


Gran Torino - Analysis of the movie poster







Analysis of the movie poster
Gran Torino
Stella Peter
The movie poster for the 2008 film "Gran Torino" looks seri
Analysis of the movie poster
Gran Torino
Stella Peter
The movie poster for the 2008 film "Gran Torino" looks seri
Analysis of the movie poster
Gran Torino
Stella Peter
The movie poster for the 2008 film "Gran Torino" looks seri

GRAN TORINO - MOVIE POSTER Analysis of the movie poster Gran Torino Stella Peter The movie poster for the 2008 film "Gran Torino" looks serious, dark and scary at first sight. Striking is the male person, which in his size occupies the entire length of the picture. His posture is upright and appears confident and determined. His muscular arms hang loosely down. His body is turned sideways to the left side but his head tilts forward to the viewer so that the viewer gets a good insight into his facial expressions. His facial features radiate seriousness and seem malicious. His head is also characterized by some wrinkles and little hair, which suggests an older man. He is dressed in a plain dark shirt and dark pants. On his left arm he wears a watch and further down a large gun can be seen in his left hand, which takes up the entire width of the picture. In the background, a Ford Torino can be seen in the lower half of the picture, which is also colored in dark shades like black and grey. On the right half of the poster there can be found the typography with the main actor "Clint Eastwood" in the top right corner. Right underneath there is the title "Gran Torino" colored in a...

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light brown or orange color and just below there is the cast and crew. Noticeable in the typography is the block font of the title in capital letters. It is placed over the left shoulder and upper arm of the man, so it is in the foreground. Additionally, the title catches the eye not only because of its size but also because of its color, as it stands out from the rest of the color scheme. This means that the eye-tracking (Blickführung) of the poster starts with the title. The viewer first knows what the movie is called. After that, the eye wanders to the upper right corner of the picture, where the name of the famous actor is written. The importance of the actor is thereby emphasized and arouses the interest of the viewer, since he possibly knows the actor. Only then an insight into the content of the film is given. The line of sight (Blickführung) now runs over the man's head and his entire body. Then from the left arm over his hand to the gun and finally to the Ford Torino in the background. After that the cast and crew become noticeable, as the font has been made so small, thin and illegible so that this block does not distract from the actual thing. Ultimately, a kind of cycle of the viewer's gaze is created. GRAN TORINO - MOVIE POSTER Stella Peter Looking at the color, it is noticeable that, as mentioned, only dark tones can be seen in the background as well as on the man or the car. A contrast to this is the colored title, the rest of the white font and the bright incidence of light, which hits the man half. The darkness radiates the seriousness and perhaps brutality that probably play a role in the film. Only the incidence of light breaks up the seriousness and brings some friendliness or hope into the picture. The posture of the man, which is directed towards the light, also gives hope for a possible happy ending. As if the man would run to the left into the light and would leave the dark behind him. Important motifs that are in focus probably also reveal parts of the content. Firstly, the watch on his left wrist, which could show that the film is about a dangerous situation with time pressure. The danger is also made clear by the gun in his hand. The car in the background also contributes important parts to the content, such as the man's trademark or getaway car. Overall, the analysis confirms the serious, dark and scary effect. Due to the seriousness of this poster, the film could be a drama or thriller. An action movie could also be possible, but there is too little movement on the poster for this genre. The poster brings order and structure through clear visuals and few motifs. It also wants to make the viewer curious about the film and already builds up tension. Compared to the film's synopsis, the poster could be interpreted in that the serious facial expression shows the stubborn and grim character of the main character Walt Kowalski. He used to fight for his country and worked hard in the automobile industry, which could be shown by the gun and the car on the poster. He is not a happy man after the death of his wife. Since the rest of his family isolates themselves from him, he is a loner. The fact that his neighborhood is now also inhabited mainly by all kinds of foreigners does not suit the avowed racist Walt at all. This changes when he saves two neighborhood kids from the assaults of a criminal gang and makes himself a hero. Also in this way, the gun can play a role in the poster. Guided by the new experiences, Walt finally begins to think about his life and tries to set some things straight again, which could be shown by the light he is walking into. The bright future which awaits him. GRAN TORINO - MOVIE POSTER Stella Peter