


Gap year







Gap year
I am supposed to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a gap year.
First what is a gap year? It is a year that young peopl

Gap year I am supposed to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a gap year. First what is a gap year? It is a year that young people spend working or travelling after school before starting university. I'm going to talk about the advantages first. One reason why many students take a gap year is that you can learn practical skills at doing something. It certainly looks good on your CV and you can learn or improve your languages. Another reason could be to become more independent or self-confident. These are a few advantages, now let us have a look at some drawbacks. Many young people considering a gap year, however, do not have the financial means to do so. Other challenges could be that you fall out of the habit of learning for school or that you get confronted with intolerant or unfriendly people. Furthermore, it might be difficult to find an organization that helps with arranging your stay abroad. Finally, I will tell you a few fields or areas in which you could work. One occupation that in particular female students often take on is working as an au pair. In this case it helps if you like working with children. Another possibility is working as a tourist guide. With this job you...

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will have to be able to speak multiple languages, though(so). On the other hand it provides an opportunity to practice those languages. I can imagine to do a gap year because in my opinion the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and it is probably an experience you never forget.