


Gun rights and gun control







Gun rights and gun
What are gun rights?
Where do gun rights exist?
Who has gun rights?
What are positive and negative aspects?
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Gun rights and gun
What are gun rights?
Where do gun rights exist?
Who has gun rights?
What are positive and negative aspects?
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Gun rights and gun
What are gun rights?
Where do gun rights exist?
Who has gun rights?
What are positive and negative aspects?
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Gun rights and gun
What are gun rights?
Where do gun rights exist?
Who has gun rights?
What are positive and negative aspects?
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Gun rights and gun
What are gun rights?
Where do gun rights exist?
Who has gun rights?
What are positive and negative aspects?
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Gun rights and gun
What are gun rights?
Where do gun rights exist?
Who has gun rights?
What are positive and negative aspects?
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Gun rights and gun
What are gun rights?
Where do gun rights exist?
Who has gun rights?
What are positive and negative aspects?
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Gun rights and gun
What are gun rights?
Where do gun rights exist?
Who has gun rights?
What are positive and negative aspects?
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Gun rights and gun control What are gun rights? Where do gun rights exist? Who has gun rights? What are positive and negative aspects? ● ● ● What are gun rights? The first piece of national gun control legislation was passed on June 26, 1934. The National Firearms Act (NFA) — the gun rights were rights which President Franklin Delano had put into effect. The right to keep and bear arms is a right for people to possess weapons for their own defense. It is also about manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms by civilians. The rights to have guns is only limited to owning certain fire guns. ● ● Who has gun rights? The Gun Control Act of 1968 (the latest), which regulates firearms at the federal level, requires that citizens and legal residents must be at least 18 years of age to purchase shotguns or rifles and ammunition. All other firearms f.e. handguns can only be sold to people who are 21 and older, also the person must be a citizen. The purchase of semi-automatic weapons is legal in most states, as are automatic weapons made before 1986. People with mental illnesses or a criminal record are not allowed to purchase guns, because they could be a danger for society. Where are americans allowed to use guns? People...

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are not allowed to carry heavy guns in public, but you are allowed to use your gun at your private property (home) • There may are differences from one state to another state. ● Positive aspects Self-defense you feel safe • Almost no black market for guns • There are not as many robbings as in countries where guns aren't allowed Most gun-related deaths in the US are from suicides, not homicides. ● Negative aspects • In almost every mass shooting is a legal purchased gun involved ● If everyone has a gun everyone is able to hurt or even kill someone, also by accident • Private-sale exemptions exist under US law that do not require a background check on the individual, which is why there also people who own guns who actually shouldn't own them • If there were no guns, the rate of accidental injuries or mass shootings would probably reduce https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dw.com/en/8-facts-about-gun- control-in-the-us/a-40816418 Sources https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m. wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_control&ved=2ahUKEwiO-OCAm-jrAhWQ- KOKHSAKBEYQFjAVegOIFxAQ&usg=AOvVaw3X8d7vSxwaXkfKvYhX hh5W https://vittana.org/10-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-gun-control Any questions?