


How to write a comment – “Comment on...” & Formulierungshilfen







E (Ra)
How to write a comment - "Comment on..."
In a comment you should absolutely make clear what is your opinion on a certain topic or sta
E (Ra)
How to write a comment - "Comment on..."
In a comment you should absolutely make clear what is your opinion on a certain topic or sta

E (Ra) How to write a comment - "Comment on..." In a comment you should absolutely make clear what is your opinion on a certain topic or statement. Therefore, you have to decide whether you agree or disagree with it. In your comment, you then try to convince the reader of your opinion by presenting different arguments and giving examples that support your arguments. Start with the weakest and end with the strongest argument. Stick to a clear and logical structure. Leave a blank line between the different parts. 0. Brainstorming Make sure that you refer to the given statement directly. It serves as the starting point of your thought process and you should sort of work your argumentation around it. What do you know about this topic? What have you learned in class? What do you know about it from your personal experience? 1. Introduction Write a clear introduction in which you mention the topic and explain what it means to you. Attract the reader's attention with the help of a recent event, a personal experience or a provocative question at the end that you will answer in the main part. The problem of... has met with a lot of attention lately, It is unbelievable that ... / How can it be that ...? There are many...

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reasons for / There is no doubt that / Do you believe that ..., too? The author/ XX claims that.... I strongly/ completely (dis)agree with him/her and... COMMENTS WOOOW 2. Transition Connect the introduction and the main part. In the following I will explain why ..../... I intend to present arguments in favor of/ against ... 3. Main part - several paragraphs a) Give different arguments for your opinion. Use one argument in one paragraph. Leave a blank line between every paragraph. The most important thing is that you explain why you think so! Give evidence (numbers, statistics, experts, ....)! Structure your thoughts clearly. First of all, I'm sure/convinced that... I'd like to stress / underline / emphasize that ... / I think it's quite clear that... It is a given fact that ... / It is undeniable that ... / It is obvious that ... What I strongly believe is that ... /I truly believe that ... Moreover, furthermore, on top of that, besides, another point is that, in addition b) You can also mention arguments against your opinion to show that you don't ignore them. But then you have to present a strong counterargument (Gegenargument) in the same paragraph. There are skeptics who say that... / I am fully aware that there are people who..., but... You may have heard of people who claim that..., but I... 4. Conclusion Refer back to the original statement / question from the introduction and repeat your opinion. In conclusion, I would like to say that ... / I think it has become obvious that ... At the end of the day, we ... / After having read and assessed the arguments carefully I am sure you agree that... 5. Final punch End your comment memorably. Use a provocative question or use a strong quote (Zitat) that underlines your opinion. You can also say what the future will bring in your opinion. Making a research on the internet, you will find lots of helpful pages with brilliant quotes. E (Ra) *Language Support The words below will help you to write a comment. You may add your own phrases. Tick the phrases you have used when writing a comment yourself. Language support How to write a comment - "Comment on..." Introduction • The problem of... has met with a lot of attention lately... • As far as I understand/can see... There are many reasons for ... There is no doubt that ... .... claims that .... I strongly disagree with him/her. ... claims that .... I fully agree with him/her and in this comment I will show why... Main part • In the following... I shall be concerned with .../I intend to present arguments in favour of ..., firstly,...secondly, ... another point, in addition, besides ...., furthermore..., on top of that • for example, for instance, such as, e.g. • to illustrate this idea, I would like to ... This idea can best be demonstrated by an example. . There are sceptics who say.../I am fully aware that there are people who ..., but .../ You may have heard of people who claim ..., but... . I find it hard to believe that ... ● Conclusion • In conclusion, I would like to say that... . I would like to conclude by saying that... After having read and assessed the arguments carefully I'm sure you will agree that ... The conclusion I draw is as follows: ... . I think it has become obvious that ... Language in general • Use connectives within the text (e.g. This means that ..., Thus..., As a consequence...) Avoid imprecise and overused adjectives/adverbs (not: good, bad, happy, sad, ...but: convincing-positive - helpful - harmful - negative -...) Vary your sentence structure (e.g. use participle constructions, subordinate clauses etc.)