


Great Monarchy UK







United Kingdom
Basic information
- Monarchy
- Prime Minister decides about a lot of things
-> officially appoints prime minister after their
United Kingdom
Basic information
- Monarchy
- Prime Minister decides about a lot of things
-> officially appoints prime minister after their
United Kingdom
Basic information
- Monarchy
- Prime Minister decides about a lot of things
-> officially appoints prime minister after their

United Kingdom Basic information - Monarchy - Prime Minister decides about a lot of things -> officially appoints prime minister after their election (Boris Johnson) The Queen Queen Elisabeth II the Queen has a representative role and is a symbol of the tradition of Great Britain - represents GB to the world head of the state opens/closes Parliament every year I can lead politic opinion Political system constitutional monarchy parliament has supreme authority in all political matters - parliament decides on new laws and discuss political issues Separation of Powers Legislatur: Parliament Judiciary: Courts; Laws Executive: Government; Department; Authorities -> common law: historic body of conventions -> statute law: parliamentary Privy Council Prime Minister Parliament Executive Legislative House of Commons House of Commons - 646 members -> elected by voters - legislative body of the UK Cabinet Judicative decides/appoints King / Queen * main business is making laws and checking work of the parliament elected for 5 years People Supreme Court Life Peers Lords Temporal House of Lords Parliament Queen - House of Lords -> - debate major issues - consists of two chambers: House of Commons, House of Lords Lords Spiritual *Due to constitutional convention, the monarch will only act on the advice of the Prime Minister. House of commons House of Lords discuss, examine or delay bills introduce bills people are not elected, they need to do something viral to get in power is limited Monarchy PRO · Queen stands for British national unity - - · Queen is an integral part of the national culture and heritage Queen represents British interests abroad · Queen is a non-partisan head of...

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state and does not get involved in politics -> Queen can give advice to the prime minister and take away the less necessary work from him, like representing political balance Queen and her family attract tourists, who contribute a lot of money Monarch brings stability to a country, in contrast to a president, who changes every few years national feeling of the people are stronger people can identify with the head of state -> royal family are role model the family is later in power and acts the same Royal family does a lot of good charity work Traditions should be kept and remind Britain's of there history Multiculturalism CONTRA Britons may feel superior, because of Royals the population has no voting rights People should be able to elect their head of state PRO - more peaceful and colourful society -> less segregation & racism - cultural exchange: Exchange of knowledge / cultural values they are subjects, not citizens Tourists would come to Britain anyway royal family is special because of their blood not because of their actions - No education is needed to become Queen, has all advantages without working for it A royal family supports the idea of inequality between families King and Queen are a hard lifetime job Royal family is expensive for the country (security...) -> costs a lot of money Queen and royal family are supported by taxes, which could be spent better outdated form of government does not fit into modern society Old-fashioned During the 20th century, immigration into Britain encouraged the development of diverse cultural experiences and understanding within society - Cultural integration brought music, literature, art, food and fashion from different parts of the world and it also impacted things like business and sport CONTRA "Britishness" might get lost when suddenly greater ethnic influence -> Britons could become a minority in their own foreign cultures suppress the country native one -> different music, art, food, fashion, traditions people can experienced and religions variety of cultures in one country => enrichment for society, broadens the horizon linguistic variety makes Great Britain a preferred location greater and skilled workforce = rising economy => creating an open-minded national identity and sense of belonging - Interaction with people from a variety of backgrounds makes people more open-minded and tolerant Multiculturalism can lead to more peaceful society -> people are more accepting of differences Brexit -> PRO autonomy, independency own asylum policy, protection from over- charging immigration - more freedom for trade deals with e.g. India & China - exploitation of the British benefits (social security system) -> open borders are a security - lack of identification with the EU / national pride because of the British empire - dominated by big countries at the expense of the smaller members A country's national identity and traditions I will be lost if they mix those of other cultures when cultures are very different, they cannot integrate, only exist side by side - many migrants do not want to integrate into British society - people from different cultures do not always share the same values as the rest of the society -> can lead to conflict and racial tension Members of minorities experience a social disadvantages -> exclusion, racism, prejudices - Language barrier: big problem -> complicate the integration no integration = radicalisation, Segregation suppression, depression CONTRA - threat to European trade ties - nearly half of Britain's exports go to the EU leaving free trade zone has negative effects -> Britain leaves the EU 23rd June 2016: 52% decided to leave -> country is divided deeply imported good being more expensive around 3 million jobs are linked to the EU -> increasing unemployment - beneficial for countries to work closely in today's globalized world -