


Gran Torino







Gran Torino
1. Summary
Walt Kowalski lost his wife and now lives alone
He has a problematic relationship with his Family -> they want him to
Gran Torino
1. Summary
Walt Kowalski lost his wife and now lives alone
He has a problematic relationship with his Family -> they want him to
Gran Torino
1. Summary
Walt Kowalski lost his wife and now lives alone
He has a problematic relationship with his Family -> they want him to

Gran Torino 1. Summary Walt Kowalski lost his wife and now lives alone He has a problematic relationship with his Family -> they want him to go to retirement home ->doesn't have a good relationship with either of his two sons Lives in a neighbourhood that is dominated by Hmong -> like his neighbours Neighbours: Thao, Sue, their mom and grandmother -> Walt is acting very rude and racists against them One night Walt saves Thao from the Hmong gang -> other Hmongs see him as a hero (bringing gifts etc.) Thao tries to break in Walt's garage Another day he saves Sue -> from an African-American gang -> they start to get along well Walt is invited to BBQ by Sue -> learns Hmong traditions and understands them better -> likes them a bit W. is not in good health condition -> gets bad results by the doctor -> calls his son but doesn't tell him Thao has to make good for his actions with working for Walt -> sees potential in him & starts to like him Gets Thao a job in construction -> buys him tools Thao gets once again harassed by the Hmong gang -> Walt threatens them to stop Hmong gang shoots up Thao's house, raped and beat up Sue Walt...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

