


Gun control & Gun laws







* danger to society, patients in
mental health
* unlawful possesing, using controlled
* danger to society, patients in
mental health
* unlawful possesing, using controlled
* danger to society, patients in
mental health
* unlawful possesing, using controlled

RESTRICTED PEOPLE * danger to society, patients in mental health institutions, prisoners * unlawful possesing, using controlled Substances * issued restraining orders, renounced their citizenship FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNMENT? *no clear structure MINIMUM AGE * at least 18 years, but also 21 years GUN LAWS LEGAL SELLING GUNSHOH LOOPHOLE * not everyone has to be checked * Sell without regular buisiness activity * sell guns without checks and without breaking the lan * children under 18 can recieve guns from parents with permission BACKGROUND CHECK * check for prior convictions and other red flags gun control + Waffenkontrolle Llaws that restrict the sale and use of firearms. *California pass written test, enroll gun safety class * 21 years old * premises for conducting buisiness * fullfill same critieria EINLEITUNG * role of guns is the weirdest aspect of US society from the Germah point of view *for Americans it's a fundamental civil right * for others the increasing number of gun deaths matter * years of debates about gun control ÜBERLEITUNGEN * the cartoon relates to the current problem of using guns in the US * never ending debate, stricter gun ECKPUNKTE * guns are representing an Americans identity * deaths are party of daily life * duty to wear/own a gun THE AMERICAN PLAGUE DAILY GUN DE U.S. الي GUN OWNERSHIP * Owning a gun is not only a right, also a duty * it's a display of responsibility → protect family, own life and your property →irresponsible to not have a gun GUN CONTROL ORS SCHLUSS * Suggestion of gun laws →→less deaths * appeal to government to do Something against it →BEGRÜNDUNG CATAN NRA I'M...

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JUST STANDING MY GROUND!! WAS FREATEN GROAN FEARS * being conditioned by the media leads to an increasing need for protection and finding a scapegoat * violent movies: other countries have the same violent movies but not so many insidents *video games: violence SURVEYS * if the US could reduce gun deaths by one third, that would be 10.000 live saved annually *more Americans die in gun homicides and suicides in Six month than have died in the last 25 years in every terrorist attack and the wars in Afghanistan an irag combined * about 80 people die of a gun shot in the US every day, and most of them aren't even registered ✰✰✰ We don't sell these dangerous items: RESTRICTED PEOPLE * danger to society, patients in mental health institutions, prisoners * unlawful possesing, using controlled Substances * issued restraining orders, renounced their citizenship FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNMENT? *no clear structure MINIMUM AGE * at least 18 years, but also 21 years GUN LAWS LEGAL SELLING GUNSHOH LOOPHOLE * not everyone has to be checked * Sell without regular buisiness activity * sell guns without checks and without breaking the lan * children under 18 can recieve guns from parents with permission BACKGROUND CHECK * check for prior convictions and other red flags gun control + Waffenkontrolle Llaws that restrict the sale and use of firearms. *California pass written test, enroll gun safety class *21 years old * premises for conducting buisiness * fullfill same critieria