


How to write a characterization







→ direct Characterization author tells the character's actual physical / mental traits,
characteristics, abilities
[thing "
→ direct Characterization author tells the character's actual physical / mental traits,
characteristics, abilities
[thing "
→ direct Characterization author tells the character's actual physical / mental traits,
characteristics, abilities
[thing "

Characterization → direct Characterization author tells the character's actual physical / mental traits, characteristics, abilities [thing " telling"] indirect Characterization author shows how character characters react to him b.S.T.E.A.L. - Method • S→ what character says. •T→ what character thinks •E what effect character has • A how the character acts. L→ what character looks like characters can be categorised by a variety of terms: speaks, thinks, acts or how other [think "showing"] 1) Flat or round → Flat: Character with just very few traits on others. → Round Character with lots of traits, we learn much more about him (f.e. hopes, thoughts... 2) Dynamic or static → Dynamic & Character changes over the course of the novel → Static 3) Major or minor characters. 4) Protagonist- → Main / most important character 5) Antagonist → bad guy / enemy of the protagonist 8 Character doesn't change over the course of the novel. Characterization 1) Introduction 2) Analysis of character 3) Conclusion 1) Introduction Characterization Who is being characterized ? In which book? • Which role does he has? (protagonist? Minor character ?) • First Thesis → How is he like? Before writing Read the text and highlight information about his.... ... Looks → Name, age, size, appearance, voice, choice of words, relationships, clothes personality → opinions, ideas, feelings, behavior · sozial characteristics → popularity, origin, home, friends, family, job, social position 2) Main part • How are his...

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looks? (clothes, hair, tall?, any special aspekts?) • How is his personality / behavior. (feelings, interests, habits, personal characteristics) • How is his behavior around others? How is their relationship? 3) Conclusion conclude the most important aspects of the agree / disagree with your thesis Language support. 1) Introduction : character XY is a minor character in the novel "xy" and is the teacher of religious studies for the Protagonist, Miles. In the following, xy will be characterized based on the excerpt at hand. Given the events in this excerpt, it can be assumed that he is a... which is in contrast to his... appearance. person Characterization 2) Main part: To start with ... It can be assumed... His behavior shows... Furthermore, you can say that.... It is also important to consider .... - to create the effect • The way he acts, you can assume.... - to increase the xy seems to be.... - to appeal to This character trait becomes apparent while reading the Language / Style · Formal / informal, colloquia I, vulgar, academic, clear, objective, vivid, .... ·complex / simple sentences Adjectives RIDICULED DISRESPECTED HUMILIATED ALIENATED REJECTED INADEQUATE INSIGNIFICANT SUBMISSIVE WORTHLESS INSECURE · a serious / friendly / humerous / Tronic / polite / rude / critical / optimistic /... tone •The style of the text is plain / condensed / vivid / artificial / pompous/... 3) Conclusion : Having taken all the aspects into consideration, it can be concluded. EMBARRASSED DEVASTATED INSECURE SHOCKED DISMAYED DISILLUSONED PERPLEXED ASTONISHED AWE EAGER ENERGETIC HURT THREATENED HATEFUL INFERIOR INADEQUATE WORRIED OVERWHELMED ANXIOUS FRIGHTENED SCARED TERRIFIED STARTLED CONFUSED AMAZED EXCITED FEAR SURPRISE LIBERATED ESTATIC AMUSED INQUISITIVE ANGER HAPPY JUDGMENTAL LOATHING DISAPPROVAL REVOLTED REVULSION DETESTABLE AWFUL AVERSION DISGUST DISAPPOINTED REPUGNANT AVOIDANCE HESITANT REMORESFUL GUILTY ABANDONED DESPAIR ASHAMED IGNORED VICTIMIZED POWERLESS DEPRESSED LONELY VULNERABLE BORED AGGRESS FRUSTRAT JOYFUL INTERESTED PROUD ACCEPTED SAD STANT CRITICAL POWERFUL PEACEFL INTIMATE OPTIMISTIC effect SUSPICIOUS SKEPTICAL SARCASTIC Lines ENSITIVE PLAYFUL OPEN INSPIRED Language INFERIOR EMPTY ABANDONED ISOLATED APATHETIC INDIFFERENT