


Globalization Zusammenfassung







Process of the world becoming
unified on an economic
technological cultural level
Kea includeS
increasing mobility of p
▶ Steakly now or mon

Process of the world becoming unified on an economic technological cultural level Kea includeS increasing mobility of p ▶ Steakly now or money and geous between international markets and picauction sites ▷ giopal spirtakl of dea values rapid diSTFIBUTION of information inicugn media primary questions primary questions breaking down or stake barriers between nations Third era/Globalization 3.0 2000 is shrinking the world from size small to tiny ↳and flattening the playing field new found power for individuals to collaborate and compete globally ↳realized more power to go global as individuals more opportunities to work together ▷ where do I as an individual fit into the global competition and opportunities of the day? How can 1, on my own, collaborate with others globally? world is getting smaller →individual countries are more dependent on the gió bal economy GLOBALIZATION First era/Globalization 1.0 Basic Global trends ► Economic Globalization multinational companies uho sell throughout the globall market 1492~1800 shrank the world from size large to medium priorities efficiency, speed, was about countries and muscles, ↳ how much power flexibility, profits Technological globalization orapid advances in technology microelectronics revolution commuinc. cultural Globalization ->driving global integration where does my country fit into global competition spread of cultural and opportunities? phenomena ▷ How can I go global and collaborate with others through my country? ↳countries globalizing hope work prosperity peacefull boideriess increased business world or shared opportunities inicugn universal values international trade general economic spread of freedom, PIOS perity and democracy anuman ecological stability rights driven by more diverse groups of individuals sports,arts, fashion, Food, religion, music driven primarily by European and American individuals and businesses primary questions) western Countries & companies, expicrers issues of Globalization ► sweatshops...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

in developing countries ↳ child labour ▶ increasing dependence on foreign support ► fear of increasingly corrupt governments, negative cultural influences, manipulation through the mass media ► massive illegal immigration ▸ largely uncontrolled economic activity inequality, regional & ethnic tension westernication (enlargement of the gap between rich & poor) second era /Globalization 1.0 1800-2000 ▸shrank the world from size medium to small ▸ multinational companies (competition between ↳ global markets, idbors, industrial Revolution birth and maturation of a global economy ↳ enough movements of goods and information from continent to continent for there to be a global market breakthroughs in hardware Crailroads, telephones...) ▷ where does my company fit into the global economy? ▷ How does it take advantage of the opportunities? How can I go global and collaborate with others through my company? →companies gicbalizing rather than their entgcyers certale and you securi