


Gran Torino Lernzettel Abi







Historical background: Gran Torino
The Korean War (1950-1953)
WWII: Communist nort, American - occupied south korea
-North crossed the borde
Historical background: Gran Torino
The Korean War (1950-1953)
WWII: Communist nort, American - occupied south korea
-North crossed the borde
Historical background: Gran Torino
The Korean War (1950-1953)
WWII: Communist nort, American - occupied south korea
-North crossed the borde
Historical background: Gran Torino
The Korean War (1950-1953)
WWII: Communist nort, American - occupied south korea
-North crossed the borde
Historical background: Gran Torino
The Korean War (1950-1953)
WWII: Communist nort, American - occupied south korea
-North crossed the borde

Historical background: Gran Torino The Korean War (1950-1953) WWII: Communist nort, American - occupied south korea -North crossed the border (support of Soviet Union) -US comes to aid south held off the North Koreans at Bosan -offically: US as peace-keeper / truth: action against communism • peace treaty in 1953 →walt fought in it →generalises Asians leven though the Hmong people fought alongside them in the "Secret War") The Hmong and the "Secret War" (1964-1973) -CIA recruited Hmong blocked supply line, rescued pilots,... they were killed, injured, disabled - Lao kingdom was overthrown by communists (1975) L> Hmong = targets of revenge and persecution many Hmong fled to Thailand and then the us (today about 210 000) · Hmong = Walt's neighbors Detroit - 1903 → Ford Motor Company → "Motor City" - industrial restructuring + loss of jobs → Loss in population - 2013 financial emergency, bankcruptcy investments in downtown problems (poverty, unemployment, access to resources) not solved - gentrification → more inequality and polarisation - people in suburbs work in the city and vice versa - investments in downtown (5%. of cities population) most Detroiters cannot afford to live there ↳ white people in downtown -private security forces, public transport vs. police taking hours GRAN TORINO Summary -walt lives alone in his house, his wife just died, conflict with his family ↳ they want him to go to a retirement home -...

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Next to him, Thao and his family move in they want to meet Walt, but he is rude -Thao tries to steal walt's Gran Torino, because he's pressured by the Asian gang - One night walt saves Thao from the Asian gang → seen as a neighborhood hero - After saving Sue from the Black gang they start to get along - Sue invites him to a family bbq, walt realizes he has a lot in common with them and Starts liking them -walt starts coughing blood and goes to the doctor where he gets a bad diagnosis for probably lung cancer - Thao begins to work for walt when they start to build a good relationship -walt helps Thao to find him a job he gets him one as a construction worker -walt Lets Thao take his car for his date - After the Asian gang harrasses Thao, walt threatens them to stop They shoot at Thao's house and rape Sue waet wants to take revenge, locks Thao in the basement to stop him from tagging along -> wants to do it alone - when walt goes to confront Thao's cousins they shoot him (walt gets his lighter = looks like he's grabbing a gun) - There are witnesses so the Asian gang gets locked in jail -Thao gets the Gran Torino in walt's last will Belonging Sue: ·belongs to her family & the Hmong culture walt: also part of the American Society (friends, school, Language) → feeling of belonging, well integrated Hmong culture & American way of life; Bridges the gap between two cultures lonely old man without connections (estranged from his family) → does not belong •begins to form a bond with Thao and Sue, gets a sense of belonging walt regains his sense of belonging (neighborhood, Church) after the death of his wife he is left alone in a world he can't longer identify with (can't share his old-school" values anymore Thao: •belongs to a large family, Hmong culture, American • doesn't have friends / girlfriendl plans for the future → no sense of belonging no male role model, does not fit in his traditional family •begins to see walt as a father figure -> sense of belonging peer pressure, does not really fit any culture gender role (percieved as femal rather than male from his family) walt Kowalski -lives in a single family house in Detroit - beginning: funeral of his wife -only white person in the neighborhood - he mocks linsults the Hmongs "Chinks, babarians, swamp rats" - tendency to solve problems with violence/guns - has prejudices against foreigners - in the beginning: racist, reserved, lonely, begins to overcome his racism as he gets to know Sue and Thao In the end: sacrifies himself to safe the lor family -doesn't get along with his own family Themes and motives: ►racism: walt is racist in the beginning Ideal of white America/Nationalism is questioned in the movie • racial slurs ·seeing people as individuals instead of prejudice (walt's racism:) -intolerance is fed by his past as a solidier in the Korean war -generalizes all Asian-looking people ► Violence, gun violence: · walt has at least two guns he does not hesitate to use (American self-image, self-defence) gangs: Shooting, crimes → enforce dominance •rape of Sue, harrassement of Thao, attack on house ► masculinity: Walt's conception → traditional -> soldier : disciplined, strong, independend, pro guns smoking and drinking habits →> machines / tools, Gran Torino → polite to woman, typical gender roles Thao's conception → still searching for his identity → female appearance, does "woman's work" →> his masculinity is questioned by everyone ->walt tries to man him up", developement from teenager to a young man What is the American Dream? -national ethos of the us patriotism → set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success as well as an upward social mobility for the family and children achieved through hard work -homeownership and education are often seen as paths to achieve the American Dream -the definition has changed through different generations walt's American Dream: · takes pride in his car (cheerishes the GT) • house perfect image of American suburbia •conservative values: patriotism, family, buying American, flags,... Thao's American Dream: -very vague, Thao doesn't belive in his future - begins to take over walt's dream - in the end, dream is fullified (car, job, prob. girlfriend) Sue's American Dream: -female protector, speaks up, confident and bold - her own plans remain unknown - mediator between cultures (neutral, patient, etc) Symbols: gun car (Gran Torino beer, cigarettes silver Star medal Lawn / white picket fence tools Church cross (walt's death) Life & death Americanism, tradition, masculinity, protection, violence - Americanism, wealth, masculinity, AD(Detroit) - mascunility, drinking away pain/guilt, loneliness - war, violence, patriotism, racism - American dream, "safe heaven", wealth working class, Thao's + Walt's relationship christianity, Walt's wife, redemption, faith - symbol of his salvation movie is framed by two funeraes, Hmong baby born Relationship of Thao & Walt Racist prejudices on both sides, don't talk to each other Thao's & Walt's relationship: -Sue invites walt for climer, realizes he likes them -Thao starts working for walt form a bond -> Failed initiation: -Thao tries to steal Walt's Gran Torino -> Gang fight, walt scares them away →neighborhood hero → Turning point: Walt observes Thav helping a woman →changes his perspective on Thao -saves Thao/sue from gang violence Walt's guilt & sacrifice: →sacrifies himself, so Thao & Sue can live a normal life → redemption expection of family + Walt to "man up" "men in the family go to jail" joins the gang [involvement in crime] "manning up" (handiwork, helping people) ↓ Thao's dilemma Character map: his dog (soft spot) "manning up" (solving conflicts is a reader, does not work at home/in the garden, helps other people family keep away from crime [→> threats by gangs] I Walt intervenes 'White Saviour' -discription of a white person rescuing /uplifting a black person -pattern in which third world people are passive recipients of whice benevo - "The White Man's Burden" (1889) by Ruyard Kipling cinematic trope in movies movies: Blind side, 12 Years a slave, Green Book novels: To Kill a Mocking Bird - white protagonist safes non-white person thats depicted at not being capable of saving themselves Walt with violence, no words) disrespectful feels disrespected by them priest Ashley especially by her "females in family go to college" calls them "chinks" shuts him down tries to help walt respectfully asks for help His neighbors Thao