









Global Economy
Activities that take place between or
within different countries.
Influences citizens mood & often dependent on
Global Economy
Activities that take place between or
within different countries.
Influences citizens mood & often dependent on

Global Economy Activities that take place between or within different countries. Influences citizens mood & often dependent on International trade. Free Trade trade policy Globalization does not restice import/export ▷ government does not interfere → Independency economically efficient, lower prices, no trade barrier Communication A better business opportunities through globalisation: → More Information, connection and employees from other countries → Bettes understanding of different cultures Protection/Opponents I want protection of that free industries not fair economic inequality rising gap between rich and poor small businesses suffer • workers in less developed countries exploited in sweatshops D I bad working conditions & payment, human rights aren't respected child labour, vo education, life in Slums Outsourcing P Maximizes big companies profits due to less labour ear as P More economically efficient and developing counteles have jobs Loss of Jobs in developed countries, inhuman working condition 3 Pollution / No Safety Standards Environmental challenges climate change: human-induced: farming, consunerish, transport, greenhouse gas effect warming of the earth's surface 4 Deforestation: Loss of nature and vegetation ► Destroying forests for increased demond of commercial goods 4 Loss of biodiversity = Destruction of specie's habitats Definition: English as a Lingua franca Network of trade expansion and speed up of exchanges. and movements all over the world. Affects everyone! Spreading all over the world, easy to Americanization (MC world) : >US shapes and influences the world. 4 Moss culture: companies, words, music, implemented by other countries = never feels foreign Dus as International relations and peacekeeping ►...

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United Nations (UN) peacekeeping organisation as the worlds biggest D Pros-/ and Cons of globalisation chances: 。 better cultural → the global peacekeeper Part of NATO learn, communicative awareness travel & exchange freely global "togetherness" →Allies from other nations through easy & unrestricted internet access PEasier access to products (Medicine...) ▷ secure jobs and economic stability ► helps developement by Fairtrade Challenges: • Westernization and Americazation: →Loss of other cultures • Personal data →Control, too much information • unsustainable lifestyle → Wosk, consumerion, health istres (Pollution) •Can cause disputes or even war • unfair → fustration less Secure in network distribution of wealth & bad working conditions modern world: 2005: the new Three eras of globalisation (Friedman) when who D areas of life 2016: the world has to work. DUN effects P international 1.0 1492-1800 countries and era (globalisation 30) is government esp. europe + America ▸ PETA discoveries 2.0 around 1800- Zooo →interrupted by great depression + wow I main element of questions were companies NATO (defence alliance) multinational companies trade borders expansion of global market leconomy politics /economy/transport (travel) individual lifestyles trade economy (travel) Gelecommunication Non-governmental organisations Greenpeace (environment) Globalisation and politics (animal rights protection) organisation of states: 3.0 since were open global competition (global integration) -move opportunities 1+ challenges for Started the individual 2000 individual people all over the world all together and has to appreciate all individual parts of it to make globalisation work wedding non- driven by many individuals who fight for thangelves to survive in the global competition. ▷ Amnesty International (human rights organisation) PWWF (protection of endangered species) • Charity organisations ► human rights watch ▷ Red Cross / crescent ▸ Medecins Sans frontières people D EU (European union) • OSLE (org. for security) Suborganisations (WHO/WTO) Commonwealth of Nations (loose connection in trading formar british coloni(3) diversity is increasing