


Fahrenheit 451 -Characterisation of all characters







»2. Teil : Charackterc
Guy Montag
30 years old.
fireman (in the beginning) +outward appearance: typical fireman.
• protagonist / dynamic cha
»2. Teil : Charackterc
Guy Montag
30 years old.
fireman (in the beginning) +outward appearance: typical fireman.
• protagonist / dynamic cha
»2. Teil : Charackterc
Guy Montag
30 years old.
fireman (in the beginning) +outward appearance: typical fireman.
• protagonist / dynamic cha

»2. Teil : Charackterc Guy Montag 30 years old. fireman (in the beginning) +outward appearance: typical fireman. • protagonist / dynamic character. Wife: Mildred (no real communication, feelings) interested in what aanse has to say take off point for character development • is very upset because of Clarisse death, Mildreds suicide attempt and the buming of the old woman. >makes him feel numb and realise he is not happy > is overwhelmed and wants his happiness looks. (impossible without changel →thinks books might bring happiness back he has to fight to change the prevailing system of burning books. •• developement from first liking his job and being power-crazed, to realizing he is not happy and completly losing himself, feeling overwhelmed, anxious. and desperate to deciding to fight for a change, reading books and. confronting Beatly, excaping after killing Beatly, and leaving his old life behind when jumping into the tiver and feeling rebom and looking forward to a time when people and books can flourish again. determinded to break free from the opression of ignorance and to Stop buming books. a •Mildred: •30 years old husband: Montag (distant relationship; not interested in Montags life) → marriage is falling appart indifferent, superficial, hopless, clepressive, rude .• not interested in the world or other people. → addicted to superficial entertainment (parlar TV, seashell radios). doesn't question the rules and culture of the...

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society. (brainwashed). represents the "media society" @ unhappy with her life → tries to commit suicide lives in a "tomb-world", shuts nature out (bubble) 0 has problems with memory manipulated and pounded into submission. abstract representative of conformity. Opposing character to clarisse flat static character. ->• Clansse: 17 years old • lives with her family (neighbour of Montag.) • doesn't go to school (considered antisocial). outward appearance: "died in a car crash". →suspicious minor character. -dan, warm eyes (remind Montag of canale light) - bright, light face slender. crazy, peculiar, strange counous, straight forward, openminded, pensive, observant, feaness, self confident, rebellious, innocent., Childish, naive. interested in people and nature likes going outside, walking, hiking, bird watching, feeling rain is afraid of people. her age and their form of entertainment has no friends thinks before speaking catalyst miggers the conflict that builds inside of Montag. abstact representative of non-conformity /"book Society" • Captain Beatty: • Captain of Mchtags fire department books, with well read (still hates, books and what they stand for each other and are al antagonist to Montag. O •evil, charming intelligent, chans mahic ,cinical, misantrophic, heartless, indifferent to other peoples suffering. creates fear represents totalitarian system (spreading repression) emotional cleverness. (picks up on mantag's psychosomatic illness), sadist → forcing lantag to bum his own house and leaving behind the old woman to bum to death in her house. • through Beally the reader leams most about the society in Fahrenhé. ・imagery used with cap. Beatty & Smoke, five, burning connection job and pr life. • Supports the society because he likes the position he is in night now, has advantages through it.; because he is sadistic he doesn't care about people suffering • prepared to die and not scared of death. •Faber:/ • looks old an fragile, while hair, faced eyes there's white in the flesh of his mouth, white cheeks,looks like haven't left the house in years, pale. old english professor • a mentor of Montag → teaches him about books - not books it self but what they say • Old enough to have watched the decline of intellectual life in his country bring happiness the knows why people stopped reading → knows how to assess the problem "limito him → declares himself a coward I didn't do anything because he was afraid of the Consequences. serving as Montag's conscience (in Montay's ear) • leaves for St. Louis, where he hopes to produce books with fellow bibliophile. met Montag before and gave him a card with his information it lif M. wants to tum him in) • Coward, lonely, phylosophic • helps Montag to think independently • may be manipulative trying to dominate Montag and make him do what he couldn't himself. • Effect on Montag: calming, educational, conrolling •old woman: • choose to bum herself with her books .• rather commits Suicide than live without books • demonstrates that one should be insurgent against a corrupt cause in order to to support their individual perspectives and values & martyr. for her cause • amorchally, mentally and even physically attached to books • Mentag shows empathy to her and wants to persuade her to step out of the house. • Momay steals a book. - the bible from her. 。 •her death has a negative effect on Montag , he is overwhelmed by guilt/devestated. → Montag is not able to forget her /that moment, →7 Montag thinks suggests that books have mevages that can save society from its own distruction. •Gvanger (& his men). • live in the countryside, near the tracks and hide books again. • made it their mission too remember books to keep knowledge and may be writet the •think after the war the wond might be diffrent and their is a chance for a change in society. back to book re present positive sources of fire + campore comforting, warming. represent bookc society •Mrs. Bowles. • a friend of Mildred 9 doesn't care about her children children are a burden and just there to reproduce" doesn't love her family didn't want to feel the pain of giving birth c-seaction. 4 has 2 kids and had abortions (kids aren't that bad, you, wat sent them away toschool 4 jokes about beating her children • is really superficial & doesn't care about paitics, just about how good the president looks lit's what everyone, does.) hates poetry 4. connects poetry to tears, suicicle, crying, awful feelings and sickness 4 poetry as the cause to be unhappy to brainwashed by media-society) doesn't want to go back to Mildreds because of Montag emotionally disconnected to kids and life just cares about, parior family and is nervous when it's tumed of represents media society •Mrs Phelps! a mend of Mildred •doesn't like children they are ruinicus. • loves the parlor. TV-family. • encourages Montag to read the poem and is cleeply moved but doesn't know why • is angry with Montag • doesn't care about her husband possibly dying in the war. • believes in quick war but still seems. to be nervous about the topic → repeating herself: persuading herself. • Superficial.. • with the right puh may be she would be like Montag . • Shallow •• emotionally clis connected to husband and life • represents media society.