emotions connected to this part of his life. 5. Why does Montag...

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kill Beatty and burn his body? → Beatty explains to Montag that he is under arrest and further emphasizes that he has no option to escape the situation. This results in Montag killing Beatty, as it seems like the only alternative to his own death which he will undoubtedly face after being arrested. Furthermore, Montag makes this decision to save Faber and keep their hope of fighting for change alive. 6. What revelation does Montag have about Beatty after he has killed him? → Montag realizes that Beatty actually wanted to die, since he did not try to stop Montag or defend himself. 7. What is Montag's plan to escape? → At first, Montag instinctively runs towards Faber's house. Once he arrives, he asks his friend for old clothes and a bottle of whiskey. Thereupon, Montag runs towards the river, where he cleans his body with the whiskey and puts on Faber's clothes. By doing this, Montag hopes to eliminate his own odor to decrease the chances of the Mechanical Hound being able to find him. 8. Why does Montag want Faber to turn on the air-conditioning and sprinklers? → Montag is trying to get rid off the trail he left at Faber's house in order to keep him safe. Since the Mechanical Hound is capable of tracing people's odor, he suggests using the air-conditioning and the sprinklers to remove his smell, as well as any other traces he left behind. 9. How is Montag's death broadcast on TV? The cameras follow the Mechanical Hound on his search for Montag. When it becomes clear that they are not gonna be successful in finding Montag, a random, innocent person is chosen who is then killed by the Hound. By not showing the man's face, citizens are supposed to be convinced that Montag was killed and is no longer a threat to society. Part One Questions: 1. Who are the firemen and what do they do for a living? ● set houses on fire in order to burn the books found inside of them What does Montag think of his job when he is introduced at the beginning? describe sit as "a special pleasure" excited, proud of himself ("grinned") 3. What do we learn about Clarisse during her first meeting with Montag? 2. ● ● ● ● very curious about Montag and his thoughts criticizes the world they live in 4. Why does Mildred need help when Montag gets home? she overdosed on pills 5. Describe the help that she receives. What is unusual about it? paramedics are called to the house exchange all of her blood with new one (common practice) 6. How does Mildred react when she wakes up the following morning? ● slightly confused, feels odd does not remember what happened the previous night 7. What does Mildred do all day? ● watches television, listens to Seashell Radio 8. In what respects is Clarisse different from Mildred? does not conform to societal norms, questions them very curious, wants to learn a lot about other people ● constantly exposes herself to new things 9. What is the Mechanical Hound and what is its purpose? a mechanically built creature, resembles an animal lives in the firestation Montag's neighbor "seventeen and crazy" talks a lot about her uncle and the rest of her family supposed to kill people who do not obey the rules 10. What is the Hound's reaction to Montag? In what way is this significant? ● has chased Montag on various occasions Montag is scared of the Hound signals that Montag has secrets which go against the law ● 11. Why does society consider Clarisse "anti-social"? does not frequently socialize with children her own age is very different from other teenagers, behaves differently at school, asks "why" 12. Who is Mildred's family? ● ● the characters on her TV programs 13. What has happened to Clarisse? How did it happen? ● 14. List three different aspects Beatty lectures Montag about. Clarisse was run over by a car (common accident: cars drive extremely fast) the importance of "equality" the irrelevance of the content of books ● the history of firemen 15. Why did the government ban books? ● ● allegedly they do not matter, they don't add up, they tell lies they are a reminder of past times which shall be forgotten 16. Why does Montag want to read books anyway? he wants to form his own opinion he is extremely curious Part Two 1. Who is Faber? Why is he reluctant to talk to Montag on the phone? guy who Montag met at a park about a year ago O talked about poetry and fascinated Montag former professor, owns many books ● very scared of being arrested: fears that Montag is lying 2. Why is Faber so critical of himself and pessimistic about the world when he is first introduced? Why is he then willing to help Montag? ● ● ● has gotten used to being alone and helpless knows that this is cowardly behavior → hard on himself ● Montag opens his eyes when he starts destroying the bible ● 3. What is Montag given before he leaves Faber's house? a communication device, built like the Seashell radios, in order for them to constantly be able to communicate 4. Why are the characters on the television screen called "The Family?" What purpose are they supposed to serve in this society? ● most citizens are obsessed → control, spread propaganda value its characters more than their actual family ● the TV program is interactive and therefore includes the viewers 5. Why do Mildred and her lady friends strongly disapprove of Montag's wanting to read to them from a book? How does Mildred save the situation? tried to rebel against the system when it started but was not successful ● ● ● They know that reading is wrong and forbidden and are scared of the consequences/getting in trouble. ● They know that Montag is breaking the rules and do not want to be held responsible/ rat him out. Mildred pretends that it is normal for firemen to receive a book once a year in order to prove that they are irrelevant and harmful to society. danger →→ trouble 6. Why does Faber object to Montag's poetry reading? ● worries that Montag will overwhelm the women → ● senses that Montag can't control himself 7. Why do you think Mrs Phelps cried in response to Montag's reading of the poem "Dover Beach"? overwhelmed by a completely new set of emotions that she cannot process deep down realizes that this is not something negative probably feels guilty about being touched by the words 8. How does Captain Beatty talk to Montag when he returns to work after the sick leave? What is unusual about it? speaks in a poetic language: uses many metaphors and quotations o opposing behavior to the firemen's virtues ● acts understanding, calm, tells him about his dream 9. What is the effect of Beatty's manner of speaking on Montag? Montag is completely overwhelmed and flustered ● unsure of himself, does not know how to respond 10. Why is the poker game of the firemen interrupted? ● they receive a call from Mildred to burn the books at the Montags' house Clarisse McClellan 17-year-old neighbor feel close, interested in each other's thoughts Guy Montag Mildred Montag wife uncertain, distant, frustrated act as if they are friends, do not trust each other Captain Beatty boss/supervisor Karlotta Jesse 23.01.21 10. Who is Granger? What do you know about him and the group of men that are with him? Granger seems to be the leader of the group of people who Montag encounters in the woods during his escape from the city. The group's mission is to preserve the content of books for future generations by memorizing them and passing that knowledge on to their children. They are thereby preparing for a time when the world they live in will have changed enough to once again be open to individual education and opinions.