









I Leseverstehen/Schreiben
1) Comprehension
2) Analysis
3) Evaluation
- nonfictional text on globalisation.
II Mediation
a) Comment
b) Creati
I Leseverstehen/Schreiben
1) Comprehension
2) Analysis
3) Evaluation
- nonfictional text on globalisation.
II Mediation
a) Comment
b) Creati
I Leseverstehen/Schreiben
1) Comprehension
2) Analysis
3) Evaluation
- nonfictional text on globalisation.
II Mediation
a) Comment
b) Creati
I Leseverstehen/Schreiben
1) Comprehension
2) Analysis
3) Evaluation
- nonfictional text on globalisation.
II Mediation
a) Comment
b) Creati
I Leseverstehen/Schreiben
1) Comprehension
2) Analysis
3) Evaluation
- nonfictional text on globalisation.
II Mediation
a) Comment
b) Creati

I Leseverstehen/Schreiben 1) Comprehension 2) Analysis 3) Evaluation - nonfictional text on globalisation. II Mediation a) Comment b) Creative Task (speech script) marketing Definition - worldwide (ex)change on an economic, technological and cultural level due to growing interaction trade outsourcing jobs low wages competition government knowledge Globalisation } hur basierend auf vorliegenden Text, ohne Vorwissen! working conditions production decisions international companies economy politics import/export EU / UN / NATO ... cooperations/Unions dependence on other countries consumerism disadvantage if unable to speak Globalisation Finances influence English = world language communication international news Carbon emissions pollution exchange information global warming environment green technology culture and society internet/media different values Tourism Technology Online Shopping Phones/Computers/TV climate change (industrial) waste global resources over-consumption environmental friendly practices Multiculturalism history migration languages Chances economic aspects -secures jobs, livelihoods and economic stability -lowers costs and raises profits supports poor communities especially in developing countries (new jobs, improving local infrastructure) fair trade campaigns help developing countries to get a fair share the profits of - increased competition cultural aspects people can move and travel freely increases cultural awareness cultural exchange - makes research, protests and political activism more effective - cheap and unrestricted access to global communication via mobile and internet - access to new cultural products (education, entertainment, art..) political aspects - International problems can be solved together - contributes to world peace - International organizations - Smaller countries can work together and gain more influence internationally - governments can learn from each other ecological aspects - environmentally friendly technologies and practices can be shared' economic aspects - enormous gap between rich and poor offshoring and global competition for cheap materials and labour in poor countries child labour/ bad working conditions/low wages - rise of "global players" lowers chances of survival of small businesses Challenges -- - interdependent financial networks...

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make economies increasingly vulnerable to financial disaster - cultural aspects - personal data has become less secure and is permanently available - dangerous or violent ideals can spread faster small cultures may be overlooked due to lack of access to global internet - internet used to observe and control people cultural homogenization → loss of cultural diversity political aspects - reduced state authority Big countries can shape decisions and international organizations - Sometimes countries can veto decisions and slow down decision making processes - Coordination is difficult and expensive ecological aspects - increased production of goods puts stress on the environment - Industrial waste as a result of production - increasing need. for water in production causing a lack of water resources -air pollution and global warming caused by transportation of materials/ high number people traveling by planes/ exhaust fumes from factories/ greenhouse gases over-consumption and an unsustainable lifestyle are damaging global resources - Tons of wasted goods end up in trash important expressions on globalisation Globalisation United Nations global player offshoring global market unsustainable lifestyle outsourcing technological globalisation interventions cultural globalisation global warming poverty transnational free trade Worldwide (exchange on an economic, technological and cultural level due to growing interaction and Intergovernmental organization tasked to maintain international peace security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation and be a centre for harmonising the actions of nations A company or institution in the worldwide presence in production and/or distribution, or which is recognized as a brand, or as a leader and its market segment, by most consumers worldwide to obtain goods or send services to an outside source, usually another country. the global exchange of products/services without money, or commerce generally extreme mass production of certain products which increase the amount pollution and waste multinational companies producing wherever labour and overhead costs are cheapest and then selling throughout the global market; therefore, maximizing the profits expanding trade increasing technological development especially on the level communication and transport of Developed countries use their economic and political power to intervene in other countries affairs increasing exchange of cultural products and values due to movies, national products and habits Greenhouse gases prevent a natural process which keeps earths average surface temperature at about 15 degrees centigrade. This greenhouse effect is intensified by increasing global economic activities Today, one of the greatest challenges for mankind is bridging the between rich gap and the poor. . Poor people often do not have access to employment, basic health care activities that cross national borders, especially any company registered to operate in more than one country Trade between countries, free from governmental restrictions or duties Analysis - Setting (Who speaks to whom?, When, where, in what situation) structure 2 of the speech - intention (Convincement, expressing emotion etc.) -message Choice of words -strong/emotive words personal pronouns exaggerating adjectives rhetorical strategies - quoting experts and authorities - including personal statements of people affected by the issue - humor and irony evidence-based arguments - making claims instead - stylistic devices - repetition - enumeration - metaphor - rhetorical question - antithesis/contrast -symbol personification - exaggeration. - alliteration - - irony - parallelism. comparison - understatement - allusion - climax of! intentionally using a word or phrase more than once the numbering and listing of ideas/things poetical comparison without like or as a question which is meant to be unanswered opposing words/phrases/structures/characters/views sth. concrete (object/character/event) standing for sth. abstract presenting ideas/objects/animals with human characteristics making sth. greater than in reality repetition of a sound at the beginning of neighboring words saying the opposite of what you mean repeating similar/identical words/phrases/constructions in neighboring lines/sentences comparing two things making sth. less important than in reality indirect reference to a famous event/person/piece of literature row of statements from the weakest to the strongest - positive/ negative connotations connection with the audience. - use of "1", "You" and "We" to create a personal relationship, feeling of togetherness - starting with a humorous remark to break the ice/ serious remark to underline the importance of the speech - addressing certain groups (e.g. fathers, children) and making references to their experiences - Emotive language to establish a good speaker-audience relationship - appearing truthful and authentic - leave some things unsaid that might be unpleasant - Evaluation (attention-seeking? Convincing?) Comment or Speech Script Comment - repeating given opinion/fact/quote expressing your own opinion (criticism/support) Giving argument/reason conclusion Speech script STRUCTURE Opening a phrase A statement, keywords or catchwords, rhetorical devices such as alliteration, antithesis or simile, a from the conclusion to circle the speech, a surprising image The body of the speech 1. Brainstorm your ideas 2. Research the topic 3. Concentrate on the most important ideas/ arguments 4. Support your arguments with facts, details, examples 5. Refute possible counter arguments 6. Refer to experiences 7. Organize the speech by putting the ideas/ arguments in a logical order 8. Use persuasive words and phrases 9. Use rhetorical devices Conclusion