


Film Analyse







Film analysis
The film the
is about the
following the deaten
for the royal family and the
The given scene " from

Film analysis INTRODUCTION 2 3 4 The film the is about the following the deaten for the royal family and the SUMMARY The given scene " from the movie "the" • queen deals with The main characters in this scene are... 'they can be described as ... the tash of this character in this scene is... what defines this character .... English queen i directed Prime Minister Tony directed by Stephen Frears and published in 2006. Blair during struggle of Princess Diana to reach a compromise between the ・public's ·an outward show of mourning.. demand for The scene can be analyzed in terms of. ANALYSIS - camera work sounds/noises claim it describe it explain it describe what happens - what is the function/effect on the viewer? - focus actions of people and on the situation the scene opens with a ... you can see...! there is a ... the camera takes a .../ the camera cuts... you can also hear... there is a ... shown klausur to make clear... used to show ... to support the illusion... to give ... the effect of this ... to draw attention... private tragedy camera movements and sounds 000 LINKING for WORDS At the beginning, After that, Furthermore; Second, Moreover, Also, Finally CAMERA POSITIONS over-the-shoulder-shot, over head-shot, to zoom in, to • pan left/right, to tilt up/down - long shot, full shot, medium shot, close- -up. -high-angle-shot, low-angle shot, eye-level-shot · CONCLUSION The scene successfully portraits the camera movements and sounds and has an effect on the viewer because ou 7. In my opinion the Sentences scene · fails to bring the camera movements and sounds across well because..

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