


Deine Hilfe für die Englisch mündliche Prüfung über Globalisation


Deine Hilfe für die Englisch mündliche Prüfung über Globalisation
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A comprehensive guide to Englisch mündliche Prüfung Globalisation, covering cartoon analysis, discussion techniques, and key global issues.

  • Detailed instructions for analyzing cartoons in oral exams
  • Essential phrases for engaging in discussions on global topics
  • Concise explanations of globalization, climate change, and related concepts
  • Insights into the fashion industry's global impact and food transportation issues



Effective Discussion Techniques for Oral Exams

This section outlines key phrases and strategies for engaging in Diskussion Englisch globalisation topics during oral exams.

Expressing Opinions

Use phrases like "In my opinion," "I am convinced that," or "If you ask me" to clearly state your views.

Agreeing and Disagreeing

Learn to agree or disagree politely:

  • For agreement: "I totally agree," "Precisely," "Exactly"
  • For disagreement: "I don't quite agree," "I'm not so sure," "It isn't as simple as that"

Example: "I agree with your point about globalization's economic benefits, but I'm not so sure about its environmental impact."

Making and Supporting Arguments

Enhance your discussion with:

  • Emphasis phrases: "I would like to stress that," "What I strongly believe is"
  • Balancing statements: "On the one hand... but on the other hand"
  • Suggestions: "What about...," "I would suggest that"

Structuring Your Discussion

Use phrases to organize your thoughts:

  • To begin: "I would like to start with," "To start with"
  • To add points: "I'd like to add that," "Another reason is"
  • To conclude: "Let's sum up our discussion," "The conclusion seems to be that"

Highlight: Practice using these phrases to make your discussion flow naturally and coherently.

Oral exam
1. Cartoon analysis
- The cartoon was drawn by... (often unknown) and it was published in... on...
- It shows/illustr

Cartoon Analysis for Oral Exams

This section provides a structured approach to analyzing cartoons in oral exam globalization contexts.


Begin by stating the cartoonist (if known) and publication details. Briefly describe the cartoon's main focus or critique.


Explain the cartoon's composition, including:

  • Overall structure (e.g., divided sections, pictorial and textual elements)
  • Positioning of elements (foreground, background, left, right)
  • Key visual focal points

Example: "In the foreground, you can see a large globe, while in the background, there are silhouettes of factory buildings."


Interpret the cartoon's symbolism and message:

  • Identify exaggerated or stressed elements
  • Explain the humor or criticism conveyed
  • Discuss any contrasts or parallels presented

Highlight: Pay attention to discrepancies between visual elements and text, as these often convey the cartoon's message.


Assess the cartoon's effectiveness:

  • Determine if it achieves its intended purpose
  • Offer your opinion on its success in presenting or criticizing the topic
  • Explain why you believe the cartoonist's approach is effective or not

Vocabulary: Karikatur Globalisierung - A cartoon depicting aspects of globalization, often used to critique or highlight global issues.

Oral exam
1. Cartoon analysis
- The cartoon was drawn by... (often unknown) and it was published in... on...
- It shows/illustr


Key Concepts in Globalization and Climate Change

This section explores essential topics related to Cartoon globalisation oral exam preparation.

Globalization Defined

Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness of countries worldwide, driven by:

  • Advanced transportation (air travel, containerized shipping)
  • International agreements and treaties
  • Technological advancements, especially the Internet
  • Business trends like outsourcing and international supply chains

Definition: Globalisation English refers to the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.

Climate Change and Global Warming

Climate change involves long-term shifts in global weather patterns, with global warming referring specifically to human-caused temperature increases.

Vocabulary: The greenhouse effect is a natural process where greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, warming the planet's surface.

Fashion Industry and Globalization

The global fashion industry often involves:

  • Poor working conditions in developing countries
  • Low wages and worker exploitation
  • Gender-based discrimination and abuse

Example: The 2013 Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh highlighted the dangerous conditions in global fashion supply chains.

Food Miles

Food miles measure the distance food travels from production to consumption, highlighting:

  • Increased greenhouse gas emissions from long-distance food transportation
  • The environmental impact of global food supply chains

Highlight: Understanding these concepts is crucial for analyzing Cartoon climate change and discussing global issues in oral exams.

