


Macbeth Zusammenfassung Akte 1-4







Act One
Scene 1
- three witches plan a meeting with Macbeth "when the battle's
lost and won"
Scene 2:
- Scottish army is at war with Norway

Act One Scene 1 - three witches plan a meeting with Macbeth "when the battle's lost and won" Scene 2: - Scottish army is at war with Norway - Thane of Cawdor sided Norway in the war - Duncan, current king of Scotland, wants Thane of Cawdor beheaded and wants to give the title of Cawdor to Macbeth to reward his bravery in the battle Scene 3: - witches meet Macbeth on a heath - give Macbeth and Banquo a prophecy > past title: Thane of Glamis > "current" title: Thane of Cawdor > future title: king >but Banquo's kids will be on the throne after all Plot of Macbeth - after witches disappear, Macbeth officially receives title of Thane of Cawdor -> prophecy fulfills itself - Macbeth questions if killing Duncan in order to fulfill prophecy is the right thing to do -> inner conflict Scene 4: former Thane of Cawdor has been beheaded Duncan thanks Banquo and Macbeth for bravery in the battle Duncan announces that Malcolm will be his heir to the throne - Duncan will visit Macbeth at his home Scene 5: - Lady Macbeth reads letter from Macbeth about prophecy - LMB wishes that Macbeth will go through with killing Duncan - When Macbeth comes home he prepares him to appear innocent during Duncan's visit Scene 6: - Duncan arrives at Macbeth home and awaits him in a...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

chamber Scene 7: - Macbeth (alone) debates if he should go through with killing Duncan - Lady Macbeth strongly encourages him to kill Duncan and plans murder - Macbeth agrees/resigns to follow through with plan Act Two Scene 1: - Macbeth imagines a dagger pointing towards Duncan's chamber - Lady Macbeth rings bell to let Macbeth know that the murder can be carried out Scene 2: - Macbeth murdered Duncan and is deeply shaken by his actions - Macbeth feels guilty - Lady Macbeth just wants to cover their crimes and clean their hands of the deeds they did by washing their hands Scene 3: - Macduff finds Duncan dead in his chamber in the morning - guards are blamed for murder - sons of Duncan flee > Malcolm - England > Donalbain - Ireland Scene 4: -Ross and old man discuss weird events that happened that night - get the news that the Duncan is dead - Macbeth will be crowned the next king Act Three Scene 1: - Banquo suspects Macbeth for the murder of Duncan because of the prophecy - banquet planed for that night - Banquo and Fleance, his son go riding - Macbeth hires murderers to kill Banquo and son in order to stop the prophecy Scene 2: - Lady Macbeth is unhappy > nor end to her desire for power > insecure and anxious > even envies dead Duncan Scene 3: - murderers attack Banquo and Fleance - Banquo is killed - Fleance flees Scene 4: - murderers report Macbeth that Banquo is dead but that fleance has escaped - Macbeth goes crazy at the banquet with all the guests -> sees Banquo's ghost in his chair - later alone with Lady Macbeth, Macbeth expresses anxieties and vows to return to witches Scene 5: -witches meet with Hecate, queen of witches - Hecate wants them to put on a better, dramatic show for Macbeth the next time Scene 6: - Lennox and another lord discuss politics and all the recent events/murders - Macduff went to English court just as Malcolm - there is an army prepared against Macbeth Act Four Scene 1: witches meet Macbeth again and put out a new prophecy > be aware of Macduff > bloody child > crowned child with treen in its hand > Banquo's family still on the throne - Macduff flees to England - Macduff will kill Macduff's family Scene 2: - warning reaches Lady Macduff -> flee Scotland - Lady Macduff and son killed before they are able to flee Scene 3: - Malcolm tests Macduff for loyalty - Macduff passes tests build up army to march Scotland - Scotland is a mess under Macbeth's ruling Macduff gets the news of his family's death grieve->revenge - - they prepare for battle