


How to analyse a political speech







When and where is the speech delivered?
→Who is the speaker? →→some informations
general them

HOW TO ANALYSE A POLITICAL SPEECH Introduction When and where is the speech delivered? →Who is the speaker? →→some informations general theme/topic? →purpose of the speech? →what kind of audience, who is the audience? Main body (quotation!) Structure: →Outline the structure of the speech • (introduction-main part- conclusion) →How he/she build up the arguments Language & Style → stylistic devices → rhetorical strategies →style of the speech Effect: -How do work all together? →message of the speech? -Intention of the speaker? Conclusion Sum up your conclusions →if necessary put the speech into a historical context (→ personal opinion) -although obwohl - whereas wohingegen - on the contrary = im Gegenteil -in contrast to im Gegensatz zu - in fact = tatsächlich Language support •In the following I want to analyse how () attemps to convince the audience in her/his (...) speech of the (...) by using different linguistic techniques meant to (.….) .The speaker gives the speech during (...) in the year (...) . The speaker adresses the topic of (...). -namely - nämlich - as a result = demzufolge - previous to = vorherig • In the first few lines the speaker informs the audience largues that puts forwards the idea of (..) •The author uses (...) to (...) .The speaker would like to show that (...) •The speaker warns of (...). • The author wants to draw the audiences attention to the fact that (...) The speaker makes clear that (...) Linking words -...

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In addition, furthermore, besides, moreover, on top of this außerdem •Throughout his/her speech (..) employs a number of stylistic devices to underline (..). uses here this (..) to show (...) • The (...) underline the importance of this passage •About halfway trough the speech s/he appeals to the audience by (..) • In general I have come to the conclusion that (..) -All in all the speaker convincly argues her/his case on behalf of (.) Stylistic devices - alliteration - allusion - anaphora - antithesis /contrast - connotation - direct adress - enumeration. - parallelism - repitition - rhetorical question - Simile - symbol = Alliteration = Hinweis auf etw. = Anapher = Antithese = Konnotation = direkte Ansprache = Aufzählung = Parallelismus = Wort-/Satzwah. für Aufmerksamkeit - rhetorische Frage = Vergleich = Symbol