









➤ refers to the growing global network of trade, travel, knowledge an influence
Historical periods of globalization

Globalization ➤ refers to the growing global network of trade, travel, knowledge an influence Historical periods of globalization exploration (until 1500) founding and forming of villages, cities and infrastructure Components of globalization environment culture/society economy population politics media technology Pros and Cons colonization (1500-1900) development of writing and printing technologies Industrial Revolution andvances in communications PRO Diffusion of new ideas, technology, products, services, lifestyles; gaining access New potential markets and customers; global market area; global trade Increase of communication future tasks and requirements Increasing coherence of politics in economy, society and employment due to international standards Global information network and exchange (global civil society); "global togetherness" Cooperation through partnerships Cultural awareness economic prosperity and work for developing countries major improvements in productivity, innovation, creativity spread of democracy; freedom and human rights travelling becomes easier intertnationalization (1900-present) int. trade and organizations technology and global media information revolution thinking locally and globally being future-oriented; sustainability, raise our awareness to our consumption improve health and safety standards in developing countries stewardship of natural resources redefine our self-interest CON social goals are being ignored, stand second to financial interests Rising competition; increasing dependencies; uncontrolled money flow Personal data is less secure; flood of information Control by multinationals; degradation of social standards; widening power imbalances trade barriers still exist, e.g. subsidies in agriculture of rich countries keep developing countries away from the world market erosion of national cultures, massive immigration, migration Growing inequality; "Westernization"; widening social gaps danger to the environment, massive pollution in third world countries (China, India); "outsourcing" of CO2 emissions; regional and ethnic tensions about natural resources e.g. clean water; biological diversity is destroyed erosion of democracy...

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and fair play through increasing power of multinational companies; corruption