


Macbeth Act 1







Macbeth Act One Scene One
Reading Assignments
1.) Sum
in your own words.
In the first Scene of Act One in Shakespeare's "Macbeth",
the re
Macbeth Act One Scene One
Reading Assignments
1.) Sum
in your own words.
In the first Scene of Act One in Shakespeare's "Macbeth",
the re

Macbeth Act One Scene One Reading Assignments 1.) Sum up in your own words. In the first Scene of Act One in Shakespeare's "Macbeth", the reader first gets to know the characters and the situation, as the three witches discuss the details of their next meeting. The three women agree that they will meet when the battle has ended, which they predict to be before the sunset. They plan on then meeting Macbeth in the open field. After reuniting with their so-called "spirit friend", animal-like creatures, with the statement "Fair is foul, and foul is the witches end their fair." the content of Act One, Scene One apperance 03104121 3) Analyze the stylistic devices ocurring in this scene. Which line (5) find most catchy or memorable. In other words, which think the most? do as you one makes you The first scene of Act One in Shakespeare's "Macbeth" includes the three witches discuss the details of scene various stylistic devices their next meeting. First of all, the is consciously structured, as one question is always followed by two statements. The determined nature of said statements is strengthened through the use of the will-future. While the questions (cp.ll.1 f., 6) express uncertainty, especially due to the enumeration "in thunder, lighthing or rain" (11.1 f.), the answers in which seer to leave the witches use words like "We'll" (1.3,8), os "Let's" (1.7) no room for doubl. Furthermore, the scene is arranged to give response to all important question, including "When"...

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(1.1), "Where " (1.6) and who (cp. 1.8) the witches. will meet. In addition, contrasting language is used to underline the war-like atmosphere in the scene. When talking about the time of will take place. once won and other side has lost" (1.4). By including parallel character of the ongoing conflict is the opposing their meeting, the second witch states that it side has sentence structure,. emphasized. Contrasting language can be found again in the last lines of the chiasmus, the paradox scene at hand. By making use of "Fair is foul, and foul is fair " (1.11) is introduced. This short statement of the witches indicates that in the current situation, knows what the right thing to do is and can be interpreted allusion to the saying "All is fair but love and war", as fairness. to exist in any sort of military battle. and all common made by all no one as does rules not do seem In longer apply. my opinion, this line is the most memorable and mast meaningful one in this first scene, as it seems to give the insight to the overall atmosphere which appears to be uncertain and conflicting. All in all, through the support of stylistic devices and a thought-out structure, the reader gets first impression of the piece and atmosphere in this first scene. no its