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Globalization TE A presentation by Hira TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 DEFINITION 04 CULTURE 02 THREE ERAS 05 POLITIC 03 ECONOMY 06 WH-QUESTIONS "Globalization is incredibly efficient but also so far incredibly unjust.” - Pascal Lamy 01 DEFINITION WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION? Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations. THREE TYPES OF GLOBALIZATION J ECONOMIC Here, the focus is on the integration of international financial markets and the coordination of financial exchange i CULTURE This aspect of globalization focuses in a large part on the technological and societal factors that are causing cultures to converge. POLITIC This type covers the national policies that bring countries together politically, economically and culturally 02 THREE ERAS THE THREE ERAS OF GLOBALIZATION 1.0. 1492-1800 shrank the world from size large to size medium about countries and muscles world got connected questions about global competitions, opportunities and collaborations 3.0 started around 2000 shrank the world from size small to size tiny "global village" driven by more diverse groups of individuals (non-Western, non white groups) individuals collaborate and compete globally individuals have to find a place in the global competition / opportunities ● ● ● 2.0 1800-2000 interrupted by the Great Depression and the World Wars I and II shrank the world from size medium to size small multinational companies/global integration powered by falling transportation (steam engine, railroad) and telecommunication (telegraph, telephone) costs movement of goods and information "birth and maturation of a global economy" companies had to find a place in the global economy and take advantage of opportunities 03 ECONOMY THE PROS AND CONS ARE... Pros Increases economic growth Broadens access to goods and services Brings opportunities to poorer countries, companies bringing jobs, information and technology to...
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lower cost locations Lower prices because of global competition Low production companies->more profit Encourages free trade costs for ● Cons Exploitation of cheaper labor markets Sweatshops, child labor, bad working conditions Rich countries grow economically while poorer countries suffer at their expense No protection of labour, environmental or human rights Local businesses can't keep up with global players Economical dependency on other countries, increases potential global recessions Import and export, mass production and the burning of fossil fuels influences environment negatively Contributes to climate change 04 CULTURE THE PROS AND CONS ARE... Pros Opportunity of cultural enrichment Cultural awareness Exchange of cultural tradition due to migration, traveling and social media Cons Cultural homogeneity Mainstream individuality instead of Turn towards westernization, cultures of other countries fade away Dangerous or violent ideals can spread faster monoculture 05 POLITIC THE PROS AND CONS ARE... Pros Spread of democracy, accompanied by democratic norms and values and human rights Rise of multinational agreements to develop shared norms Cons Coordination is difficult and expensive Long process of decision making EXTRA PROS AND CONS Pros Cons Communication Easy spread of information and technology English as global language enables easier Communication between people of different countries Others Development of infrastructure Possibility to share resources equally Communication ● Loss of linguistic because of English as global language Spread of fake news, uncontrollable mass media Others Spread of disease Growing inequality Environment Deforestation Production waste Nature destroyed due to tourism 06 WH-? 1) WHAT? Globalization 4 WHEN? Since 1492 WH-QUESTIONS 2 WHERE? All around the world 5 WHO? Everybody is involved 3 HOW? Through politics, communication, companies etc THANK YOU