wants to make good -> gives Thao Gran Torino for date with Youa Walt wants to get revenge -> he locks Thao up to stop him to come with him -> W. goes to Hmong He gets shot -> Walt has no weapon with him just his lighter -> gang is sent to prison Family gets barely anything -> house goes to church and Thao gets the Gran Torino 2. Characters Thao -brother of Sue, boyfriend of Youa -shy, quiet, polite, introverted, hard- working -struggling to belong -problems of 2nd gen. immigrant -> lives between two worlds Kowalski family -sons: Mitch, Steve (+ kids and wives) -brings Walt into her family-> teaches him the traditions -raped by Hmong gang -> W. is deeply hurt -> he likes her like a daughter -disrespectful, ignorant -don't get along with Walt -only talk to W. when they need sth -no father and son relationship -16 years old -> no father figure (female household) -> very traditional -Walt turns into some kind of a father figure for him and Sue Sue Grandmother -strong and open-minded, independent, -representative of 1st extroverted, confident gen. immigrants -17 years old, traditional -adapted to western lifestyle & Hmong traditions -prejudices against American -doesn't speak English -lives strictly according to her traditions Walt Kowalski -racist, reserved, lonely, distant, stereotypically masculine -war veteran (Vietnam war) -violence -> mostly with guns -neighbourhood hero -Hmong and him have a bond -> not with his own family -tries to overcome his racist behaviour-> likes the Hmong -sacrifices himself for others -strong sense of protection for Sue and Thao -he finds peace in death Father Janovic -pastor of Walts wife -> she wanted him to take care of Walt -Walt rejects him -relationship develops -> goes to church and confession Dorothy -Walt's dead wife -religious -lived with him and their dog Daisy -> very important to Walt 3. Gangs Hmong gang -Smokie: cousin of Sue and Thao -they try to get Thao in their gang -aggressive, violent -> own dangerous guns -show dominance everywhere -shoot and kill Walt -raped and beat up Sue Latino gang -harass Thao -let him go when the Hmong gang comes -drive a tuned car -represent typical stereotype Thao struggles to live with his ethnic background Ethnic groups live in parallel worlds next to each other African-American gang -they harass Sue and her boyfriend Trey -Walt scares them away and brings Sue home 4. Motives and Symbols ➜ Racism Walt has a racist tendency until the end but overcomes his stereotypes -> influenced by his past as a soldier in vietnam war (calls Hmong 'Zipperheads' until the end) Ideal of white America Multicultural society -> different ethnicities in one neighbourhood Development in race relations -> better understanding of other cultures Seeing people as individuals instead of a prejudice Sue accepts and lives in two worlds ➜ (Gun) Violence Gun laws in America are not strict-> Walt owns more than one gun Gangs own as well guns: not normal pistols but big guns and riffles etc. Guns are used in order to solve problems -> gangs and Walt Rape of Sue, harassment of Thao, attack on the Lor family Verbal tension -> aggressive exchanges -live in ghetto-like neighbourhood -represent typical stereotype By sacrificing himself Walt breaks the circle of violence -> Thao and Sue are free and the gang is locked up in prison Violence leads to guilt instead of peace -> Walt is haunted by his guilt of killing people in Vietnam war One act of violence triggers the person to use violence as revenge -> circle of violence ->breaking the circle with not having a gun and confronting the gang with words -> they shoot him → Masculinity Walt: soldier, strong, independent, pro guns, owning machines and tools -> knowing how to use them Smoking cigarettes and drinking Being able to use violence in order to solve problems Polite to women Walt is very masculine Thao: searches for identity, introverted, female appearance -> does women work Thao's masculinity is questioned -> Walt tries to man him up -> development from a teenager to a young man Stereotypically masculine behaviour: rough talk, cars, protective instinct, brutality, aggression Thao: gains self-confidence, a feeling of belonging, an idea what to do with life ➜ Religion Dorothy's funeral -> Christian wife, respect to church Father Janovic-> tries to look after Walt, his wife wanted him to go to confession Walt rejects church and religion completely Talking about life and death -> Walt is haunted by his past in Vietnam war Walt goes to confession -> accepts father Janovic -> helps him to find peace Walt's sacrifice -> Salvation that Walt needed (he knew he would die anyway from his disease) →Guilt and Redemption Walt: guilt because of killing people in war -> never being able to open up to someone or create a bond with his family Guilt makes him lonely and isolated -> doesn't really have any friends Makes up for guilt: helps Thao to grow up and find a way to life his life better, helps him to create a sense of belonging, sacrifices himself in order to save other peoples life He could die in peace → Symbols Gun: Americas laws (not strict), tradition, masculinity, protection, violence Car (Gran Torino): America, masculinity, American dream, motor city (Detroit), wealth Silver star medal: war, violence, patriotism, racism Lawn: American dream, safe heaven, wealth, Walt's ability to work on his own Tools: working class, Thaos and Walts relationship Traditional clothing: Hmong culture Church: Christianity, Walt's wife, redemption, faith, believe, hope Lighter: experiences in the war, past, guilt Cross: Walt dies with his arms spread (like a cross) -> Salvation Life and death: movie begins and ends with a funeral -> connected with violence in the movie -> father Janovic often talks about life and death ➜Ambiguity of belonging 1. Walt -is a lonely old man without many friends -no bond with his family -lost the love of his life -> life made less sense for him -> feels like outsider in the world -> everything around him has changed -deep connection to his dog -> reminds him of his wife -new sense of belonging with Thao and Sue -> creating a bond like they are his children -conservative values -has more in common with Lor family than with his own -no connection to religion -guilt of war haunts him -gives Thao Gran Torino (and daisy) after death as a sign of their friendship ->Walt regains his sense of belonging through Sue, Thao and his sacrifice 2. Thao -belongs to his family (traditional) -> Hmong culture as well as American influence -doesn't have friends -> his family thinks he'll never be a real man -Walt becomes his father figure -> helps him to develop and grow up to a young man -reasons of not belonging: peer pressure from gang, culture clash, no father (female household), gender role -develops future plans and gains confidence: sense of belonging -appreciates the chance that Walt gave him 3. Sue -belongs to her family -> is traditional -belongs to the American society -> boyfriend Trey -is well-integrated -> she lives in both worlds