


history of the British Empire







The beginning of the British Empire
it mainly grew due to competition for resources. and markets
L> the rivals were Spain, France, Portugal
The beginning of the British Empire
it mainly grew due to competition for resources. and markets
L> the rivals were Spain, France, Portugal

The beginning of the British Empire it mainly grew due to competition for resources. and markets L> the rivals were Spain, France, Portugal and Holland ·later England established trading companys in Russia, Turkey and South Asia a few years later some explorers were sent to the east cost of North America and they started colonies there •17th century: England fought wars with countrys like the France, Netherlands and Spain L> and they gained control of some parts in North America, Canada, Caribbean, Africa and India The slave trade Plantations in the American colonies needed labour ↳> and it was available in West Africa the process went like: Africans caught some slaves, sold them to European slave traders and got muskets, cloth and alcohol. • threw the slave trade, plantation owners made large profits but later the slaves started to rebel ↳> and it ended with slowery being abolished in 1833 The Second Empire threw out the War of American Independence (which was in 1783) much of the British Empire was lost •but in 1815 by defeading Napoleon, the country took over many French naval bases and areas of influence across the world • then, Britain became the first nation to utilize steam power L> because of this they gained a huge technological advantage, industrial Strength and maritime force •19th century: British Empire was a state of...

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change. L> slavery was soon to be abolished, movements sought to gain greater independence and there was a radical change in economic thinking • because of their expanding trade, Britain gained a lot of economic influence and power in different regions across the world From Empire to Commonwealth • after the first world war Britain took over territories in Africa and the Middle East -1931: Britain and the self-governing dominions formed the "Common- wealth of Nations" • but because of the enormous financial costs and Britain's losses. in the second world war ↳>Britain was no longer able to keep the Empire going Immigration to the UK after 1945 • 1948: because of the British Nationality Act <ا • people were allowed to live and work in the UK without needing a visa • 1962: the Commonwealth Immigrants Act was introduced it meants that citiziens whose passports had been issued were subjected to immigrant control • 1972: only people with work permits or whose with family members were born in the UK could gain entry The Commonwealth today it is an association of 54 states from all over the world it aim to consult and co-operate in the interests of their people • the commonwealth has limited power and influence ・its secretariat which is in London is the main organisation •the head is the British monarch there are also commonwealth games which take place every four years. Multiculturalism . in Britain are many various groups of immigrants which arrived with many different reasons just in London live citizens of over go countries from all over the world.