


Formulierungshilfen Analyse Englisch







formulation guidance analysis
*The [type of text] [title] written by [author] and published [date] deals with.....
•The text de
formulation guidance analysis
*The [type of text] [title] written by [author] and published [date] deals with.....
•The text de

formulation guidance analysis Introduction *The [type of text] [title] written by [author] and published [date] deals with..... •The text deals with/focuses on/is aimed / tries to /presents... •The writer lawthor describes.... •The aim / purpose of the text is.. (target group) Structure introduction ·body: Intention, register, choice of words, stylistic devices conclusion (style) Main part Intention informative function, using reasoned argument, narrative function own opinion, one-sided information, simplify facts, aramatization, negative attitude towards the counter position •The intention of the text is... structure of the text what is the main thesis / which arguments does the speaker use" / Does the author refute the opposite arguments" The text can be devided into... /The text consists of ... parts/paragraphs I sections •The first partiparagraph gives us / comprises the introduction / central problem / principal part/solution In the first part the author varies the theme Ichanges the topic I goes into detail I passes from... to... register: choice of words (formal or im formal language) • To make use of../to create a certain atmosphere by using... formal linformal/colloquial/academic/clear lobjective / literary Islang... language/expressions •complex/simple sentences, specialist terms, technical terms The author uses a more informal (formal way to... The author points out his view by..... *The sentences are... long-winded/paratactical, simple, complex. *symbols/images lexamples metaphors (visualization, picturization) •rnetorical questions (attract the reader's attention) *choice of words: emotional language, pictorial language, factual language,...

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no personal pronouns=neutral His/Her choice of words underlines lemphasizes/expresses /presents Tone: general feeling lattitude toward the topic expressed • a serious/rude/friendly/numorous/ironic/polite/criticall optimistic /positive... tone a politelrudel blunt way of addressing somebody I the reader •the tone indicates I suggests that... Style: specific way of writing/stylistic devices ↳manipulate the reader's opinion ·alliteration (more memorable, "inject" a mood or emotion) · enumeration (complete effect, gives the impression that everything has been said •The author uses ... to... repetition (nighlighting the central message) intensifiers (strong adjectives (example: completely irrelevant, absolutely briliant...) → describe now things appear •The stylistic device... underline lennance the arguments of the text, supports/affirms the author's message, brings out the message that... /emphasizes/stresses that.... formulation guidance analysis Linguistic analysis •The function laim/purpose of... is to.. The intention benina... is to... The author employs | lets the sentence start with... in order to... •By using [device], the speaker tries/nopes laims to achieve... This shows lemphasises/nighlights Istresses/reinforces ... to let the awaience know.. to illustrate /visuause an idea •to explain something understandably I to offer an easy-to-understand image ·to create a memorable phrase •to envolve a positive reaction to establish contact Ito connect with sb I to reach out to sb. to make sb feel personally addressed connectives *chronological order: firstly, seconaly../next/previously.../afterwards/later..../also../above all ... Moreover..../ in aaaition... I to begin with... / to start with..) finally.../ last but not least... I Due to... •compare aiffrent aspects: furthermore../ in addition (to that)-/ additionally-/on the one hand,... on the other nand..... .examples: for instance- /in this case../specifically.../with regard to... I for example.../such as... •contrast' in contrast (to).../whereas... / nonetheless... I however... I on the contrary... I despite this...I in spite of the fact that-/ regardless.. I even though.../nevertheless.../ Reference to the arguments of the author: claims/states I suggests limplies / alludes to / deals with | cuscusses/puts forward the thesis that I presents I develops laefends the thesis that/ expresses his point of view) agrees to, with / approves (of) lis in favor of /sympathizes with/criticizes / blames sb. for / reaproaches sb with sth/ accuses sb. of having done stn I questions sb. 8th | raises objections to lopposes sb. l objects by pointing out/ argues that I comments on I assumes a critical attitude towards sb, sthlargues for-against / points out that / bases his arguments on / supports, illustrates his arguments by giving reasons •the thing I point is.../ There are many points of view issues to consider here... I There are several questions to think about when discussing... The issue I want to mention laiscuss here are... I a further problem to note is... Not only, but also.../ The reason why..is that.../ This leads inevitably to... I The next item is...I both.. and... las well as.../ The cause is that.../ we have to regard, that.../ Regaroung, that.../Indeed.. giving the results As a result... / As a consequence-/ Because of this.. /The effect of this is that... conclusion summing the most important analysis results up → refer to the task in conclusion.. I therefore../ in short.../ all in all-/because of this... in general. Finally one can say that.... to sum up-1 on the whole..I it is clear that.../ to conclude-/having considered all these issues... /naving taken all these factors into account.../ I come to the conclusion that....