Oral exam
1. Cartoon analysis
- The cartoon was drawn by... (often unknown) and it was published in... on...
- It shows/illustr


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Deine Hilfe für die Englisch mündliche Prüfung über Globalisation
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96 Follower


Deine Hilfe für die Englisch mündliche Prüfung über Globalisation

A comprehensive guide to Englisch mündliche Prüfung Globalisation, covering cartoon analysis, discussion techniques, and key global issues.

  • Detailed instructions for analyzing cartoons in oral exams
  • Essential phrases for engaging in discussions on global topics
  • Concise explanations of globalization, climate change, and related concepts
  • Insights into the fashion industry's global impact and food transportation issues



Effective Discussion Techniques for Oral Exams

This section outlines key phrases and strategies for engaging in Diskussion Englisch globalisation topics during oral exams.

Expressing Opinions

Use phrases like "In my opinion," "I am convinced that," or "If you ask me" to clearly state your views.

Agreeing and Disagreeing

Learn to agree or disagree politely:

  • For agreement: "I totally agree," "Precisely," "Exactly"
  • For disagreement: "I don't quite agree," "I'm not so sure," "It isn't as simple as that"

Example: "I agree with your point about globalization's economic benefits, but I'm not so sure about its environmental impact."

Making and Supporting Arguments

Enhance your discussion with:

  • Emphasis phrases: "I would like to stress that," "What I strongly believe is"
  • Balancing statements: "On the one hand... but on the other hand"
  • Suggestions: "What about...," "I would suggest that"

Structuring Your Discussion

Use phrases to organize your thoughts:

  • To begin: "I would like to start with," "To start with"
  • To add points: "I'd like to add that," "Another reason is"
  • To conclude: "Let's sum up our discussion," "The conclusion seems to be that"

Highlight: Practice using these phrases to make your discussion flow naturally and coherently.

Oral exam
1. Cartoon analysis
- The cartoon was drawn by... (often unknown) and it was published in... on...
- It shows/illustr

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Cartoon Analysis for Oral Exams

This section provides a structured approach to analyzing cartoons in oral exam globalization contexts.


Begin by stating the cartoonist (if known) and publication details. Briefly describe the cartoon's main focus or critique.


Explain the cartoon's composition, including:

  • Overall structure (e.g., divided sections, pictorial and textual elements)
  • Positioning of elements (foreground, background, left, right)
  • Key visual focal points

Example: "In the foreground, you can see a large globe, while in the background, there are silhouettes of factory buildings."


Interpret the cartoon's symbolism and message:

  • Identify exaggerated or stressed elements
  • Explain the humor or criticism conveyed
  • Discuss any contrasts or parallels presented

Highlight: Pay attention to discrepancies between visual elements and text, as these often convey the cartoon's message.


Assess the cartoon's effectiveness:

  • Determine if it achieves its intended purpose
  • Offer your opinion on its success in presenting or criticizing the topic
  • Explain why you believe the cartoonist's approach is effective or not

Vocabulary: Karikatur Globalisierung - A cartoon depicting aspects of globalization, often used to critique or highlight global issues.

Oral exam
1. Cartoon analysis
- The cartoon was drawn by... (often unknown) and it was published in... on...
- It shows/illustr

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Key Concepts in Globalization and Climate Change

This section explores essential topics related to Cartoon globalisation oral exam preparation.

Globalization Defined

Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness of countries worldwide, driven by:

  • Advanced transportation (air travel, containerized shipping)
  • International agreements and treaties
  • Technological advancements, especially the Internet
  • Business trends like outsourcing and international supply chains

Definition: Globalisation English refers to the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.

Climate Change and Global Warming

Climate change involves long-term shifts in global weather patterns, with global warming referring specifically to human-caused temperature increases.

Vocabulary: The greenhouse effect is a natural process where greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, warming the planet's surface.

Fashion Industry and Globalization

The global fashion industry often involves:

  • Poor working conditions in developing countries
  • Low wages and worker exploitation
  • Gender-based discrimination and abuse

Example: The 2013 Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh highlighted the dangerous conditions in global fashion supply chains.

Food Miles

Food miles measure the distance food travels from production to consumption, highlighting:

  • Increased greenhouse gas emissions from long-distance food transportation
  • The environmental impact of global food supply chains

Highlight: Understanding these concepts is crucial for analyzing Cartoon climate change and discussing global issues in oral exams.

Oral exam
1. Cartoon analysis
- The cartoon was drawn by... (often unknown) and it was published in... on...
- It shows/illustr

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